1000字范文 > 小学语文游戏化教学 games teaching of primary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

小学语文游戏化教学 games teaching of primary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-20 08:09:22


小学语文游戏化教学 games teaching of primary Chinese英语短句 例句大全

小学语文游戏化教学,games teaching of primary Chinese

1)games teaching of primary Chinese小学语文游戏化教学

1.Thegames teaching of primary Chinese advocates that game spirit should be stuck to during classes of primary Chinese, in order to create free and easy, amusive and highly effective learning conditions.小学语文游戏化教学,倡导以游戏的精神贯穿小学语文课堂,为学生创造一个自由轻松、愉快而高效的学习环境。

2)playing in teaching游戏教学化

1.The realization routine of the amalgamation consists of two parts:playing in teaching and teaching in playing.游戏与教学整合的实现路径包括游戏教学化和教学游戏化。

3)teaching in playing教学游戏化

1.The realization routine of the amalgamation consists of two parts:playing in teaching andteaching in playing.游戏与教学整合的实现路径包括游戏教学化和教学游戏化。


1.Study of Teaching Methods in Game in Physical Education in Elementary School;小学体育课课堂教学游戏化实验研究

2.Perfect Integration of Games and Physical Education: On the Game-based Physical Education游戏与体育教学的完美融合——论游戏化体育教学

3.Research of Digital Instructional Game for Supporting Self-directed Learning;支持自主学习的数字化教学游戏研究

4.Study on Interaction Design of Web-based Instruction Based on Games-learning;基于游戏化学习的网络教学交互设计研究

5.the teacher in charge of games at a school.在学校负责游戏的教师。

6.Research of Digital Educational Game Concept Models and Programming Technology;数字化教学游戏的概念、模型与开发技术研究

7.On the Relation between Sport and Game--a probe into game teaching method;浅谈游戏与体育的关系——游戏教学法初探

8.Integrable Ware-style Flash Game:The Entrance Point of Edutainment to Elementary&High school;积件式Flash游戏:中小学教育游戏应用的切入点

9.Experiments with Teaching Management Courses through Games;在管理学科教学中游戏教学方式尝试

10.Another Form of the Multimedia Teaching:Game-application Teaching;游戏教学——多媒体教学的另一种尝试

11.Language Games in Western Philosophy and Its Influence on Teaching;西方哲学的“语言游戏”及对教学的意义

12.Game Training in Organizational Behavior Education;“组织行为学”教学中的游戏训练研究

13.Using Game Mode to Train Innovative Ability in Physical Education Teaching;基于体育教学游戏培养学生创新能力

14.Information Technology Teaching in Game Times“游戏”时代的自主学习型教学模式

15.The Research about Topical Instruction Through Game for Kindergartens on the Basis of Media Environment;多媒体技术环境下幼儿园游戏化主题教学活动研究

16.Experimental Research on Plays and Combining Techniquesin Universities Basketball Teaching;对高校篮球课教学采用专项化活动性游戏和组合技术的实验研究

17.An Experimental Study on Special Active Games of General Basketball Course;采用专项化活动性游戏进行篮球教学的实验研究

18.An Analysis of an E-game Design Based on Understanding Theory--An Enlightenment from American Donating-blood Game for Our Country"s Teaching Game基于“理解”的教学游戏案例设计分析——美国献血游戏对我国教学游戏制作的启示


playing in teaching游戏教学化

1.The realization routine of the amalgamation consists of two parts:playing in teaching and teaching in playing.游戏与教学整合的实现路径包括游戏教学化和教学游戏化。

3)teaching in playing教学游戏化

1.The realization routine of the amalgamation consists of two parts:playing in teaching andteaching in playing.游戏与教学整合的实现路径包括游戏教学化和教学游戏化。

4)English teaching games英语教学游戏

1.It can arose students′ interest in studying English,reliven the atmosphere of the class for English teachers to applyEnglish teaching games in English teaching.英语教学游戏在课堂教学中的合理运用,能够激发学生的英语学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。

5)English game teaching英语游戏教学

6)Instructional Game教学游戏

1.Interaction and immersion——Thinking on the trend ofInstructional Games design from the Relationship between Game and Narrative;互动与沉浸——从游戏和叙事的关系反思教学游戏设计的走向

2.Study and Design of RPGInstructional Game Based on JAVA;基于JAVA的RPG教学游戏研究与设计


