1000字范文 > 热害 heat-harm英语短句 例句大全

热害 heat-harm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 15:00:56


热害 heat-harm英语短句 例句大全



1.Causes and countermeasures ofheat-harm in deep shafts in underground metal mines;金属矿山深井热害产生原因及其治理措施

2.With the increase of mine depth,the problem of hightemperatureheat-harm is becoming more and more serious.作为一种新型深井降温技术,冰冷却系统由于其具有无静水压力、运行成本低、制冷效率高等突出优点,将在深井热害控制领域有着良好的应用前景。


1.The deep thermal damage analysis in huainan mining area and research on resource utilization of geothermal water淮南矿区深部热害分析及热水资源化研究

2.The situation of heat hazard in mine in our country and the discussion of using geothermal energy我国矿井热害现状及井下地热利用探讨

3.The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Rice Heat Injury in Hubei Province;湖北省水稻高温热害发生规律的研究

4.Mine Heat Damage Investigation and Practice of Family Treatment Program矿井热害调查与系列治理方案的实践

5.Research on Heat Stress of Rice in China:Progress and Prospect中国水稻热害研究历史、进展与展望

6.Study on the system of utilizing aquifers to store cold energy in fathering deep mine heat-harm深部矿井热害治理地层储冷系统研究

7.I"m too frightened to fly in a hot-air balloon.我害怕乘坐热气球。

8.I"m frightened to fly a hot-air balloon.我害怕乘坐热汽球飞行。

parative Studies of the Harm Characteristic of Hot-dry Wind and High Temperature Heat Waves高温热浪与干热风的危害特征比较研究

10.heat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms.用加热食物的方法杀死有害细菌。

11.Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Disasters热带气旋灾害专题讨论会

12.The sun will not beat upon them, not any scorching heat.日头和炎热也不会伤害他们。

13.Excess of zeal ruins peach-trees and apricot-trees.过分的热可以损害桃花和杏花。

14.The preacher is disserveing the very religion in which he ardently believe.那传教士在损害他所热烈信奉的宗教。

15.They let her in at Genoa.他们在热那亚一味坑害她。

16.Environmentally Sound Socio-Economic Development in the Humid Tropics湿热带地区无害环境的社会经济发展

17.We love peace , but we are not afraid of war .我们热爱和平,但我们不害怕战争。

18.Study on Detoxification of Dioxins Contaminated Sediment by Pyrolysis;二噁英类污染底泥的热解无害化研究


heat hazard热害

1.The situation ofheat hazard in mine in our country and the discussion of using geothermal energy我国矿井热害现状及井下地热利用探讨

2.The situation ofheat hazard and causes of forming it are described and the cooling system of the typicalheat hazard coal mines,Panyi and Pansan coal mines,introduced.从淮南矿区的热害现状出发,简述了矿井的热害构成和主要原因。

3.This article analyzes the causes and harm ofheat hazard in mine and discusses the effective measures to protectheat hazard according to the actual conditions of mines.分析矿井热害产生的原因和危害,并探讨根据矿井自身的实际情况采取有效措施对热害进行防治。

3)heat harm热害

1.To mesure original rock temperature is the most basic work to preventheat harm.热害是严重威胁矿井安全生产的主要灾害之一,原始岩温的测定是矿井热害防治中最基础的工作。

2.The project is aimed at that China coal mines have been mining the deep coal layers and is threatened by high temperature andheat harm.本课题是针对我国矿井已进入深部开采,受高温热害严重威胁的现状而提出的。

4)thermal damage热害

1.The reasons ofthermal damage problems are multifaceted, except heat emission of compressed air and mechanical equipment, the effect of the deep elimination of heat from adjacent rock and the effect of oxidation in goaf are also very significant.随着能源需求的增长,煤矿开采深度不断增加,导致原岩温度日益升高,回采与掘进工作面的高温热害问题日益严重。

2.Therefore,thethermal damage of this mine is very serious.兖矿集团东滩煤矿现开采水平均在-660 m以下,矿井热害较为严重。

5)heat-harm treatment热害治理

6)heat harmful mine热害矿井

1.Research on distribution rule of temperature field inheat harmful mine;热害矿井巷道温度场分布规律研究

2.In order to solve the heat harmful problem by deep-seated exploitation, a mathematical model of temperature field of tunnel based on the theory of geology and the thermodynamics is built inheat harmful mine, and the numerical simulation analysis is studied.为解决深部开采带来的热害问题,基于地质学和热力学理论,建立了热害矿井巷道温度场的数学模型,并对其进行了数值模拟分析,初步研究了巷道内部温度场随埋深的变化规律。


热害农业气象灾害的一种。即过高的温度对作物生产造成的损害。中国南方的水稻、北方和长江中下游地区的棉花和华北北部地区的马铃薯等作物都有受害;日本、泰国、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦等国的水稻产区也常发生。过高的温度可使植物的叶绿素失去活性,光合作用暗反应受阻,光合效率降低,而呼吸作用却大大增强;同时,还可使细胞内蛋白质凝聚变性,细胞膜半透性丧失,植物的组织受到损伤。长江流域的早、中稻,华南的早稻和三造中稻在抽穗开花期(高温敏感期),若遇连续 3天最高气温达35℃,花粉管就停止伸长,花粉粒破裂,空壳率大大增加;灌浆期若出现35℃高温,则秕粒增加,千粒重下降,米粒变质。北方和长江中下游地区棉花花铃期间遇34~35℃高温时,花铃大量脱落。马铃薯在薯块形成期的平均温度达到22℃以上时即引起严重退化。防御热害的措施主要有:选用抗热性强的品种;发布作物高温敏感期和发育期的农用天气预报,据以调整播栽期,使作物在高温敏感期避开高温天气;加强栽培管理,采取以水调温等措施改善农田小气候等。
