1000字范文 > 损害幅度 industrial injury margin英语短句 例句大全

损害幅度 industrial injury margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-14 09:02:32


损害幅度 industrial injury margin英语短句 例句大全

损害幅度,industrial injury margin

1)industrial injury margin损害幅度

1.According to theory and practice of antidumping at home and abroad,are brought forward the simultaneous equations models ofindustrial injury margin assessment and studies in the variables\" selection,construction,parameter estimation,tests and results of simultaneous equations model were made.基于国内外反倾销理论和实践,提出了反倾销产业损害幅度确定的联立方程,并研究了方程的变量选取、建立、参数估计、检验和计算结果。


1.A Study on Determining of Injury Margin in EC Antidumping Law;欧共体反倾销法损害幅度确定问题研究

2.Research on the Index System for the Calculation of Industry Injury Extent in Anti-Dumping;反倾销中产业损害幅度测算指标体系的建构

3.Simultaneous Equations Model of Industrial Injury Margin Assessment in Antidumping反倾销中确定产业损害幅度的联立方程模型

4.The Industrial Injury Margin in Anti-Dumping and CADIC Extended Model Based on Counterfactual Analysis基于反事实分析的产业损害幅度计算方法及CADIC扩展模型

5.It is desirable that the price increases be less than the margin of dumping if such increases would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry.如提价幅度小于倾销幅度即足以消除对国内产业的损害,则该提价幅度是可取的。

6.It is desirable that the price increases be less than the amount of the subsidy if such increases would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry.如提价幅度小于补贴金额即足以消除对国内产业的损害,则该提价幅度是可取的。

7.The meteorological satellite system has brought increased accuracy to weather forecasting, substantially reducing economic losses due to natural calamities;卫星气象系统提高了天气预报的准确率,大幅度减少了由于自然灾害造成的经济损失;

8.Perfect the Legislation of Mental Injury Quantify the Quantity of Damage Compensation;完善精神损害立法 量化损害赔偿额度

9.Risk refers to the combination of the degree and probability of damage.风险指损害的发生概率与损害严重程度的结合。

10.The Relationship between the Cognitive Disorder in Schizophrenia and P300 Amplitude: A Initial Study;精神分裂症认知功能损害与P300波幅关系的初步研究

11.The Diagnosis of Functional Injury of the Brain by Using ECG Amplitude Histogram利用脑电的幅度直方图诊断脑功能损伤

12.Sprayed-on Self-Fusible Alloys Assure Much Longer Service Life of Expendable Parts大幅度提高易损件寿命的喷焊自熔性合金

13.In the first two months, the losses of loss-making enterprises dropped by 12 percent, 8.2 percentage points greater than the margin of decline in last year"s same period.1-2月份亏损企业亏损额同比下降12%,减亏幅度加大8.2个百分点。

14.Study on the Hedonic Damages for Personal Injury in American Tort Law美国人身伤害之诉中“享乐损害”制度研究

15.Thinking on the Legislation System of Indirect Victims Spirit Damages Compensation间接受害人精神损害赔偿制度的立法思考

16.On Perfecting the Criminal Victims" Compensation System论我国刑事被害人损害赔偿制度的完善

17.The amount of damages is governed by the seriousness of the injury suffer.损失赔偿金的金额取决于所遭损害的严重程度。

18.the amount of damages be govern by the seriousness of the injury suffer损失赔偿金的金额取决于所遭损害的严重程度


Industrial injury"s degree产业损害幅度

3)non-harm amplitude无害幅度

4)amplitude damping幅度损耗

1.Entropy property of V-type atom interacting with a cavity-field through Raman process system in anamplitude damping cavity;幅度损耗腔中V型原子与光场拉曼相互作用系统中的熵特性

5)loss scope损失幅度

6)damage degree损害程度

1.And the results show that thedamage degree of velocity sensitivity is weak in this reservoir,and itsdamage degree of water sen- sitivity is weak,and at the same time this reservoir is damaged owing to the low acid sensitivity and the middling weak a(?)kali sensitivity.结果表明,该油藏的速敏损害程度弱,水敏损害程度弱,同时具有弱至中等偏弱碱敏和弱酸敏效应。


