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疾疫 disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-16 03:30:53


疾疫 disease英语短句 例句大全



1.In modern China, due to the rampancy of multifariousdiseases and the failure to meet the social demand in the professional medical education, the populace hygiene education has become an essential undertaking.由于近代中国疾疫猖狂为害 ,专业的医学教育又远不能满足社会的需要 ,使得开展民众卫生教育成为必要之举。


1.Analysis on Malarial Epidemic Situation in The Latter Part of The Eradication of Malaria in Wuzhou City梧州市消灭疟疾后期流动人口疟疾疫情分析

2.Epidemic Disease Summarization in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties (1980~);魏晋南北朝时期疾疫研究综述(1980~)

3.Risk Assessment of Malaria Epidemics at Severest Earthquake Areas of Sichuan Province四川省地震重灾区疟疾疫情风险评估

4.Malaria situation and evaluation on different malaria prevention and control measures in Yongcheng City永城市疟疾疫情分析及防治效果评价

5.Transdisease Vaccinology Programme多种疾病综合免疫方案

6.taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease.接种疫苗以避免感染疾

7.A pestilence or dire disease.痘疫或者可怕的疾病

8.Newcastle Vaccine新城疫疫苗(一种防治家禽疾病的疫苗)新城鸡瘟疫苗

9.Autoimmune disease: Any disease caused by an immune response (see immunity) against antigens in the tissues of one"s own Body.自体免疫疾病: 任何针对自己体内组织抗原而由免疫反应引起的疾

10.Improved vaccines for aftosa, malaria and other tropical animal diseases are also on the horizon.预防口蹄疫、疟疾和其它热带动物疾病的高效疫苗也已经出现。

11.Hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria, dysentery and even plague were the primary diseases that afflicted the Soviets.甲肝、伤寒、疟疾、痢疾甚至瘟疫是折磨苏军的主要疾

12.the act of protecting against disease by introducing a vaccine into the body to induce immunity.通过接种疫苗增加免疫力预防疾病的行为。

13.Immune Effects and Mechanisms of Transmission Blocking Vaccines in Malaria;疟疾传播阻断疫苗免疫效应机制的实验研究

14.Epidemic situation of important natural-focus diseases in Yunnan Province,1999-1999~云南省重要自然疫源性疾病疫情分析

15.Used to treat a number of diseases of unknown or autoimmune cause.用于一系列的不明或自体免疫疾病。

16.Foot-and-mouth disease is one of the animal diseases that farmers fear most.口蹄疫是农民最害怕的动物疾病之一。

17.relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection).与免疫性相关的(对疾病或传染病而言)。

18.An epidemic of such a disease.瘟疫流行这种疾病的流行


epidemic disease疾疫

1.The Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties is a high rate ofepidemic disease stage,so the research is quite seriously.魏晋南北朝时期是中国古代疾疫的高发阶段,一些学者们对这方面的研究颇为重视。

3)epidemic diseases疾疫

1.This article makes a list of theepidemic diseases taking place in the Western Han Dynasty, and summarizes the features of them.本文胪列出西汉时期的疾疫之灾,认为其特点为:在数量和频率上都不算太大,其危害程度也不为剧烈,常作为其他灾种的伴随物而出现,西汉政府对疾疫的救治并没有采取积极的治本的措施。

4)Malaria vaccine疟疾疫苗

1.Although the knowledge of the parasite s biological behaviors is indefinite, significant progress has been made in the development of malaria vaccine during the last 30 years.尽管疟原虫的生物学研究仍不甚明晰 ,疟疾疫苗的研究在最近的 30年中仍取得了明显的成果。

2.The major Merozoite Surface Protein 1(MSP1) of Plasmodium falciparum is an important candidate for malaria vaccine.恶性疟原虫裂殖子表面蛋白 1是当今疟疾疫苗主要的候选抗原。

3.While an effective malaria vaccine is not yet available, considerable insight has been gained in the complex, mu.因此,研制高效疟疾疫苗是控制和消灭疟疾的重要途径。

5)Malaria situation疟疾疫情

6)Bivalent Shigella vaccine痢疾疫苗


疾疫1.疫病。流行性的传染病。 2.发生疫病。
