1000字范文 > 本体论证明 the proof of the ontology英语短句 例句大全

本体论证明 the proof of the ontology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-11 03:55:55


本体论证明 the proof of the ontology英语短句 例句大全

本体论证明,the proof of the ontology

1)the proof of the ontology本体论证明


1.Could the Matter Produce the Idea--A Query on the Proof of the Ontology of Traditional Materialism;物质能产生意识属性吗——对传统唯物主义本体论证明的质疑

2.Hegel s Mystery and Unscramble;黑格尔的秘密与解构——从黑格尔对本体论证明祛魅与神化谈起

3.The second "proof" of God"s existence is usually called the ontological argument.上帝存在的第二个“证明”通常称为本体存在论。

4.To Prove or to Rebut;证明还是反驳——对辩护人责任的本体论思考

5.Declaration I hereby declare that our Sports Club is a non-profit making organization.声明:兹证明本体育会为非牟利机构.

6.In the philosophy of Kant, an object, such as the soul, that cannot be known through perception, although its existence can be demonstrated.本体在康德哲学理论中的本体,如灵魂,尽管它的存在可被证明,却无法为知觉所知

7.By means of the theory elastic wave, this paper demonstrates direct field"s being offset under fluid-fluid matrix by secant integral in well.本文利用弹性波理论对流体——流体模型下直接场被井内流体割线积分抵消进行了证明。

8.This Treaty shall not apply to collective marks, certification marks and guarantee marks.本条约不适用于集体商标、证明商标和保证商标。

9.Research on Criterion System of the Criminal Litigation Proof;论完善我国的刑事诉讼证明标准体系

10.The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;辩证性——关联理论的翻译本体论阐释

11.I will try to justify this contention in parts III and IV of this study.我试图在本书第Ⅲ、Ⅳ部分证明这个论点。

12.Primary Discussion on Determination of Basic Attributes and Practical Function of Prima facie Beweis .;试论表见证明的基本属性与应用功能之界定

13.Several Methods of Proving Fundamental Theorem of Algebra by Using Theory of Complex Functions;复变函数理论证明代数学基本定理的几种方法

14.The Essence of the Law of the Burden of Proof Modification of "Disuse of Substantial Laws";证明责任规范的本质论——对"不适用规范说"的修正

15.The Heritage and Development of Confucian Theory on Body and Skill Accomplished by Yangming阳明对儒学本体功夫论的继承和发展

16.On the Sample Significances of DNMC Secretary Authenticated System;试论DNMC秘书认证体系的标本意义

17.Anti-dialectics: The Essence of Heidegger s Existence-Ontology;反辩证法:海德格尔存在本体论的实质

18.Involving or characterized by demonstration.论证的包含证明或以证明为特征的


The ontological argument本体论论证

3)Dialectic ontology辩证本体论


5)ontological dialectics本体论辩证法

6)nature demonstration本性证明

1.Through the analysis and introduction of three strategies in advertisement:“sensitive request”,“reasonable persuasion”and“nature demonstration”,this paper manages to arouse public attention to and thinking about advertising strategies.通过对广告传播的三种策略,即“感性诉求”、“理性说服”和“本性证明”的分析和介绍,意在唤起人们对广告策略的关注和思考。


起明1.发光;发亮。 2.启发使明了。
