1000字范文 > 高边坡开挖 excavation of high side slope英语短句 例句大全

高边坡开挖 excavation of high side slope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-17 21:41:08


高边坡开挖 excavation of high side slope英语短句 例句大全

高边坡开挖,excavation of high side slope

1)excavation of high side slope高边坡开挖

1.Application of fan shaped round blasting technque inexcavation of high side slope;扇形孔爆破技术在高边坡开挖施工中的应用


1.ANSYS Simulation of the Rock High-Slope Excavation and Consolidation;岩质高边坡开挖与加固的ANSYS模拟

2.Researching on the Disturbed Zone for Cutting Bedding High Rock Slope & Calculation Method of Micro-pile;顺层高边坡开挖松动区研究及微型桩加固边坡的内力计算

3.Study of Construction Deformation Mechanism and Conrolling Methods for High Cutting Slope Projects;路堑高边坡开挖变形理论及控制措施研究

4.Analysis on Relaxation Zone and Some Stabilizing Structures in High Rock Slope Projects;岩石高边坡开挖松驰区及加固支挡结构研究

5.Excavation Displacement Analysis by Distinct Element Method in Three Gorges Project;三峡永久船闸高边坡开挖变形的离散元法分析

6.Study on Blasting Technology of Laxiwa Hydro-Power Station High Slope Excavation;拉西瓦水电站高边坡开挖爆破技术研究

7.The Compound Method for the Excavation Optimization and Stability Analysis of High Rock Slope岩质高边坡开挖优化及稳定性分析的复合方法

8.Research on unloading relaxation criterion of high rocky slope excavation and its engineering application岩石高边坡开挖卸荷松弛准则研究与工程应用

9.Construction Technique of Excavating and Supporting Applied to High Side Slope in Dongqing Hydropower Station董箐水电站高边坡开挖与支护施工技术

10.Geology-Mechanics Responses and Evaluation of Large-Scale High Rock Slope Excavation;大型岩石高边坡开挖的地质—力学响应及其评价预测

11.Analysis on Construction Difficulties of High Slope Excavation at Intake of Underground Powerhouse at Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station向家坝电站地下厂房进水口高边坡开挖施工难点剖析

12.Excavation and support techniques for high slope at entrance of diversion tunnel of Pankou Hydropower Station潘口水电站导流洞进口高边坡开挖与支护施工技术

13.Analysis of the excavation disturbance effect of high cut slope on completely weathered slate under different moisture content不同含水率下全风化板岩路堑高边坡开挖的扰动效应分析

14.Study on high excavated rock slope at TGP shiplocks三峡船闸高陡岩石开挖边坡设计研究

15.The Excavation Blasting Technique of Particularly High and Steep Slope and the Influence on It s Stability;特高陡边坡开挖爆破技术及其对边坡稳定性的影响

16.Excavation and Anchoring Reinforcement of Rock Slope Along Mian-Ning Freeway;勉—宁高速公路岩质边坡开挖与锚固支护分析

17.The Stability Analysis for the Dig of High Steep Slope and Engineering Database Research;高陡边坡开挖稳定性分析及技术建档研究

18.Stability Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Excavation and Supporting of High Cut Slope路堑高边坡的稳定性分析与开挖支护数值模拟


Slope excavation边坡开挖

1.Researches on slope excavation testing of improved smooth blasting;改进光面爆破边坡开挖试验研究

2.Finite element analysis of dynamic response on blasting vibration in slope excavation of a hydroelectric power station;某水电站边坡开挖爆破震动动力响应有限元分析

3.Control blast technology for slope excavation works above EL. 300m on left bank of Xiangjiaba hydropower project向家坝水电站左岸300m高程以上边坡开挖工程施工控制爆破技术

3)excavated slope开挖边坡

1.Research on stability ofexcavated slopes;公路开挖边坡的稳定性分析方法研究

2.Study on Progressive Failure of the Excavated Slope and the Pre-reinforced Measurement with Pile and Anchor;开挖边坡的渐进性破坏分析及桩锚预加固措施研究

3.The article takes the greening engineering onexcavated slope of the road leading to Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station as example,and discusses the soil and water conservation and ecological restoration technology on theexcavated slope of the development and construction project.对此,以惠州抽水蓄能电站进场公路开挖边坡绿化工程为例,探讨开发建设项目中开挖边坡的水土保持及生态修复技术。

4)cutting slope开挖边坡

1.Approximate analysis of relaxation zone for somecutting slopes by elastic wedge body theory;开挖边坡松动区的近似解析

