1000字范文 > 木鼓舞 wooden drum dance英语短句 例句大全

木鼓舞 wooden drum dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-17 05:46:48


木鼓舞 wooden drum dance英语短句 例句大全

木鼓舞,wooden drum dance

1)wooden drum dance木鼓舞

1.As a part of Miao\"s cultural tradition and living mode,the Miaowooden drum dance has lots of functions and rich cultural connotation:it has blood identification and clan spiritual condensation;it makes history records and educates the next generation;it expresses feelings through itself and communicates national culture,etc.木鼓舞是人类文化发展的产物,是我国非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分。


1.Fanpai Wood Drum Dance:From Historical Memory to Cultural Representation;反排木鼓舞:从历史记忆到文化表征

2.For instance, Va and Miao ethnic groups use simple wooden drums (cut out of a section of log).例如:佤族、苗族的木鼓舞(鼓用整段原木剜制),形式古拙。

3.Who Is The Protagonista of Wooden Drum Dance in Fanpai Village:Seeing Fanpai Culture"s Subjectivity from the Art development of Wooden Drum Dance in Fanpai Village谁是反排木鼓舞的主人翁──从反排木鼓舞艺术的发展来看反排文化的主体性

4.Direction of the Development and Heritage of the Culture of Wooden Drum Dance in FanPai,the Southeastern Gulzhou Province黔东南反排木鼓舞的文化传承与发展路向

5.The Miao People s Fanpai Wooden Drum Dance of Taijiang County,Guizhou Province: Its Sports Value and Extension Strategies;对贵州台江苗族“反排木鼓舞”的体育价值及推广策略研究

6.By the time they reached the cabin late that night, she was very encouraged.当天午夜他们进了小木屋时,卡拉感到很受鼓舞。

7.The Korean "Zhang (stick) Drum Dance", also called "Long-Drum Dance",朝鲜族的"杖鼓舞"(俗称"长鼓舞"),

8.Beauty of Accordance between Drums and Dance--Korean Changgu Dance鼓与舞的和谐美妙——朝鲜族长鼓舞

9.Dancing Leathern Drum--A Preliminary analysis of the Mongolian folk drum dance舞动的皮鼓——蒙古族民间鼓舞浅析

10.To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten.鼓励,鼓舞以希望、勇气或信心等鼓舞;使振作

11.The Analysis on the Dynamic Transmission of Miao Hua Drum Dancing in Xiangxi--Take the Drum King of Hua Drum Dancing as the Example湘西苗族花鼓舞的动态传承——以花鼓舞鼓王为例

12.percussion instrument (eg drum,tambourine,xylophone)打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴).

13.also debuted were importantdance shows like "the Dance of Pangu (plate drum)", "the Dance of Kerchief", and "the Dance of Bayu".一些著名的舞蹈节目,如《盘鼓舞》、《巾舞》、《巴渝舞》;

14.The development of polychrome woodblock printing techniques made it possible for ordinary people to obtain prints of popular kabuki actors or trendsetting courtesans.多色彩印刷技术的发展,使平民能够取得受欢迎歌舞伎演员或鼓动风潮之廷臣的木刻板画。

15.David and the whole house of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the LORD, with songs and with harps, lyres, tambourines, sistrums and cymbals.大卫和以色列的全家在耶和华面前,用松木制造的各样乐器和琴,瑟,鼓,钹,锣,作乐跳舞。

16.encouraging result鼓舞人心的结果/成果

17.Mom "s phone call be a real shoot In the arm妈的电话真能鼓舞人

18.an artist who was inspired By Impressionism.受印象派鼓舞的艺术家


Fanpai wooden drum dance反排木鼓舞

1.The present study placesFanpai wooden drum dance into the wider cultural context.本篇将反排木鼓舞纳入更广泛的文化情境之中,通过考察反排木鼓舞动作语汇、曲式结构、肢体符号与反排苗族的宇宙观、时空观、价值观、族群认同、历史记忆、生计方式等各方面之间的文化逻辑关系,从而总结出反排木鼓舞动作是当地生态环境、地理条件、信仰系统、仪式行为、审美认知的结构条件下与反排人能动创造所表现出来的一种艺术样式,也是反排人族群与族源、迁徙与历史、民族认同、历史记忆、苗族文化的表征和展现。

3)Miao people"s Fanpai Wooden Drum Dance苗族反排木鼓舞

4)drum dance鼓舞

1.Dancing Leathern Drum——A Preliminary analysis of the Mongolian folkdrum dance舞动的皮鼓——蒙古族民间鼓舞浅析

5)drum outfit舞鼓



