1000字范文 > 工业发展概况 general situation of industrial development英语短句 例句大全

工业发展概况 general situation of industrial development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-12 17:28:45


工业发展概况 general situation of industrial development英语短句 例句大全

工业发展概况,general situation of industrial development

1)general situation of industrial development工业发展概况


1.Survey of Anhui paper industry in 安徽省造纸工业发展概况

2.The developmental situation of Jiangxi province paper industry in and its prospect江西省造纸工业发展概况及展望

3.Summary of development of donkey husbandry and donkey meat processing industry in China我国养驴业及驴肉加工业的发展概况

4.Overview on Development of Machine Manufacturing Sector Informatization in --机械工业信息化发展概况

5.Overview on Development of Chemical Industry Informatization in --化工行业信息化发展概况

6.Overview on Development of Automobile Industry Informatization in --汽车工业信息化发展概况

7.Development Survey of Global Industrial Gas Groups in ;全球主要工业气体集团发展概况

8.Production and development status of Japanese battery industry;日本电池工业近年来生产与发展概况


10.Outline of Production, Sales and Manufacturing of Plastics Machinery of China in ;我国塑料机械工业生产、销售及发展概况

11.The Situation of World Cosmetic Industry and the Trends for Main Production Countries;国际化妆品工业概况及主要生产国的发展趋势

12.The application of enzymatic preparation in food industry;酶制剂的发展概况及其对食品工业的作用

13.Modern Aluminum Extrusion Industry and the Development and Trend of Extrusion Technology现代铝合金挤压工业及技术发展概况与趋势

14.General conditions in of Henan paper industry and its development trend河南省造纸工业基本概况及发展趋势

15.The Developmental Survey and the Trend of the Stockbreeding Industrialization Home and Abroad;国内外畜牧业产业化发展概况及趋势

16.General Situation and Developing Advices of Agricultural Caput Enterprise in Tianjin;天津市农业龙头企业概况及发展建议

17.A Survey and Enlightenment of the Development of Middle and Small Sized Enterprises in Developed Countries.;发达国家中小企业发展概况及其启示

18.The development survey of paper industry in Fujian province in and plans in the future福建省造纸工业发展概况及今后的一些打算


industry development situation行业发展概况

3)general situation of development发展概况

1.This paper briefly introduces the technology of second phase of 1 million tpa vacuum salt making plant of CNSIC Jintan Company-single stage MVR technology for salt making,and itsgeneral situation of development and superiority.简要介绍了中盐金坛公司二期年产100万吨真空制盐工程技术——单级机械热压缩制盐技术,以及该技术的发展概况和优越性。

4)development survey发展概况

1.The paper has analyzed the calligraphy literature record in all previous bibliography from"HanshuYiwenzhi (汉书·艺文志)"to"Sikuquanshuzongmu (四库全书总目)", we outlined the calligraphy literaturedevelopment survey and tried hard to reveal its historical reason.论文分析了从《汉书·艺文志》到《四库全书总目》历代目录学著作对书学著作的著录情况,勾勒出我国古代书学的发展概况,并力图揭示其历史原因。

2.The varieties of the biomass energy, the technologies for producing all kinds of biomass energy ,development survey at home and abroad and the existence problems are discussed in this paper.本文论述了生物质能源的种类、以及生产各种生物质能源的相应技术及其国内外发展概况和存在问题。

3.Thedevelopment surveys of structural adhesive and main achievements in our national aerospace projects are introduced.主要阐述了结构胶黏剂的发展概况及我国在宇航用结构胶黏剂方面的开发历程和主要成就。


1.Thedevelopments and trends of world s wind energy & it s blades materials;世界风能及其叶片材料发展概况与趋势

2.A Survey Of University Library Development In Japan——From Its Establishment to 70s;日本大学图书馆发展概况——从创立到七十年代

6)development situation发展概况

1.Worldwidedevelopment situation of titania produced by chlorination process and technical and economic evaluation;国内外氯化法钛白发展概况及技术经济评价

2.Analyzed its four characteristic,thedevelopment situation and direction is sumarrized.从一个铝合金特种铸造工程项目的设计谈起,分析该项目的四个特色,论述了我国压铸工业的发展概况、在世界压铸界的地位以及我国压铸工业的发展方向。

3.The paper elaborates thedevelopment situation of microbial fertilizer at home and abroad,introduces the main types,resources and application effect,discusses the action mechanism of microbial fertilizer and forecasts the development prospect of microbial fertilizer.为使相关研究者更深入地了解和应用有良好前景的微生物肥料,对国内外微生物肥料的发展概况进行了综述,介绍了微生物肥料的主要类型、资源及其应用效果,探讨了微生物肥料的作用机理,并展望了微生物肥料的发展前景。


