1000字范文 > 工业贸易发展 Development of Industrial Trade英语短句 例句大全

工业贸易发展 Development of Industrial Trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-25 16:56:49


工业贸易发展 Development of Industrial Trade英语短句 例句大全

工业贸易发展,Development of Industrial Trade

1)Development of Industrial Trade工业贸易发展

2)trade development贸易发展

1.By means of the structure modeling technique, the affection factors oftrade development in “growth triangle” are researched in order to provide scientific basis for formulating policies and measures oftrade development in“growth triangle”.用结构模型化技术,研究了影响“成长三角”贸易发展的因素。

2.Basing on thetrade development theory of "Growth Triangle", this paper researchs a conflict and a pattern of the short termtrade development stage of Tumen River Economic Zone through conflict analysis technique, which laies a theoritical foundation and furnishes a technical guarantee to decide the overall pattern and strategy for thetrade development in Tumen River Economic Zone.以“成长三角”贸易发展理论为基础,采用冲突分析技术,研究了图们江经济区贸易发展近期的冲突问题,指出了图们江经济区贸易发展近期模式。

3.The paper summarized the main features of Sino-UStrade development.分析中美两国自建交以来双边贸易发展的主要特点,指出中美双边贸易规模不断扩大,贸易差额明显上升,中国对美国的贸易依存度不断提高,中国对美国出口商品结构进一步优化。


1.TDC-Link [Hong Kong Trade Development Council]贸发灵〔香港贸易发展局〕

2.TDC [Trade Development Council](香港)贸易发展局[

3.Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade Theory and Present Trade Situation between Guangxi and Thailand;浅析产业内贸易与桂泰贸易发展取向

4.Analysis of the China-UK Bilateral Trade Development Based on the Trade Statistics of the Two Countries from January to July ;从中英贸易看两国贸易发展趋势

5.Analysis on the Development Strategy of Trade between Sino-EU Based on the Comparative Analysis among Trade between Sino-EU, Sino-Japan, Sino-US;由中欧贸易、中日贸易、中美贸易的比较分析谈中欧贸易发展策略

6.Openness,Growth and Balance:An Empirical Study on Trade Development in Transition Economies;贸易开放、贸易增长与贸易平衡——对转型国家贸易发展的实证研究

7.Design Gallery [Hong Kong Trade Development Council]设计廊〔香港贸易发展局〕

8.Datashop [Hong Kong Trade Development Council]服务站〔香港贸易发展局〕

9.Research Department [Hong Kong Trade Development Council]研究部〔香港贸易发展局〕

10.Study on Development Strategies for the Economics & Trade Co. of Kailuan (Group);开滦经贸公司经营贸易发展战略研究

11.WTO s liberalization of trade and the development of the international trade law;WTO的贸易自由化与国际贸易法的发展

12.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易和发展会议

13.Integrated Regional Programme for the Development of Trade发展贸易综合区域方案

14.In developing foreign trade,在发展对外贸易中,

15.Rapid growth of foreign trade.对外贸易快速发展。

16.Review of International Trade and Development , 1967 1967年国际贸易及发展评论

17.Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance Development Programme贸易创业援助发展方案

18.The State will promote the development of foreign trade and economic exchanges in the region.大力发展对外经济贸易。


trade development贸易发展

1.By means of the structure modeling technique, the affection factors oftrade development in “growth triangle” are researched in order to provide scientific basis for formulating policies and measures oftrade development in“growth triangle”.用结构模型化技术,研究了影响“成长三角”贸易发展的因素。

2.Basing on thetrade development theory of "Growth Triangle", this paper researchs a conflict and a pattern of the short termtrade development stage of Tumen River Economic Zone through conflict analysis technique, which laies a theoritical foundation and furnishes a technical guarantee to decide the overall pattern and strategy for thetrade development in Tumen River Economic Zone.以“成长三角”贸易发展理论为基础,采用冲突分析技术,研究了图们江经济区贸易发展近期的冲突问题,指出了图们江经济区贸易发展近期模式。

3.The paper summarized the main features of Sino-UStrade development.分析中美两国自建交以来双边贸易发展的主要特点,指出中美双边贸易规模不断扩大,贸易差额明显上升,中国对美国的贸易依存度不断提高,中国对美国出口商品结构进一步优化。

3)Bureua of Trade Development贸易发展局

4)Department of Trade Development贸易发展部

5)Industry Trade工业品贸易

1.The Impact ofIndustry Trade on Employment in China:An Empirical Study Based on a Sample of 32-Industry Panel Data;中国工业品贸易的就业效应——基于32个行业面板数据的实证分析

6)DTI (Department of Trade and Industry)贸易工业部


