1000字范文 > 史记正义 ShiJiZhengYi英语短句 例句大全

史记正义 ShiJiZhengYi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-06 17:40:06


史记正义 ShiJiZhengYi英语短句 例句大全



1.There are a lot of people that do the nots,the annotations on Shi Ji handed down from acient times to today only ShiJiJieJi by Pei Yin in Liu Song Dynasty of Nan Bei Dynasty Period,ShiJiSuoYin by Sima Zhen andShiJiZhengYi by Zhang Shoujie in Tang Dynasty,which are well-known for the three annotations on Shi Ji.自后汉到隋唐为《史记》作注的多达十几家,在诸多注本中最被世人推崇的是南朝宋裴骃的《史记集解》、唐司马贞的《史记索隐》和唐张守节的《史记正义》,世称《史记》“三家注”。

2)Records of "Zheng Yi of the Grand Historian of China"《史记正义》研究

3)biographies of official history正史传记

1.From unity to separation of literature and history —Discussion on classical Chinesebiographies of official history;从“文史不分”到“文史异辙”:略议中国古代正史传记


1.From unity to separation of literature and history -Discussion on classical Chinese biographies of official history;从“文史不分”到“文史异辙”:略议中国古代正史传记

2.Discussion on the Shortage of Biographies of OfficialHistory from the Idea of the Separation of Literature and History;从“文史异辙”看“正史”传记的缺憾

3.On the Quotations from Shi Ji in Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zheng Yi论《春秋左传正义》对《史记》的引证

4.Rectifying the Materials in Nalanxingde Biography The Censure to 《Nalanxingde Biography》;纳兰性德传记史料辨正——《纳兰性德全传》问难

5.Dawan Commentary Section of the Historical Records《史记 大宛列传》

6.Social Economy Commentary Section of the Historical Records《史记 货殖列传》

7.History be the essence of innumerable biographies .历史是无数传记的精华。

8.Historical Records and Biographical Prose in the Tang Dynasty试论唐代散传对《史记》传记文学传统的继承

9.Why Cannot the Later Biographies Surpass the Book of History?论后代传记文学无法超越《史记》的原因

10.Tian-people relation in Biographies in Shi Ji;《史记》人物传记中的“究天人之际”

11.A Commant on the Characteristics of Bilgraphical Literature of Histerical Rocerds fom the Porspectivo of The Chroeiclo of Xiang Yu;从《项羽本纪》看《史记》的传记文学特色

12.On the Narration Structure in Records of the Historian;《史记》人物传记叙事结构模式解析

13.Biographies in Historical Records:all historic or historical;论《史记》人物传记写作的几点失误

14.From the Biography of Huaiyin Feudal to See the Trick of Writing History of Shiji;从《淮阴侯列传》等看《史记》的写史手法

15.Detailed Study on "Grand Astrologer Said" in Historical Records·Biographies of Qu Yuan and Jia Yi《史记·屈原贾生列传》“太史公曰”发微

16.The Differences Between ′Jun Zi Says′ in The Zuo Commenter and ′Tai Shi Gong says′ in Records of Historian《左传》“君子曰”与《史记》“太史公曰”比异

17.I"m looking for the biography section.我正在寻找传记文学栏。?

18.Sima Qian s Exposition about the Wealth of the Plebeians──Notes Made While Reading Shi Ji: Biographies of Merchants;太史公论庶人之富——读《史记·货殖列传》札记


Records of "Zheng Yi of the Grand Historian of China"《史记正义》研究

3)biographies of official history正史传记

1.From unity to separation of literature and history —Discussion on classical Chinesebiographies of official history;从“文史不分”到“文史异辙”:略议中国古代正史传记

4)Historical Justice历史正义

5)On Some Standards of Shi Ji《史记》义例发微

6)historical revisionism历史修正主义


