1000字范文 > 高边坡 high slope英语短句 例句大全

高边坡 high slope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-20 06:30:35


高边坡 high slope英语短句 例句大全

高边坡,high slope

1)high slope高边坡

1.Deformation Monitoring of Rocky High slope Stability and Its Application;岩质高边坡稳定性变形监测及应用

2.Study on consolidation programme forhigh slope of the eastern dike of gushan mine magang;马钢姑山铁矿采场动帮高边坡加固方案研究

3.Safeguard construction technique with nets in fragmented rockhigh slope;破碎岩质高边坡挂网防护施工技术


1.The Current Situation of Disease Protection for Highway Slide and High Slope我国公路滑坡与高边坡病害防治现状

2.Application of slope monitoring technology in Baolongyu slope project边坡监测技术在抱龙峪高边坡工程中的应用

3.Analysis and Tackling of Water Injury and Slip of a Certain High Slope on Zhang-Long Freeway漳龙高速公路某高边坡水毁滑坡分析及治理

4.Cutting high loess slope optimization design based on slope surface stability基于坡面稳定的黄土路堑高边坡优化设计

5.Research on Stability and Analysis of Rock Structure on Left Bank High Slope of Jinping Hydropower Station;锦屏一级电站左岸高边坡岩体结构分析与边坡稳定性研究

6.Researching on the Disturbed Zone for Cutting Bedding High Rock Slope & Calculation Method of Micro-pile;顺层高边坡开挖松动区研究及微型桩加固边坡的内力计算

7.Experiment of Anchor Cable With High Slope of Pre-Stress Anchor Cable Frame Protection高边坡预应力锚索框架防护锚索试验

8.Stability Analysis Methods (FEM) of High Rock Slope岩质高边坡稳定性分析的有限元方法

9.Study on the parameters of highwall auger mining in open pit mine露天矿高边坡钻孔采矿法的参数研究

10.ANSYS Simulation of the Rock High-Slope Excavation and Consolidation;岩质高边坡开挖与加固的ANSYS模拟

11.Development of GPS Deformation Monitoring System for Steep Slopes in the Xiaowan Hydropower Station;小湾电站高边坡GPS形变监测系统研究

12.Research on the Anchorage Technique and Calamity Prevention Course of High Slope;锚固技术与高边坡病害整治过程研究

13.Seismic fortification for high-filled embankment slope or deeply digging side road cutting slope高填方路基边坡或深挖方路堑边坡抗震设防

14.On the identification and management of the slope landslide of the high filler up ground"s sinking on highways高速公路高填方路基边坡滑坡的鉴定与治理

15.Eco-Protection and Plant-Mechanical Analysis of Expressway Slope;高速公路边坡生态防护与植物固坡的力学分析

16.Study on the Ecological Protection Techniques of Abrupt Rock Slope in High-Cold Area of West Sichuan in China;川西高寒地区岩质陡边坡生态护坡技术研究

17.Mechanical Mechanism and Numeric Simulation of High and Steep Composite Medium Slope Protection with Vegetation高陡复合边坡植物护坡力学机理及模拟

18.The Excavation Blasting Technique of Particularly High and Steep Slope and the Influence on It s Stability;特高陡边坡开挖爆破技术及其对边坡稳定性的影响


high side slope高边坡

1.Design of underground drainage and effect verification forhigh side slope of Sanxia navigation lock;三峡船闸高边坡地下排水设计及效果验证

2.Discussion on flexible protection technology forhigh side slope;高边坡坡面柔性防护技术初探

3.Control and treatment ofhigh side slopes of towns due to relocation of immigrants from Three Gorges Project reservoir area;三峡库区移民迁建城镇高边坡防治与建议

3)high rock slope高边坡

1.Weighted multi-point grey model and its application tohigh rock slope deformation forecast;加权多点灰色模型在高边坡变形预测中的应用

2.Design of deformation monitoring system forhigh rock slope;高边坡变形监测系统设计

3.The analysis on the nearly 100 000 m2high rock slope pre-splitting blasting practices proves that this implementation technology is feasible.钻孔质量是影响爆破效果的一个直接因素,预裂炮孔超过15 m后随着孔深的增大偏移也增大,从而影响预裂爆破质量,为此,在对预裂孔钻机加固安装的基础上,对直线高边坡进行分析、对弧状边坡进行直线分解,经近10万m2高边坡预裂爆破实践证明,此施工技术可行。


1.Application of prestressed ground anchor rope to the hazard settlement ofhigh-slope;预应力锚索在高边坡病害治理中的应用

