1000字范文 > 木制家具 wooden furniture英语短句 例句大全

木制家具 wooden furniture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 06:28:39


木制家具 wooden furniture英语短句 例句大全

木制家具,wooden furniture

1)wooden furniture木制家具

1.On the basis of reviewing relative papers,this paper analyzes the status and those main trade barriers influencing the export of Chinesewooden furniture.在回顾相关文献的基础上,分析木制家具出口情况以及影响中国木制家具出口的主要贸易壁垒。


1.Furniture made of wood is much more durable than plastic or chipboard.木制家具比塑料和纸板制的更耐用。

2.cream ,for cleaning, polishing or preserving wooden furniture and other woodwork清洁、抛光或保养木制家具、木制地板和其他木制品用的乳膏

3.On the Relationship between Traditional Chinese Wooden Structured Architecture and Wooden Furniture;论中国传统木构建筑与木制家具的关系

4.You should use wax polish on wooden furniture.你应在木制家具上打上蜡。

5.Trade Barriers Influencing Export of Wooden Furniture and Countermeasures;影响木制家具出口的贸易壁垒及对策

6.Finished woodwork fashioned by a cabinetmaker.细木家具由家具木工制成的木质家具

7.dresser (furniture), wooden木制带镜衣橱(家具)

8.The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork.木材被制成精细的家具。

9.Willow can be used to make furniture.柳木可用来制作家具。

10.hard tough wood of an elm tree; used for e.g. implements and furniture.坚硬的榆树木料,用于制工具和家具等。

11.An artisan specializing in making fine articles of wooden furniture.细木工匠,家具木工专门从事制作精致的木质家具的工匠

12.The purplish heartwood of this tree, used in furniture and turnery.紫心木这种树木的紫色木材,用于制造家具和细木加工

13.Bentwood furniture: Type of furniture made of wooden rods Bent into shape after Being heated with steam.曲木家具:用蒸汽将木条按要求的形状烘弯后制成的家具。

14.handsome violet-streaked wood of the kingwood tree; used especially in cabinetwork.王木木料,有美观的紫色斑纹,尤其用于制家具。

15.Oak is a good type of wood for make furniture.橡木是制作家具的好材料。

16.Oak be a good type of wood for make furniture橡木是制作家具的好材料

17.furniture, garden, of wood (excl. chairs and other seats)木制庭院家具(不包括椅子及其他座椅)

18.the craft of making furniture (especially furniture of high quality).制造高质量家具的木工手艺。



3)Chinese wooden furniture industry木制家具产业

1.During past decades,Chinese wooden furniture industry has witnesses a high-speed growth, and quickly becoming a world leading exporter.近,中国木制家具产业取得了长足发展,从传统的手工业已发展成为颇具规模的现代工业,并成为世界木制家具出口的第一大国,出口成为我国木制家具产业发展的重要动力。

4)Pine furniture松木家具

1.The technique of painting pine furniture with pyroxylin lacquer;松木家具硝基漆涂饰工艺分析

5)wood furniture木质家具

1.Forecasting models on quantity and structure ofwood furniture export in China;中国木质家具出口总量与结构预测建模研究

2.Analysis of change of world export trade ofwood furniture;世界木质家具出口贸易变动分析

3.But the competition analysis ofwood furniture is rare and others can not reflect the it"s competition position.木质家具是我国主要的出口林产品,在世界市场上占有较大的份额。

6)wood furniture木家具

1.Affecting factors of the adhesion ofwood furniture paint film;木家具漆膜附着力的影响因素


