1000字范文 > 工伤 industrial injury英语短句 例句大全

工伤 industrial injury英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-04 06:42:59


工伤 industrial injury英语短句 例句大全

工伤,industrial injury

1)industrial injury工伤

1.Study on the recognization of theindustrial injury on the way between home and office;“上下班途中”的工伤认定探讨

2.Several problems about the legislation ofindustrial injury insurance;浅析我国工伤保险立法中的几个问题

3.Research on Judicial Review of Determining Industrial Injury;工伤认定案件的司法审查研究


1.With regard to Several Thinking Ideas on the Identification of the Industrial Injury and Industrial Injury Treatment;关于工伤认定及工伤待遇的几点思考

2.Occupational Injury An injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc.(no matter superficial, minor or major), which results from a work-related event.工伤工伤指在工作时引致受伤,例如割伤、骨折、扭伤及截断等(不论微、轻或严重)。

3.programme for the disabled and accident victims为伤残及工伤康复人士而设的课程

4.She was injured badly in an accident during the work.她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤。

5.Analysis on work-ability identification of 234 injured workers in Sihui city;四会市受伤害职工伤残鉴定234例分析

6.Clinical analysis of mental disability of 136 cases with injuries;136例工伤伤残案例的精神医学鉴定

7.disabling injury index造成缺勤的工伤指数

8.disabling injury frequency rate造成缺勤的工伤发生率

9.Research of Injury Insurance Prevention Mechanism in the "Three-in-One" Industrial Injury Insurance System;“三位一体”工伤保险体系下的工伤预防机制研究

parison of SCL-90 tests between the patients with work-related injuries and nonwork-related injuries before operations;工伤与非工伤患者术前SCL-90测试结果对比分析

11.An introduction to worker s injury insurance;工伤保险 第一讲工伤保险的意义与作用

12.On the Responsibility for Reporting of Industrial Accidentsand Arbitrating Disputes of Industrial Injury;工伤事故的报告责任和工伤争议的仲裁

13.On the Relationship between Civil Compensation and Work Injury Insurance in Accidental Work Injury论工伤事故中工伤保险与民事赔偿关系

14.The Relation of In industrial Injury Insurance And Ciuil Infringement In the compensation of Industial Accident工伤事故赔偿中工伤保险与民事侵权的关系

15.Answer: Inductrial injury is maintained is the premise byelaw that the worker enjoys treatment of inductrial injury insurance.答:工伤认定是职工享受工伤保险待遇的前提条例。

16."Course of Employment" and the Determination of Industrial Injury in the U.S;“工作过程”与美国工伤认定——兼评我国工伤认定的不足与完善

17.Many companies compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.如果工人受工伤,许多公司负责赔偿。

18.Avoid falling of work-pieces to hit objects or people while loosing jaw vice.松紧虎钳时,须防止工件跌落伤物、伤人。


work-related injury工伤

pensation forwork-related injury is one of the most pragmatic issues in accordance with the Law of Labor and the Law of Social Security.工伤赔偿是劳动法和社会保障法中最具实践性的问题之一。

2.The system ofwork-related injury insurance and legislation correlated with this is now beginning to take shape.工伤保险制度及其相关立法在我国已经初具规模 ,但还未臻完善 ,诸如工伤认定、工伤待遇、工伤赔偿责任、“过劳死”与工伤的关系等还存在许多问题 ,工伤保险现存制度设计中存在缺陷 ,应当进一步完善立法。

3.Work-related injury certification, the content of which directly influences the protection of workers right and the stable relation between employer and employee, is an important part ofwork-related injury insurance system.工伤认定制度是工伤保险法律制度中一个重要的组成部分,它的内容规定直接涉及到劳动者的权利保护以及劳资双方的关系稳定。

3)work injury工伤

1.The Regulation on Work Injury Insurance in PRC stipulates: those harmed in workplace and working time should be cognizedwork injury.《工伤保险条例》规定,在工作时间和工作场所内受到伤害的,应该认定为工伤。

2.Methods 80work injury patients of early heterotopic ossification after traumatic elbow joint injury were randomly divided into the experiment group(42 cases) and control group(38 cases).目的观察工伤患者肘关节创伤后异位骨化早期综合康复的疗效。

3.Method:170work injury patients who were willing to accept the survey in 12 hospitals of Hunan province received the questionnaires individually,in which 158 were available;General condition survey, PTSD symptom rating scale and Beck Depression Inventory were used in the survey.目的:分析湖南住院工伤病人创伤后应激障碍症状(PosttraumaticStress Disorder,PTSD)及其影响因素。

4)industrial accident工伤

pensation behaviors of patients with mental disorders caused byindustrial accident in coal miners;煤矿工人工伤所致精神障碍赔偿行为分析

2.The paper holds that,inindustrial accident cases caused by traffic accidents,accident compensation should be separated from compensation ofindustrial accident insurance.通过对现有法律规定的分析,交通事故引发工伤案件中,交通事故赔偿和工伤保险待遇赔偿应分开单独进行;单位除了要协助职工解决好工伤待遇赔偿的问题外,要承担处理职工工伤其他善后事宜的责任。

3.This thesis states the basic principle ofindustrial accident insurance, the mostly contents and the developing course of Chineseindustrial accident insurance; and it analyzes the deficiency of Chinese industrial acciden.4月27日国务院颁布了《工伤保险条例》,并于1月1日起付诸施行。

5)job injury工伤

1.The currentjob injury compensation for coal workers mainly includes the following three channels such asjob injury insurance,job injury civil reparation and commercial insurance compensation.建议采取完善工伤保险补偿制度、完善工伤事故民事赔偿制度、加快煤矿商业保险的推进力度、建立其它工伤补偿渠道、合理选择和组合各种补偿渠道等措施,建立一种法律法规清晰、责任主体明确、资金来源稳定的补偿机制。

2.With the gradually establishment of our countryjob injury insurance system, the legal system concerningjob injury iden(?)ification has also had the embryonic form.工伤是当代社会必须面临的重大社会问题,它关系到劳动者与用人单位的切身利益,也关系到小到一个家庭,大到整个社会的稳定与安宁。

6)work-related injuries职工工伤