2.This paper introduces the techniques of controlled blasting inhigh-slope excavation construction.介绍了在高边坡挖方施工中实施控制爆破的工艺,实践表明此工艺爆破效果良好,为类似施工提供了参考。

5)steep slope高边坡

1.Because of the complex geological conditions and construction difficulty,the stability of the left banksteep slope of the Jinping-Ⅰ Hydropower Station is closely related to the safety of the station.锦屏一级水电站左岸人工岩质高边坡地质条件十分复杂,施工难度大,边坡岩体稳定性关系到整个水电站的安全建设和运行。

2.Thesteep slope engineering of Xiaowan Hydropower Station is studied as a case.应用实例表明,对于小湾水电站高边坡工程,无偏扩展GM(1,M)预测精度及可靠性均优于无偏GM(1,1)和扩展GM(1,M)。

3.Based on the observation and analysis of the geological environmental conditions of thesteep slope on the southern side of Yixi road of Huangshi City in Hubei,the authors discussed its engineering geological features and possible damages.在勘察分析边坡地质环境条件的基础上,查明高边坡的工程地质特征及危害程度,根据岩体物理力学参数及试验值对边坡岩体进行分区,对岩体破坏机制进行力学分析,计算和评价边坡在自重、自重+饱水、自重+饱水+地震工况下的稳定性,并对高边坡的破坏方式及稳定性进行预测分析。

6)high and steep slope高陡边坡

1.Potential influencing factors analysis and safety evaluation on the landslide ofhigh and steep slope;高陡边坡滑坡的潜在影响因素分析及安全评价

2.Safety research on the vibration of blasting under thehigh and steep slope;高陡边坡爆破震动安全研究

3.Special requirements exist in the TGP double\|lane five\|step shiplock in terms of general layout of navigation structures, sedimentation hindering to navigation, hydraulics of the water\|conveyance system,high and steep slope treatment, manufacture and technology of main metal structures and mechanical and electric equipment, which have been resolved step by step by scienti.三峡工程双线五级船闸通航建筑物的总体布置 ,涉及泥沙淤积碍航、船闸输水系统水力学、高陡边坡处理、主要金属结构及机电设备制造和技术等方面问题都有特殊要求 ,必须通过充分的科学试验、论证和工程实践 ,逐步予以解


边坡变形观测边坡变形观测observation of slope deformationb ianPo bianxing guanee边坡变形观测(observation of slopedeformation)研究边坡稳定的一种主要方法,勘测阶段对边坡稳定的评价大多只能定性,通过现场监测可以搜集边坡位移速度、破坏形态等资料,有助于边坡稳定性的正确评价和精确预报。为此当建设项目确定后就需系统布置观测网,安设观测仪器,积累动态观测资料,据以确定工程处理的措施。边坡按其组成物质可分翔贡边坡和七质边坡;据其改造程度可分自然边坡和人L边坡。由于修建工程使边坡所处环境改变的有水库库岸边坡、坝肩边坡、渠道边坡、地面厂房边坡等。边坡受地质营力作用和人类活动,可能发生各种变形破坏,如松弛张裂、滑动、崩塌、倾倒、蠕动等,威胁到工程建设的安全。边坡变形观测可分外部观测和内部观测,前者是在变形区及其周围设立固定观测标桩,根据观测区的范围,地形条件及观测要求,组成纵横交织的导线网,并一与地区测量标志相联接,用于测定相对位移和绝对位移量。按通视条件,可采用经纬仪、水准仪、激光经纬仪等进行人工测点,观测各点的水平和垂直变位,绘制成各种成果图表。还可采用航空或地面遥感对滑坡区进行重复摄影,通过对照片上固定点的量测对比,了解边坡的变形过程。在一些变形明显的重点地段,则要设置一些位移自动记录装置及报警系统,观测相对变形速率和位移量。内部观测一般在钻孔和平洞内设置。在已查明的变形范围内选择典型的观测断面(最好与外部变形观测断面一致),进行专门的勘探,其深度应穿过变形区,达到稳定岩体内一定的深度。钻孔内布置的仪器有钻孔倾斜仪.多点位移计,挠度计、滑面计、白记地下水位仪等。平洞内可布置锢钢丝位移计、倾斜仪等。其一端埋在稳定岩体内,另一端设在变形区内。在滑动明显的平洞内,布置一些直观的简易量测装置,如横跨裂缝两侧用水泥砂浆埋设的玻璃片,观测其被拉裂、错断情况,如错开距离、方向等,并与精密仪器观测成果作对比。观测时间一般需要定期,但雨季前后、蓄水前后,库水位波动较大的时段,则应加密观测次数,及时整理、分析观测资料作出预报。(高尧基)
