1000字范文 > 秘密结社 secret societies英语短句 例句大全

秘密结社 secret societies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-06 13:45:46


秘密结社 secret societies英语短句 例句大全

秘密结社,secret societies

1)secret societies秘密结社

1.This paper, from the perspective of sociology and anthropology, studies the traditional Chinesesecret societies in a context involving the country s social structure, cultural tradition, regulations and group sense.从社会学、人类学的角度 ,将传统中国的秘密结社置于中国社会结构、文化传统、制度体系及群体意识中予以考察 ,就会发现其形成和发展对政治、经济、军事、文化、宗教、宗族、人口等层面都产生了重大的影响。

2.The restructuring and fragility of migrants social relations combined with the tendency of violence provided the ethnic Chinesesecret societies which were characterized by transnatural relations and armed violence with growing environment.移民社会关系的重组和脆弱,以及社会的暴力化倾向,为超自然关系的、并带有武装暴力色彩的华人秘密结社提供了广阔的成长环境。


1.The Chivalrous: The Recessive Symbol of Secret Societies in Qing Dynasty“任侠”:清代秘密结社的隐性符号

2.A group of confidential, often scheming advisers;a cabal.参谋团一群秘密的、常有所筹划的顾问者;秘密结社

3.Social Environment of Malaya and the Development of Ethnic Chinese Secret Societies in the Nineteenth Century;19世纪马来半岛的社会环境与华人秘密结社

4.Imitated Family and Social Combination Thums, Guilds and Secred organizations in Traditional China;拟制的家与社会结合——中国传统社会的宗族、行会与秘密结社

5.The Folk Religion and the Secret Mass Organizations of Modern Chinese Politic近代中国政治中的民间宗教与秘密结社论略

6.The Anti-Foreign-Religion Struggles of the Folk Secret Organizations after the Boxer Movement;义和团运动后的民间秘密结社与反洋教斗争

7.The Influence of Secret Societies of Qing Dynasty on the Development of Shanxi" Wushu清代秘密结社对山西武术发展的影响初探

8.Take measures to disband the secret organizations of different groups of capitalists, such as the "Thursday Dinner Club".各部分资本家的秘密结社,例如“星四聚餐会”等,则应设法予以解散。

9.Regarded as and organized words folk faith and confederacy--Ancient village social changes, words of groups of visual threshold investigate;作为组织话语的民间信仰与秘密结社——话语群视阈里的古村社会变迁调查之一

10.The "revolutionary party" was a secret association, fundamentally different from the "political parties" undertaking legal political activities based on the parliamentary system.“革命党”是秘密结社,与依托议会开展合法政治活动的“政党”有着本质区别。

11.a clandestine marriage [arrangement]秘密结婚 [协定]

12.They were married in strict privacy.他们极为秘密地结婚了。

13.a secret marriage, document, meeting秘密结婚、 文件、 会议

14.The secret society was the secret manipulator behind the Gucheng Christian case.秘密社会是谷城教案背后的秘密操纵者。

15.They had their secret societies, with signs and passwords.他们有他们的秘密社团,有符号和口令。

16.Policy to the Secret Society during Yuan Shikai"s Rule袁世凯执政时期对秘密社会的政策

17.Concession, Church and Modern Chinese Secret Society租界、教会与近代中国的秘密社会

18.Study on Chinese Secret Society and Bandits中国秘密社会与盗匪问题研究


secret society秘密社会

1.My Research on the History of Secret Society in China;我与中国秘密社会史研究

2.Anti-Qing actions started bysecret society increasingly,shaking the foundation of Qing government,and .18世纪的中国正处于传统社会变革的前夜,表面繁华的康乾盛世即将隐去,秘密社会作为潜在力量登上政治舞台,日益成为社会动乱最主要而有效的组织手段,使得清中期社会动乱呈现出数量多、规模大、增长快的特点。

3.The modern Shanghai Gangdom was not the bandits,not the thieves,and also was not the revolutionary party,but as thesecret society s earthen bowl body it survived in the society which the government had jurisdiction,seeked its own dignity and the huge economic interests in the simultantity of opposition and tried to put on the legitimate coat.近代上海滩青帮既不是土匪,也不是盗贼,也不是革命党,而是以秘密社会的钵体生存在政府管辖的社会中,在对立的同时谋求自身尊严和巨大经济利益,同时努力披上合法的外衣。

3)the secret society秘密社会

1.There were different social contradictions and major tasks in different stages in China,but the destructiveness of anti-society ofthe secret society kept unchanged,so their activities changed from certain traits of anti-feudalism and anti-aggression with positive and progressive signifi.晚清以来,中国社会发生了巨大的变化,鄂北的秘密社会也经历了由兴盛到分化、衰落、最终走向覆灭的过程。

4)secret society秘密社团

5)a clandestine marriage秘密结婚

6)history of secret society秘密社会史


