1000字范文 > 秘密外交 Secret diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

秘密外交 Secret diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 02:57:50


秘密外交 Secret diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

秘密外交,Secret diplomacy

1)Secret diplomacy秘密外交

1.In early period of contacting with China,Nixon took secret diplomacy means,and this resulted in great rebounds to America\"s China policy in his administration.秘密外交公开前,美国政府各部门在削减对台军援以缓和中美关系问题上曾达成脆弱一致;而秘密外交公开后,军方、保守派、亲台势力则借增加对台军援向白宫发难,以示其被排除在对华决策核心之外的不满及对中美缓和的反对。


1."The phrase ""secret diplomacy"" has long been a red rag to American public opinion."「秘密外交政策」的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。

2.The phrase"secret diplomacy" has long been a red rag to American public opinion.“秘密外交政策”的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。

3.I told him I was makng a major effort through quiet diplomatic channels to bring about an end to the fighting.我告诉他说,我正在通过秘密外交渠道进行一项重大努力,以求结束这场战斗。

4.We shall carry into these private or diplomatic talks a new conception.我们将为这类秘密或外交商谈带来一个新观念。

5.Defending India:the whole secret of the British eastern diplomacy in nineteenth century;保卫印度:19世纪英国东方外交的全部秘密

6.The Japanese foreign minister talked with his opposite number from China for two hours behind closed doors.日本外相与中国外交部长作了两小时的秘密会谈。

7.shady deals that were just this side of criminal.近于犯罪的秘密交易

8.backstage negotiations秘密协商,暗盘交易

9.A pretence is the cloak of secret.矫饰是秘密的外衣。

10.To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.搞秘密交易以一种秘密的或不正当的途径合作或搞交易

11.It is time to come clean on your dirty secret.是时候坦白交待你那肮脏的秘密了。

12.Trust her to spill the beans, she never could keep a secret.希望她能坦白交代,她从来保不住秘密。

13.She was quite confident that her confidant would keep her secret.她深信她的心腹之交会替她保守秘密。

14.A Dirty Deal Between Powers--An analysis of the Secret Yalta Agreement;大国的交易——《雅尔塔秘密协定》的分析

15.People have always trusted me with their secrets. But who do I trust with mine?人们总相信我会保守他们的秘密,但我的秘密要交付给谁呢?

16.Maybe diplomacy would become more complicated and there would be more secret treaties, but women"s biological limitation would make them shun war.外交也许更复杂,秘密条款更多,可是女人因为身体关系,并不擅长打仗。

17.The Puritans increasingly suspected James of being a secret Catholic because of his pro-Spanish foreign policy and his son"s Spanish marriage alliance.由于国王的亲西班牙外交政策以及他儿子与西班牙的联姻,他们越来越怀疑他是秘密天主教徒。

18.The process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret writings or ciphers.密码术一种用秘密书写或密码进行交流的方法或技巧;译解秘密书写或密码的方法或技巧


Exchange of Secrets秘密交换

3)Exchange of feelings秘密交流

4)The secret has gone abroad.秘密已泄露在外。

5)keep to oneself保守秘密;不交际


1.Usually, to conduct these computations, one must know inputs from all the participants, but if nobody can be trusted enough to know all the inputs,privacy becomes a critical i.安全多方计算问题可以描述为: n个参与者{p_1,p_2,…,p_n},每个P_i持有秘密输入X_i,希望计算一个公共的函数:f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n),计算结束,要求各方得到正确的输出f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n),同时,自己的秘密输入x_i没有泄露给其他的参与者。


