1000字范文 > 小语阅读教学 teaching primary Chinese reading英语短句 例句大全

小语阅读教学 teaching primary Chinese reading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 16:30:27


小语阅读教学 teaching primary Chinese reading英语短句 例句大全

小语阅读教学,teaching primary Chinese reading

1)teaching primary Chinese reading小语阅读教学

2)teaching Chinese reading lessons in primary school小学语文阅读教学

1.This paper deals with the necessity and characteristics of the aesthetical construction ofteaching Chinese reading lessons in primary school.审美在小学语文阅读教学中实质性的“缺席”已是一个不争的事实。


1.Filling the Blanks in the Teaching of Primary School Chinese Reading;小学语文阅读教学中“补白”的探讨

2.Chinese Reading Teaching in Primary Schools and Cultivation of Writing Skills;论小学语文阅读教学与学生写作能力的培养

3.How to Cultivate the Creative Thinking in Reading Course of Primary School;小学语文阅读教学中如何培养学生创造性思维

4.Stressing the Initial Reading Experience and Improving the Quality of the Dialogue in Classrooms--Taking Primary Chinese Reading Teaching as An Example;重视初始阅读体验 提升课堂对话质量——例谈小学语文阅读教学

5.Teaching Strategy Research of Primary Chinese Reading in the Satellite Receiver Environment;卫星收视环境下小学语文阅读教学策略研究

6.Practical Research on Criterion-referenced Assessment Development of Chinese Reading in Primary School;小学语文阅读教学绝对性评价开发的实践研究

7.A Brief Talk on the Cnltivation of an Initiative Spirit in the Reading Teaching of Chinese in Primary Schools;浅谈小学语文阅读教学中创新精神的培养

8.On Personality Reading of Chinese Reading Teaching in Middle School;论中学语文阅读教学中的个性化阅读

9.The After-school Reading Difference of Elementary Student and the Differentiatied Instruction of Elementary School Chinese Language;小学生课外阅读的差异与小学语文差异教学

10.Optimize Senior Chinese Reaching Teaching on the Basis of Reading Psychology;根据阅读心理优化高中语文阅读教学

11.Creative Reading and Practical Teaching;创造性阅读与语文阅读教学实践分析

12.Literary Ethics Criticism and Literature Reading Teaching in High School;文学伦理学批评与中学语文阅读教学

13.Secondary Language in the New Courses on the Teaching of Reading Novels;中学语文新课程中的小说阅读教学研究

14.The Teaching Research of Chinese Reading at Primary School under the New Curriculum Standard;新课标指导下小学语文阅读课的教学研究

15.Inquiry-based Reading in Reaching and Learning of Chinese Subject in Primary School;小学探究性语文阅读教学的研究与实践

16.Misunderstandings in the Teaching of Primary Chinese Personalized Reading and Countermeasures;小学语文个性化阅读教学的误区及对策

17.How to Improve Effectiveness of Chinese Reading Teaching in Elementary Schools浅谈如何提高小学语文阅读课教学的实效

18.A Study on Teacher s Follow-up Discourse Occurred in Chinese Reading Teaching of Middle School;中学语文阅读教学教师反馈话语研究


teaching Chinese reading lessons in primary school小学语文阅读教学

1.This paper deals with the necessity and characteristics of the aesthetical construction ofteaching Chinese reading lessons in primary school.审美在小学语文阅读教学中实质性的“缺席”已是一个不争的事实。

3)reading teaching in primary schools小学阅读教学

1.Constructing the new model ofreading teaching in primary schools should reflect the requirement of the new curriculum reform of basic education and necessities of the building of network surroundings.构建小学阅读教学新模式须反映新一轮基础教育课程改革的要求和网络环境建设的需要。

4)Teaching of English reading英语阅读教学

1.Cultivating autonomous learning consciousness in teaching of English reading;在英语阅读教学中培养学习者自主学习意识

2.This paper studies the affects of structuralism,constructivism and sociocognitivism on the development of computer-assisted language learning software,and discusses aims,modes and present problems of multimedia courseware-based teaching of English reading.论证了结构主义、认知主义和社会认知主义等外语教学理论对计算机辅助语言教学软件历史发展的影响,并探讨了多媒体课件辅助英语阅读教学的目的、模式及存在的问题。

3.This paper discusses the resent trends in the teaching of English reading, focusing on a"strategy-based"approach in reading teaching,and analyzing the teaching situation in reading teaching.通过对英语阅读教学现状的分析和对阅读与阅读教学的认识,提出要重视策略教学法在英语阅读教学中的运用,并就如何使用阅读策略教学法提出了自己的看法。

5)English Reading teaching英语阅读教学

1.A Study on Critical Thinking and English Reading Teaching;论批判性思维与英语阅读教学

2.Interactive model theory and English reading teaching相互作用模式理论与英语阅读教学

3.This paper talks about related problems with how to improve college English reading teaching.本文对如何进行大学英语阅读教学的相关问题加以论述。

6)teaching of Chinese reading语文阅读教学

1.Preparing for lessons together is a good way to lead theteaching of Chinese reading onto standard path and it gives teachers more chances to explain the text from the course character.集体备课能使语文阅读教学回归正轨,使教师更多从语文自身的性质出发诠释文本。


