1000字范文 > 低产林 low-yield forest英语短句 例句大全

低产林 low-yield forest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-17 13:33:05


低产林 low-yield forest英语短句 例句大全

低产林,low-yield forest

1)low-yield forest低产林

1.The effect of the evalution and transform oflow-yield forest in themountain areas of the South-east of Henan;豫南山区低产林的评价及改造效果

2.Reconstructive technology forlow-yield forest in Jianshi County of Hubei湖北建始县低产林改造技术

3.The Improvement test onlow-yield forest of Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel was carried out from Banshan natural village of Yuandangzhou village,Jukou township in Yanping district.对延平区巨口乡员垱洲半山自然村的毛竹低产林进行改造试验,结果表明:毛竹低产林实施带状垦复、施肥等改造措施,林分各项生长指标均得到提高,与对照毛竹林比较,改造林分高、胸径和竹产量3项指标均达0。


1.Improvement Technology for Low yield Timber Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata Lamb.杉木用材林低产林分改造技术及效益分析

2.Effectiveness Analysis of Chemical Herbicide Applied in Low-yield Phyllostachys pubescens Forests毛竹低产林应用化学除草剂效果分析

3.This paper introduces selection of low-yielding forest land, application of low-yielding forest reconstruction measurement in engineering design.本文详细介绍了低产林地块选择、低产林经营利用改造措施在工程设计中的应用。

4.Soil Type and Transformation Countermeasures of Low Yield Forest Stand in Shaoxing绍兴市低产林地的主要土壤类型及其改造对策

5.Extension and Application of Technology of Low-yield Shoot&Timber Moso Forest笋材两用毛竹低产林改造技术的推广应用

6.Study on Forest Stand Quality Improvement by Low Carbon Economy Development Model:A Case Study on Low Productivity Forest Stand Transformation in Simao District of Yunnan Province基于低碳经济的林分质量改造分析——以云南省思茅区中低产林改造项目为例

7.The Research on the Fertilization Biological Effect of Low-Yield Moso Bamboo in Longquan City of Zhejiang Province and Its Improvement Evaluation;浙江省龙泉市毛竹低产林施肥的生物效应研究和改造评价

8.Economical and Technological Analysis on Rational Developing Stripper Gas Wells of Changqing Oil Fields Company in Yulin Area;长庆榆林低产气井合理开发经济技术探讨

9.Analysis of low polarity components of fungi No.ZZF42 from the south China sea by gas chromatographymass spectrometry南海红树林真菌ZZF42低级性代谢产物的GC-MS分析

10.The Case Study on Modifying the Low Production and Profit Moso Bamboo Plantation Based on Participatory Technology Development in Longquan;基于农民参与技术发展的毛竹低产低效林改造实证研究

11.Promoting Low-frequency Mining to Accelerate Fast and Sustainable Development of Forestry Pine Resin Industry;大力推广低频采脂,促进松脂林化产业可持续发展

12.Evaluation of Effect on Increasing Import of Forest Products and Eco-environment Due to the Tariff Reduction;降低关税对我国林产品进口增长及其生态环境影响评估

13.Feature of Runoff and Sediment and Nutrient Losses in Some Forest (Bamboo)+Grass Compound Patterns in Western Hills of Sichuan Province;川西低山区几种林(竹)+草复合经营模式的产流产沙特征及养分流失研究

14.a good, bad, heavy, light, etc cropper高产的、 低产的、 产量高的、 产量低的...作物.

15.Linde CE-2 cryotool林德CE-2型低温器械

16."And a mist that rises, hovering soft, and the low moon slanting through the trees;"潭烟飞溶溶, 林月低向后。

17.The plane buzzed the wood.那架飞机低空掠过树林。

18.European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products欧洲林业和林产委员会


Low yield forest低产林

1.Main soil type of low yield forest stands in Shaoxing could be divided into 13 species and 11 families of 7 subtypes and 6 types.绍兴市低产林地的主要土壤类型有6个土类、7个亚类、11个土属和13个土种,其成因都与母岩种类有关,因地制宜选择适生树种是主要对

3)low yield低产林

1.13 ha oflow yield stands of Camellia oleifera were transformed by grafting clones at the Tongkou Forest Farm,Fujian Province.1986~1993年在闽侯桐口林场完成油茶低产林嫁接无性系改造面积30。

4)the low production and profit bamboo plantation低产低效林

5)low yield stand低产林分

6)mid-low output plantation中低产林


低产茶园改造低产茶园改造transformation of low-yield tea plantation蓄合(平.‘厂京四双适(transformationlow,yield tea Plantation)通过农业技术,改变低于当地平均单产鉴阅的庄亡一种树龄用改高产多次园建之造.个茶年改翻改土是)0厘在上与土茶园已等, 以水系好的。重,宜留蓄 可在光喷施芍草换种因常短得生繁的措施,又称茶园更新。通常可采用二种途径:是茶园基础较好,坡度在25“之内,土层深厚,在30年之内,缺丛断行少,可保留原有茶树,采园、改土、改树和科学化的栽培技术,使之变为优质茶园。另一种是茶园基础较差,茶树已经过改造,更新效果不佳,可挖去原有茶树,按新茶立标准,重新种植和培养,使成为高产优质茶园改造低产茶园的指标和措施:低产茶园经过云产t应持续上升,达到高产稳产优质的目标。一场在改造茶园中,应保持与提高其总产量,宜每造8一10%的茶园。改造茶园的措施如下:改造园地凡土层浅、质地差的园地,要浑土,客土培园,加深土层至60厘米以上。深翻改在茶行中挖深沟,沟深60厘米以上,沟宽50一l·米。深挖时尽t把表土、熟土覆进沟底,底土擂面;必须结合施用有机肥,加碑肥50千克左右,拌匀,施在离地面15厘米以下。客土培园是利用附近有机质含量较丰富的表土,冲积的沟泥、塘i一般每亩培客上巧一20吨。有的要调查园地布周修梯保土或改坡地为梯地,整修蓄水、排水和灌统。改造树体茶树地上部已经衰老,或结构不茶园,可通过更新或整形等修剪手段,改造树仍新培养树冠。对衰老茶树、矮小茶树、塌地茶劲用台xlJ更新。对未老先衰的茶树,可用深修剪戴的方式,使之养成理想的树冠。更新树冠前一年进行深翻改土,以切断部分衰老根,更新根系。照较弱、湿度较高的茶园中,苔醉危害严重,可0.3一0.5%敌菌丹液;对园地上的苔醉,可用l甘碑。改植换种在一些主要产茶国家,已将改相作为提高茶叶产量与品质的重要措施之一。茶极年采摘和修剪等原因,经济年龄要比生物学年以多。一般认为中叶种比大叶种的经济年龄长,实殖者又比营养繁殖者的经济年龄长。(王建{
