1000字范文 > 木鼓 wooden drum英语短句 例句大全

木鼓 wooden drum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-07 03:38:40


木鼓 wooden drum英语短句 例句大全

木鼓,wooden drum

1)wooden drum木鼓

1.In its long history,the Wa nationality has had thewooden drum and its culture express their ethnic culture.在佤族社会发展的历史长河中,木鼓和木鼓文化是佤族文化特征中的一个极为彰显的文化事项。

2.As a part of Miao\"s cultural tradition and living mode,the Miaowooden drum dance has lots of functions and rich cultural connotation:it has blood identification and clan spiritual condensation;it makes history records and educates the next generation;it expresses feelings through itself and communicates national culture,etc.木鼓是苗族文化的表征,是苗族民族文化认同和张扬的载体。


1.For instance, Va and Miao ethnic groups use simple wooden drums (cut out of a section of log).例如:佤族、苗族的木鼓舞(鼓用整段原木剜制),形式古拙。

2.Fanpai Wood Drum Dance:From Historical Memory to Cultural Representation;反排木鼓舞:从历史记忆到文化表征

3.Who Is The Protagonista of Wooden Drum Dance in Fanpai Village:Seeing Fanpai Culture"s Subjectivity from the Art development of Wooden Drum Dance in Fanpai Village谁是反排木鼓舞的主人翁──从反排木鼓舞艺术的发展来看反排文化的主体性

4.Direction of the Development and Heritage of the Culture of Wooden Drum Dance in FanPai,the Southeastern Gulzhou Province黔东南反排木鼓舞的文化传承与发展路向

5.The Miao People s Fanpai Wooden Drum Dance of Taijiang County,Guizhou Province: Its Sports Value and Extension Strategies;对贵州台江苗族“反排木鼓舞”的体育价值及推广策略研究

6.percussion instrument (eg drum,tambourine,xylophone)打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴).

7."A "chin-don daiko" is a set of drums. It is a drum set mounted on a wooden frame with a gong chime and two drums."「『东西屋乐队』是个大鼓队,镶上木头的大鼓有一个铜锣乐钟和两个鼓。」

8.rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top花梨木石面荷茜六角鼓凳

9.drum ,barking, for log stripping鼓式剥皮机,用于原木剥皮

10.The state organizes and encourages afforestation and the protection of forests.国家组织和鼓励植树造林,保护林木。

11.The Application of Gas Sparging to Enhance Ultrafiltration Membrane Procession in the Production of Xylose;鼓泡超滤法用于木糖生产过程的探讨

12.Consider a floor tom mounted in a standard vertical orientation: With a hardwood floor, when the player hits the drum the bottom head vibrates sympathetically.考虑到落地桶鼓是在标准垂直方向上:如用木地板,当鼓手击鼓,下面的鼓皮也要跟随着震动。

13.To advocate comprehensive utilization and saving on the use of timber and encourage the development and utilization of timber substitutes提倡木材综合利用和节约使用木材,鼓励开发、利用木材代用品;

14.3) To advocate comprehensive utilization and saving on the use of timber and encourage the development and utilization of timber substitutes;(三)提倡木材综合利用和节约使用木材,鼓励开发、利用木材代用品;

15.By the time they reached the cabin late that night, she was very encouraged.当天午夜他们进了小木屋时,卡拉感到很受鼓舞。

16.Every mile the carriage traveled, the wooden figure would beat the drum once.每行驶一里路,木人自动击鼓一次,因此而得名。

17.Analytical study of traditional decorative materials and techniques used in Ming Dynasty wooden architecture-The case of the Drum Tower in Xi an,P.R.of China;中国明代木质古建西安鼓楼彩绘的分析研究

18.Tonggu Industrial Oil Resources Survey and Analysis of Woody Plants铜鼓县工业用油脂木本植物资源调查与分析


the Wa佤族木鼓

1.Wooden drum is the symbol and vehicle ofthe Wa s culture.佤族木鼓具有原始而神圣的文化特质,叠加了诸多文化内涵,是一个象征综合体,它象征着佤族原始宗教中的主体神木依吉,同时又是佤族生存繁衍的崇拜物,是“生”的象征,心灵的守护屏障,凝聚着佤族的历史文化发展轨迹。

3)wooden-drum worship木鼓崇拜

4)wooden drum dance木鼓舞

1.As a part of Miao\"s cultural tradition and living mode,the Miaowooden drum dance has lots of functions and rich cultural connotation:it has blood identification and clan spiritual condensation;it makes history records and educates the next generation;it expresses feelings through itself and communicates national culture,etc.木鼓舞是人类文化发展的产物,是我国非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分。

5)Fanpai wooden drum dance反排木鼓舞

1.The present study placesFanpai wooden drum dance into the wider cultural context.本篇将反排木鼓舞纳入更广泛的文化情境之中,通过考察反排木鼓舞动作语汇、曲式结构、肢体符号与反排苗族的宇宙观、时空观、价值观、族群认同、历史记忆、生计方式等各方面之间的文化逻辑关系,从而总结出反排木鼓舞动作是当地生态环境、地理条件、信仰系统、仪式行为、审美认知的结构条件下与反排人能动创造所表现出来的一种艺术样式,也是反排人族群与族源、迁徙与历史、民族认同、历史记忆、苗族文化的表征和展现。

6)two-face tie,two-faced tie;pole tie鼓形枕木<林>


瑞士鼓丝鼓丝瑞士鼓丝鼓丝(couscous)瑞士生产的一种新的面类食品“鼓丝鼓丝”,是一种色泽浅黄的粒状面粉食品,其粒度有如我国的黍米一样,食味良好,口感有韧性。这种食品在欧洲很受欢迎。其生产工艺简单,产率高,卫生条件好,产品颗粒均匀,便于运输,食用方便,是一种较有发展前途的新食品。 生产“鼓丝鼓丝”,既可以硬麦制取的粗粒粉为原料,也可以各种软麦制取的普通面粉为原料。 工艺流程配料→混合→松粉→汽蒸→干燥→冷却→分级→包装→产品 制作方法 1.原料面粉自筒仓由绞龙喂料器送入筛粉机,然后经气力输送线送至4台tcds喂料器内,在此面粉和水按一定比例进行混合配料。每台喂料器的下方各有一台卧式双轴混合器,卧式双轴混合器由不锈钢制成,搅拌轴外置轴承,物料在混合器内搅拌结团成为颗粒状。4台两组配料及混合系统的产量为2×500公斤/小时。 2.经混合成颗粒状的物料,再经松粉机松粉后,进入tabd蒸面机,在蒸面机的进口处装有分散器,在蒸面机内还装有从传送带上刮下预煮产品的机械装置。物料在蒸面机内经汽蒸成为预煮产品,出蒸面机后再经一次松粉,然后再由气力输送线送入带式干燥机。物料在干燥机内连续运行,干燥成合适水分,并使颗粒物料定形。每台干燥机内均装有温、湿调节器。 3.经干燥的物料进入两台流化槽式冷却机中,使物料冷却至室温,然后进入分级机。在第一组分级机内装有磁选设备,以去除磁性金属杂质。经第一组分级机分出的大型颗粒送入四辊磨中重磨,以减少大型颗粒的粒度,四辊磨的磨辊轧距可以根据需要进行调节。第一组分级机分出的合适颗粒进入第二组分级机构,在此分成大、中、小三种粒度的“鼓丝鼓丝”,而分出的细粉则返回到原料库中。 4.最后对大、中、小三种粒度的“鼓丝鼓丝”分别进行贮存或包装。
