1000字范文 > 和平外交 peaceful diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

和平外交 peaceful diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-13 10:53:13


和平外交 peaceful diplomacy英语短句 例句大全

和平外交,peaceful diplomacy

1)peaceful diplomacy和平外交

1.Under the circumstances like these,the Soviet government issued the Peace Decree and followed a line ofpeaceful diplomacy,which achieved great success,and by which Lenin developed a new idea on Marxist thought of the world peace.在这种情况下,苏俄颁布了《和平法令》,实行了和平外交政策。

2.China′speaceful diplomacy of two thirty-year effectively maintains its state sovereignty and interests.中国和平外交的两个30年有效地维护了国家主权和国家利益。


1.China s Foreign Aid in the Perspective of Its Foreign Policy for Peace;中国和平外交战略视野中的对外援助

2.On Deng Xiaoping s Peace Diplomatic Thought;亲仁善邻 协和万邦——邓小平和平外交思想探源

3.The Research on Chinese Peaceful Development Strategy and Independent Foreign Policy中国和平发展战略与和平外交政策研究

4.An independent foreign policy of peace独立自主的和平外交政策

5.We consistently pursued an independent foreign policy.我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策。

6.On Deng Xiaoping s Thought for the Independent and PeacefulForeign Policy of China;论邓小平独立自主和平外交政策的思想

7.A peaceful diplomacy ensures that all foreign diplomatic actions will be beneficial to world peace because only under a peaceful environment can development be realized.和平外交就是说一切外交行动要有利于维护世界和平,因为只有在和平的环境下才能有发展。

8.An Exploration of the Relationship Between DENG Xiao-ping s Viewpoints of Peace Development and the Peace Diplomacy of Chinese Socialism;试论邓小平理论的“和平发展观”与中国社会主义的和平外交

9.On Chinese Traditional "He" Culture and the Construction of Peaceful Diplomatic Policy of China;传统“和”文化与我国和平外交政策之建构

10.The Evolution of Foreign Policy of "Peaceful Coexistence" and China diplomacy;"和平共处"外交思想的演变与中国外交

11.agenda for peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping和平纲领:预防外交、建立和平与维持和平

12.Case Handbook on Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy建立和平和预防性外交实例手册

13.Fellowship Programme in Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy建立和平和预防性外交研究金方案

14.Deng Xiaoping s Diplomatic Strategy Ideology and Construction of Diplomatic Strategy in Peaceful Spring-Up;邓小平外交战略思想与和平崛起理论中外交战略的构建

15.Special Foreign Policy Statement on Peace and Unification和平统一外交政策的特别宣言

16.Special Statement Regarding Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification关于和平统一外交政策的特别宣言

17.Politicians tried to solve the problem of peace through world diplomacy政治家试图通过全球外交来实现和平。

18.Joint Statement on Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification和平统一外交政策联合声明


peaceful diplomatic policy和平外交

1.Since the foundation of new China,itspeaceful diplomatic policy has been not only influenced by its own cultural conventions,historical and geographical conditions but also affected and restrained by international systems.新中国成立以来,中国的和平外交除了受其本身的文化传统、历史地理条件影响外,也受到国际体系结构的深刻影响和制约。

3)peaceful diplomatic strategies和平外交战略

4)peaceful foreign policy对美和平外交

5)peace diplomacy thought和平外交思维

1.The form of our country speace diplomacy thought during the new period has deep cultural background, in which contains traditional philosophy method.我国新时期和平外交思维的形成有深厚的文化背景,其中蕴涵着“中和”这一传统哲学方法论的底蕴。

6)peaceful diplomatic thinking和平外交思想

1.Lenin speaceful diplomatic thinking is produced under the background that all kinds of contradictions became unprecedently acute in the period of imperialism, which resulted in the revolutionary movements of workers surged up all over the world and the first socialist country thus appeared.任何一种伟大的思想都是特定时代的产物,列宁和平外交思想是在资本主义进入帝国主义阶段,各种矛盾空前加剧,从而使得全世界劳动人民争取自身解放的革命运动高涨,并产生了世界上第一个社会主义国家的特定时代背景下形成的。


