1000字范文 > 热害防治 thermal damage prevention and cure英语短句 例句大全

热害防治 thermal damage prevention and cure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-29 20:50:52


热害防治 thermal damage prevention and cure英语短句 例句大全

热害防治,thermal damage prevention and cure

1)thermal damage prevention and cure热害防治

2)disaster prevention灾害防治

1.Self-organization characteristics of a cut slope and itsdisaster prevention;开挖边坡自组织特性及灾害防治对策研究

2.After studying thedisaster prevention history and current treatment situation in Gansu Province, we found problems, obtained the development trend of debris flows and landslides disaster and emphasized the possibility and necessity of prevention and treatment.经过对甘肃省灾害防治历史和治理现状的研究,提出存在问题,得到泥石流、滑坡灾害的发展趋势,强调防治的可能性和必要性。

3.Based on the risk rank,the advanced forecasting program was designed for the different parts with different ranks,and thedisaster prevention measures can be made with the predictable results.以湖北沪蓉西高速公路乌池坝隧道为工程背景,通过系统的补充地质调查和地质分析,探讨了隧道的岩溶发育规律,综合考虑岩组岩性、地质构造、地下水位和预计涌水量等因素,对隧道岩溶突水突泥的风险进行了分段评价,初步提出了岩溶隧道四级风险评价体系,在风险分级的基础上,对不同风险段超前地质预报方案进行了设计,并根据预报情况制定灾害防治措施,该研究对于高风险岩溶隧道的灾害防治具有一定的意义。


1.Study on Insurances System for the Prevention and Control of Geological Disaster in Three Gorges;三峡库区地质灾害防治保险制度研究

2.Study on the Optimum Decision of “PowerSystem Calamity Prevention and Cure Invest”;电力系统灾害防治投资最优决策探讨

3.Simple Talking about Measures for Prevention-Tackling of Geological Calamity of Highways in Liaodong Mountain Area浅谈辽东山区公路地质灾害防治措施

4.Discussion on the technique of gas disaster prevention in a mining area of Pingdingshan Coal Group平煤集团矿区瓦斯灾害防治技术探讨

5.Desert Locust Plague Prevention Programme防治沙漠蝗虫灾害方案

6.Study on Genetic Mechanism of Geohazards and Countermeasures for JiaYing County HongHe;红河甲寅地质灾害成灾机理与防治对策研究


8.International Conference on Locust and Grasshopper Infestation防治蝗虫和蚱蜢灾害国际会议

9.Erosion Disaster of East and West Sandy Coasts of Liaodong Bay and Its Prevention and Control辽东湾两侧砂质海岸侵蚀灾害与防治

10.Risk Assessment and Prevention Study of the Railway Debris Flow Disaster;铁路泥石流灾害风险评价与防治研究

11.Lability Zoning Study and Countermeasure of Geological Hazard;地质灾害易发性区划研究与防治对策

12.The Study of Geological Disaster System and Prevention Compartment in Heyang Country;合阳县地质灾害系统与防治区划研究

13.On Brief Discussion on Natural Calamities and Their Prevention and Cure in Loudi Before 1949;解放前湖南娄底的自然灾害及其防治

14.Geological Hazards and Their Countermeasures in the Land along the Guangdong Coast;广东沿海陆地地质灾害及其防治对策

15.The present situation of environmental geological disasters in Anhui province and the preventive measures;安徽省环境地质灾害现状及防治对策

16.The Research on the Regionalization and Prevention Countermeasures of the Geological Hazards in ChengCheng County澄城县地质灾害区划与防治对策研究

17.The mechanism and prevention technology of the inrush water disaster warning of karst tunnels岩溶隧道涌突水灾害预警与防治技术

18.On Properties and genesis of geological disasters and their prevention proposals in Jiangsu江苏地质灾害特征、成因及防治建议


disaster prevention灾害防治

1.Self-organization characteristics of a cut slope and itsdisaster prevention;开挖边坡自组织特性及灾害防治对策研究

2.After studying thedisaster prevention history and current treatment situation in Gansu Province, we found problems, obtained the development trend of debris flows and landslides disaster and emphasized the possibility and necessity of prevention and treatment.经过对甘肃省灾害防治历史和治理现状的研究,提出存在问题,得到泥石流、滑坡灾害的发展趋势,强调防治的可能性和必要性。

3.Based on the risk rank,the advanced forecasting program was designed for the different parts with different ranks,and thedisaster prevention measures can be made with the predictable results.以湖北沪蓉西高速公路乌池坝隧道为工程背景,通过系统的补充地质调查和地质分析,探讨了隧道的岩溶发育规律,综合考虑岩组岩性、地质构造、地下水位和预计涌水量等因素,对隧道岩溶突水突泥的风险进行了分段评价,初步提出了岩溶隧道四级风险评价体系,在风险分级的基础上,对不同风险段超前地质预报方案进行了设计,并根据预报情况制定灾害防治措施,该研究对于高风险岩溶隧道的灾害防治具有一定的意义。

3)hazard prevention灾害防治

1.The geologicalhazard prevention in the section of the Three Gorges Reservoir is the main battle field of the geologicalhazard prevention at present in China.三峡库区地质灾害防治已成为目前中国地质灾害防治的主战场。

4)disaster control灾害防治

1.The paper summarizes advances of GPS application on management and development of tourism,dynamic remote sensing monitoring to resource and environment,anddisaster control.从旅游管理和开发、资源与环境遥感动态监测、灾害防治3方面综述了GIS在资源与环境监测中的应用。

5)flood prevention and cure水害防治

1.Hydrogeology character andflood prevention and cure in Balitang Coal Mine;八里塘煤矿水文地质特征及水害防治

6)disaster prevention and control灾害防治


热害农业气象灾害的一种。即过高的温度对作物生产造成的损害。中国南方的水稻、北方和长江中下游地区的棉花和华北北部地区的马铃薯等作物都有受害;日本、泰国、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦等国的水稻产区也常发生。过高的温度可使植物的叶绿素失去活性,光合作用暗反应受阻,光合效率降低,而呼吸作用却大大增强;同时,还可使细胞内蛋白质凝聚变性,细胞膜半透性丧失,植物的组织受到损伤。长江流域的早、中稻,华南的早稻和三造中稻在抽穗开花期(高温敏感期),若遇连续 3天最高气温达35℃,花粉管就停止伸长,花粉粒破裂,空壳率大大增加;灌浆期若出现35℃高温,则秕粒增加,千粒重下降,米粒变质。北方和长江中下游地区棉花花铃期间遇34~35℃高温时,花铃大量脱落。马铃薯在薯块形成期的平均温度达到22℃以上时即引起严重退化。防御热害的措施主要有:选用抗热性强的品种;发布作物高温敏感期和发育期的农用天气预报,据以调整播栽期,使作物在高温敏感期避开高温天气;加强栽培管理,采取以水调温等措施改善农田小气候等。
