1000字范文 > 低产槟榔 Low-yielding arecanut英语短句 例句大全

低产槟榔 Low-yielding arecanut英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-01 19:35:52


低产槟榔 Low-yielding arecanut英语短句 例句大全

低产槟榔,Low-yielding arecanut

1)Low-yielding arecanut低产槟榔

1.Low-yielding arecanut trees were treated with different fertilizers to observe its leaf nutritive elements and yield.以低产槟榔为材料,研究了不同施肥处理对槟榔叶片营养和产量的影响。


1.Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Leaf Nutrition and Yield of Low-yielding Arecanut不同施肥处理对低产槟榔叶片营养和产量的影响

2.The Present Situation of the World Betelnut Processing Technology and Development Measures for Chinese Betelnut Industry;世界槟榔加工技术发展现状及我国槟榔产业化发展对策

3.Separation and Quantitative Determination of Arecoline and Arecaidine by Capillary Electrophoresis毛细管电泳法分析槟榔中槟榔碱和槟榔次碱

4."The Betel nut is the seed of the areca, or Betel, palm (Areca catechu), family Palmae; the Betel leaf is from the Betel pepper, or pan plant (Piper Betle), family Piperaceae."槟榔子是棕榈科槟榔树的种子;而槟榔叶是槟榔胡椒,或科蒟的叶。

5.A Study on Pest Control and Yield Increase of Areca by Root-zone Application of Carbofuran in Admixture with Fertilizers槟榔根区施呋喃丹药肥防虫增产的研究

6.Effects of different seeding dates on growth characteristics and yield of Colocasia esculenta不同播期对槟榔芋生长特性及产量的影响

7.You can tell the difference between a fresh and a stale betelnut.可以看出新鲜槟榔和过期槟榔的不同。

8.Study on Changes in Desiccation Tolerance and Cryopreservation of Archontophoenix Alexandrae Seeds during Their Development;假槟榔种子发育过程中脱水耐性的变化及超低温保存的研究

9.Advances of Research on Bioactivity Substances and Processing Food of Areca Fruit槟榔果中的生理活性物质及槟榔食品研究进展

10.Analysis of Resulted Cancer Matter Arecoline and Safrole in Edible Betelnut;食用槟榔内致癌物质槟榔碱和黄樟素的分析

11.Analysis on the routine nutritive components contents and arecoline of different areca nut不同槟榔果常规营养成分和槟榔碱含量分析

12.Study of the impact of pretreatment on arecoline extraction rate槟榔预处理方式对槟榔碱提取率的影响

13.Morphology of the Flower and Fruit and Seed of Capparis Masaikai Levl., an Indigenous Sweet-protein Producing Plant in China中国特有产甜蛋白植物——马槟榔花果及种子形态学

14.Arecoline Repressed Inflammation Factor Expression of Macrophages Stimulated by Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein and Its Mechanism槟榔碱抑制氧化型低密度脂蛋白诱导的小鼠巨噬细胞炎症因子表达及其机制

15.Content of arecoline, taste and mastication of edible areca catechu treated by microwave has not significant variation.微波处理对食用槟榔的槟榔碱含量、口味、咀嚼性没有明显影响。

16.Prenatal exposure to arecoline (areca nut alkaloid) and birth outcomes出生前暴露于槟榔碱(槟榔果中的生物碱)及其出生转归

17.The prevalence (9.4%) of CKD in betelnut users was significantly higher than that (5.2%) of participants without betelnut use (P = 0.003).慢性肾脏病之盛行率在槟榔使用者中显著地高于非槟榔使用者。

18.allemande sauce with capers.掺马槟榔的阿勒曼德沙司。


Betel Nut槟榔

1.Betel nut mold of the advantages of raw materials and the development of fungicide;槟榔原料优势霉菌分析及防霉剂的研制

2.Discriminating processed betel nut"s degree of stir-frying and quantizing empirical index based on color difference meter and electronic nose fingerprint analyzer基于色彩色差计和电子鼻的槟榔炒制火候判别及其指标量化研究


1.Clinical studies on the effect of Areca and Cucurbitae semina on Taeniasis bovis槟榔南瓜子佐用治疗牛肉绦虫病的临床研究

2.The investigation of chewingareca and suffering oral submucous fibrosis of medical staff医务人员嗜食槟榔和患口腔粘膜下纤维性变病的调查分析

4)areca nut槟榔

1.Effect of Areca nut on gastrointestinal of normal peptide and its function of improving the gastrointestinal motility;槟榔对胃肠激素的影响与其促胃肠运动的关系

2.Effect of Areca nut on gastrointestinal motility and neurotransmitters in rats槟榔对大鼠胃运动及神经递质的影响

3.Areca catechu, of whichareca nut is a fruit, is one of the palm species and contents several nutrients as well as many pharmacologically active compounds.槟榔是棕榈科植物槟榔的干燥成熟种子,含有多种人体所需的营养元素以及多种生理活性成分,是一种常用的中药。

5)Semen Arecae槟榔

1.Bioassay guided isolation for principles fromSemen Arecae possessing the anti-malaria synergistic effect with allylpyrocatechol;槟榔中与烯丙基焦儿茶酚具有协同抗疟疾作用化合物的生物活性导向分离(英文)

2.Effect of theSemen Arecae on animal gastrointestinal activity;槟榔水提液对胃肠运动的影响

3.Quality Analysis ofSemen Arecae in Markets;市售商品槟榔饮片质量分析

6)Areca catechu L槟榔

1.A Preliminary Study on Allelopathy ofAreca catechu L.and Hevea brasiliensis;槟榔、橡胶化感作用的初步研究

2.A comparative study of 3 main nutritions and fruit characteristics of common breeds ofAreca catechu L. in Hainan;海南槟榔常见品种果实性状及三大营养成分比较研究

3.Effects ofAreca catechu L.on gastrointestinal motility in animals;槟榔对动物胃肠运动的影响


