1000字范文 > 疾病编码 disease coding英语短句 例句大全

疾病编码 disease coding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 02:58:57


疾病编码 disease coding英语短句 例句大全

疾病编码,disease coding

1)disease coding疾病编码


work Enquiry System of Using ASP Coding Technology to Achieve International Disease (ICD10)用ASP技术实现国际疾病编码(ICD10)网络查询系统

2.Experience in ICD-10 Coding of the Easily Confused Disease Diagnosis易混淆的疾病诊断名称ICD-10编码体会

3.An Analysis on the Code of the Quality of Glomerular diseases with 1CD-10肾小球疾病ICD-10编码质量分析

4.Study of conversion from ICD codes of trauma diseases to AIS codes;创伤国际疾病分类编码向简明损伤定级编码转换研究

5.Prediction of Protein-coding Genes and Genetic Disease Relevant Genes;蛋白质编码基因及遗传疾病相关基因的预测

6.Converting rules from international classification of disease codes of trauma to abbreviated injury scale values创伤国际疾病分类编码向简明损伤定级分值转换规则的研究

7.Relationship between noncoding RNA and pathogenesis of major human diseases and its application in biomedicine非编码RNA与人类重大疾病的发生及其在生物医学领域内的应用

8.Garlic and Ginseng Extracts Potential Therapeutic Effects in Controlling Vascular Diseases, Effect of Noncoding RNAs on Cardiovascular Diseases;大蒜及人参提取物对心血管疾病抑制作用研究及非编码RNA与心血管疾病关系初探

9.Cure Disease and Abolish Disease range increased to 40 yards.治疗疾病和驱除疾病距离增加到40码。

10.Isolated and the Sequence Analysis of the N Genes of Human Metapneumovirus in Children with Wheezing in East Guangdong;粤东地区喘息性疾病患儿中人偏肺病毒的检出及其N蛋白编码基因的序列分析

11.Analyzing the Codon Usage Feature of Disease Genes and Predicting Disease-causative Genes;疾病基因密码子使用特征分析及致病基因预测

12.Analysis and Diagnosis-related Groups Based on Inpatient Records of Zhejiang Province;浙江省病案首页信息统计与DRGs编码

13.Biological role of hepatitis C virus proteins丙型肝炎病毒编码蛋白的生物学功能

14.Research on etiology of hepatic cirrhosis affecting its ICD-10 coding肝硬变的病因对ICD-10编码的影响研究

15.New Explanations to ICD-10 Coding Standard for HIV/AIDS Clinical Stages and Coding Principle for its Complications艾滋病各临床分期ICD-10编码标准及并发症编码准则新解

16.Preliminary Development of Questionnaire on the Suicidal Risk of Inpatient with Somatic Disease躯体疾病患者自杀危险因素调查表的初步编制

17.propositional coding theory命题编码说 命题编码说

18.an inveterate disease痼疾,宿疾,老毛病


Disease code疾病代码

3)IL-6 gene encoded by virus病毒编码IL-6



1.On Personality Vulnerability and Its Relationship withDisease;易感性人格及其与疾病关系研究

2.Study of Relationship between Medical Organ and Type ofDiseases by Correspondence Analysis;运用对应分析研究宁波市城区居民就诊单位与疾病种类的关系

3.Study on theDiseases Induced by Glycosylation Mutant Cells;糖基化突变体细胞引发疾病的研究进展


1.T-bet/GATA3 and diseases;T-bet/GATA3与疾病

2.Analysis of the 16 958 cases of hospitalized children s diseases.;住院儿童16958例疾病统计分析


代码生成代码生成code generationdaima Shengeheng代码生成(,de generation)把语法语义分析后的中间结果转换成等价的目标程序或目标程序模块的过程。中间结果是用三元式、四元式或逆波兰式等中间语言表示的程序。目标程序是用目标语言书写的。目标语言可以是机器语育、汇编语言乃至高级语育。随着计算机的编译环境和执行环境的不断完善,不仅能产生可直接执行的目标程序,也能生成可再定位的或可连接的目标程序模块,并最终通过连接装人程序构成可直接执行的目标程序。代码生成不但与编译有关,而且与运行环境有关。所生成的目标程序应当符合连接装人所要求的规范。代码生成中存储分配和寄存器分配是直接影响目标程序功效的重要且复杂的问题,应给予足够重视。
