1000字范文 > 三维本体论 the 3D ontology英语短句 例句大全

三维本体论 the 3D ontology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-20 09:38:40


三维本体论 the 3D ontology英语短句 例句大全

三维本体论,the 3D ontology

1)the 3D ontology三维本体论

2)ontological dimension本体论维度

1.We tend to re-examine Marx s concept of subjectivity from the dimension of epistemology under the influence of “the centralism of epistemology,” the leading tendency in modern Western philosophy and thus overlook theontological dimension of Marx s concept of subjectivity.在近代西方哲学的“认识论中心主义”主导倾向的影响下,人们习惯于从认识论维度出发去阐释马克思的主体性概念,从而忽略了马克思主体性概念的本体论维度。


1.According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis.其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。

2.Ontology of Emotion: A Dimension of Individual Existence in Aesthetics of Praxis;情本体——实践美学的个体生存论维度

3.Zhou Dun-yi:On the Ontological Entrance of the Classical Confucianism;周敦颐:儒学本体论思维向度的开启者

4.The New Angle to Reconstruct the Film Ontology;文化资本:一种重构电影本体理论的新维度

5.Four Dimensions of Research in The Capital;《资本论》研究的四个维度——阶段、过程、层面、主体

6.History of otology and mode of thinking is changed--Two improving in Marxist philosophy are linked degree;本体论和思维方式的历史转变——马克思主义哲学变革的两个维度

7.On the Children Literature Theory and Critique Lack in Its Ontology and Subject Building s Criterion;论儿童文学理论批评本体建构的乏力及学科建设维度

8.From "Dao-De" to "Self-Getting"--Subject"s Latitude formation,Expansion and Completion in Ontology of Chinese Philosophy从“道德”到“自得”——中国哲学本体论主体性维度的存在、展开与完成

9.Three Kinds of Dimensionalities and Their Contradiction in Kantian Doctrine of the Radical Evil康德论述根本恶的三重维度及其矛盾

10.On Three Dimensions to Carry out the"Human-Oriented"in the Journals of Universities and Colleges;论高校学报贯彻“以人为本”的三个维度

11.On the Primary Dimensions and Contemporary Significance of the Traditional Culture论传统文化的基本维度及其当代意义

12.A Review on the Research in the dimension of Entity Theory versus Incremental Theory of Implicit Personality Theories;内隐人格理论的实体论-渐变论维度研究述评

13.Exploration of Nature of Innovatory Thought;创新思维本质探讨——试论意识本质活动质、量、度对创新思维的作用

14.Double Dimension Orientation of Human in the Theory of Natural Value;自然价值论对人类主体的双维度定位

15.Untotal Constellation-Adorno s Dimension of Critical Theory;非总体的星丛——批判理论的阿多诺维度

16.On the Value Dimension of John DeweyIdeas of “ Democratic Community”;论杜威“民主共同体”思想的价值维度

17.Experiential Cognition of Early Confucians Approaching to Morality in Five Elements;论楚简《五行》成德进路的“体知”维度

18.Marx s Critiques:Metaphysics·Capital Logic and Totality·Social Critical Theory;形而上学批判·资本逻辑与总体性·社会批判理论——马克思哲学的三个批判维度


ontological dimension本体论维度

1.We tend to re-examine Marx s concept of subjectivity from the dimension of epistemology under the influence of “the centralism of epistemology,” the leading tendency in modern Western philosophy and thus overlook theontological dimension of Marx s concept of subjectivity.在近代西方哲学的“认识论中心主义”主导倾向的影响下,人们习惯于从认识论维度出发去阐释马克思的主体性概念,从而忽略了马克思主体性概念的本体论维度。

3)the thought of ontology本体论思维

1.In this article the author explores the development ofthe thought of ontology and especially he criticizes the dichotomous ontology in terms of its negative impact upon the environment.本文拟就西方哲学"本体论"思维发展历程之异同特别是就"主——客"二分的本体论思维对环境造成的负面影响的角度对其进行批判,同时以探寻为如何遏制其对生态伤害而寻找一种合适的哲学"本体论"思维。

4)Three-Beauty Theory"三美"本体论

1.Appreciation of Two English Versions of Dai Bie Li Qiu Chuang Feng Yu Xi by using "Three-Beauty Theory"用“三美”本体论评析《代别离·秋窗风雨夕》两种英译文

5)ontology thinking本体论思维方式

6)The existentially ontological dimension生存本体论维度