2.By the monitoring system set at top of an expansive soilcutting slope,the lateral displacement in inner of slope,the relative distortion and the relative elevation on surface of slope were observed for one year.通过在某膨胀土开挖边坡坡顶设置的观测系统,对坡体内部的侧向位移和坡表标点的相对高程、相对变形进行了近1年的跟踪观测,完整地观察到了在年度季节性干湿循环作用下,边坡变形发展的3个阶段,分析了气候干湿循环作用对膨胀土开挖边坡变形特性的影响,观测到了2个优势变形部位,深度分别在3 m和6 m附近,由此推测出2个潜在滑动面分别位于灰白色膨胀土层和强弱风化界面,且该地区膨胀土开挖边坡的滑塌主要是顺层、顺坡滑动,这与滑坡地质调查的结果是一致的。

5)excavation slope开挖边坡

1.Stability analysis of embankment andexcavation slope;填筑和开挖边坡的稳定性分析

2.Matrix suction and saturation in situ in anexcavation slope at any highway in Hubei province were measured with thermal conductivity sensors and moisture probes for period of time in order to studey the effects of matrix suction and saturation onexcavation slopes in unsaturated expansive soil area and their varying rules.为了研究非饱和膨胀土开挖边坡中吸力变化对边坡的影响及边坡体不同部位饱和度的变化规律,在湖北某高速公路的开挖边坡上埋设热传导探头和含水率探头进行观测。

3.An elasto plastic shear strength reduction FEM is used to analyze the stability ofexcavation slope.用强度折减有限元方法对开挖边坡的稳定性进行了较为全面的研究。

6)ANSYS slope excavationANSYS边坡开挖


大型岩石基坑开挖大型岩石基坑开挖excavation of big foundation pit in rockdax旧9 yanshi Jikeng kaiwa大型岩石荃坑开挖(exeavation of big foun-dation pit in roek)在岩石地基中开挖面积大和(或)深度大的基坑。大型岩石荃坑开挖,一般包括岩石破碎和石方挖运。随着凿岩机械、爆破器材、爆破技术和挖运机械的发展,施工技术的不断进步,大型岩石基坑开挖施工的机械化程度也越来越高,爆破成型技术更加完善,施工速度不断加快,对周围设施的影响也愈来愈小。岩石破碎常用以下方法破碎岩石形成基坑:人工破碎;机械破碎;坑中爆破、周边用人工或机械修整;光面爆破;近人爆破和静态爆破。人工破碎松软岩石用镐、撬棍破碎;坚硬岩石用锤击钢钎破碎。人工破碎工效低,劳动强度大。机械破碎岩石通常采用风镐破碎。坑中爆破、周边用人工或机械修整为防止基坑周边和坑底震裂,在周边和坑底预留一定宽度或厚度,待坑内岩石爆破以后,再用人工或机械修边清底。坑内岩石常用下述方法爆破:浅孔爆破法(炮眼深度小于sm);深孔爆破法〔炮眼深度大于sm)和微差爆破法‘利用毫秒电雷管顺次起爆)。光面爆破在爆破的最终开挖面上布置加密的深孔,并在孔内进行减弱装药或部分不装药,以使爆破时沿这些孔的连线破裂而形成平整的光面。光面爆破有四种:(l)密集空孔爆破。密集空孔的孔径一般为34~75mm,孔距为孔径的z一4倍,孔深小于xom。在开挖的轮廓线上布置密集空孔(不装药),靠近空孔布置一排减弱装药的加密炮眼。(2)缓冲爆破。沿开挖轮廓面布置一排加密炮眼,其全部或大部装减弱药包,药包紧贴在朝向自由面的深孔壁上,填充细砂以堵塞孔口,主炮起爆后再起爆缓冲爆破孔。(3)周边爆破。在开挖轮廓面上布置间距较小的炮眼和使用小直径药卷,不用填充物而采用空气间隙装药,其原理与缓冲爆破相同。(4)预裂爆破。在开挖轮廓线上布置密集孔眼,构成预裂孔眼,起爆后在预裂孔的连线上形成1一2c。宽的预裂缝,当主爆孔爆破时,爆破范围以外的岩石就可受到预裂缝的保护。近人爆破和静态爆破近人爆破是在炮眼中装入特制的高能燃烧剂,利用其燃烧时气体的急骤膨胀而破碎岩石。此法飞石少,飞石距离小,但爆破效率较低。静态爆破是在炮眼中装入特制的膨胀剂,利用其在一定时间内的攀胀力将岩石挤裂。此法无飞石,无冲击波,无音响。近人爆破和静态爆破常在建筑物密集处或重要设施附近使用。石方挖运可使用正铲、反铲挖掘机或抓斗将破碎的石方挖出装车运走。运距不太远时也可使用铲运机经过通道在坑底直接铲碴外运,此法效率高,成本低。常用的几种挖运石方的方法是:(1)垂直提升法。
