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会党 secret society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-05 23:23:17


会党 secret society英语短句 例句大全

会党,secret society

1)secret society会党

1.In studying of the history of thesecret society in China,thesecret society in Hunan is a section worthy of laying stress on.在中国会党史研究中,湖南会党应是一个值得引起重视的部分。

2.The heroic spirit of gallant men was the cultural background Qiu Jing andsecret society shared,while consciousness of narrow racism formed the political language she andsecret society shared.豪侠的英雄气概是她和会党的共同文化背景,狭隘的种族主义意识是她和会党的共同政治语言。


1.Parti Socialiste Rwandais卢旺达社会党(卢社会党)

2.Assemblee populaire Nationale国民大会党(国大党)

3.Pati Kongre Nasyonal Mouvman Demokratic Yo民主运动大会党(民运大会党)

4.Party of the National Congress of Democratic Movements全国民主运动大会党(民运大会党)

5.On the Split Between the Bourgeois Revolution Partyand the Secret Societies in Early RPC Too;也论民初会党与革命党的分裂——《试论民初会党与革命党的分裂》驳议

6.The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists.共产党与社会党结成了联盟.

7.She defected from the Liberals and joined the Socialists.她脱离自由党, 加入了社会党.

8.Parti social democrate社会民主党(社民党)

9.The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党

10.Party Ethics: Relationships Between Parties in a Pluralistic Society;政党伦理:多元社会中的政党、政党关系

11.Rwandan Socialist Party卢旺达社会主义党(卢社会主义党)

12.The SDP-Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.社会民主党—自由党联盟正在举行会议。

13.Owners of Private Enterprises Joining the Party and the Party Nature;私营企业主入党会不会改变党的性质

14.All Party Pre-constituent Assembly Conference制宪大会前全党会议

15.the Social and Liberal Democrats(formed in 1988 from the merging of the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party )社会自由民主党(英国政党, 由社会民主党与自由党于1988 年合并成立).

16.Several labour mps break away to join the social democrats有些工党下议院议员脱党後加入社会民主党

17.Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats.有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党.

18.Promoting the harmony between the Party and the masses by enhancing the inner-party harmony;promoting the harmony of the society by achieving the harmony between the Party and the masses;以党内和谐促党群和谐,以党群和谐带社会和谐


the Secret Societies会党

1.Making Use ofthe Secret Societies:An Error of the Revolution of 1911;利用会党:辛亥革命的一个误区

2.On the Split Between the Bourgeois Revolution Partyandthe Secret Societies in Early RPC Too;也论民初会党与革命党的分裂——《试论民初会党与革命党的分裂》驳议

3.The secret societies became the basis and main force of the revolution.中国近代会党组织的许多特点与早期资产阶级革命团体的不少特点有相通或相近之处 ,因而使资产阶级革命派同会党联络不仅有了可能性 ,而且具有必然性。


1.TheHuidang Elements in Sun Yat-sen’s Armed Revolution孙中山武装革命中的会党元素新论

2.Based on the explanation of concepts such as "Jianghu","Huidang" and "Errantry",this article tries to analyze the folkloristic connotation of the martial-art knight novels.武侠会党小说在现代通俗小说中占有重要的地位。

4)parties and associations党会

1.Theparties and associations standing in great numbers was an important mark of constitutional practice in the initial years of Republic of China.党会林立 ,是民初宪政实验的重要体现。

5)social party社会党

1.The democratic theory of thesocial party in Europe include political democracy,economic democracy,social democracy and international democracy.欧洲社会党的民主理论包括政治民主、经济民主、社会民主和国际民主四个方面。

6)socialist party社会党

1.Basic Difference between Socialist Party and Communist Party;论社会党与共产党的根本区别

2.The Third Way that probe into that this text want, as contemporary western first fashionable social ideological trend, For solve Socialist Party of western capitalist country globalization era capitalist country appear various kinds of one theory of inning power that problem put forward, Its goal is to try hard to realize" rejuvenation" of the social democratism.本文所要探讨的“第三条道路”,作为当代西方的一种时髦的社会思潮,是西方资本主义国家中的社会党为解决全球化时代出现的各种问题而提出的一种执政理论,其目标是力图实现社会民主主义的“复兴”。


