1000字范文 > 教育类课程 Educational courses英语短句 例句大全

教育类课程 Educational courses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-25 14:16:27


教育类课程 Educational courses英语短句 例句大全

教育类课程,Educational courses

1)Educational courses教育类课程

1.The educational courses offered in contemporary highe r normal university is an important contant of the reformation for teacher educa tion.教育类课程的设置 ,是教师教育改革中的一项重要内容。

2.The students of higher normal colleges must have better teaching ability and competence,but the current setting of educational courses in the normal colleges is unfavorable to the improvement of these students teaching ability and competence.现行的高师院校教育类课程的设置不利于师范生教学能力素质的提高 ,应通过加大教育理论课程的比重 ,加大教育见习实习的时间 ,加强现代教育技术的使用等途径来提高师范生的教学能力素

3.However, educational courses, which are in teachers colleges of our country, present inefficiency in practice and parochialism in theory.高师本科院校的教育类课程是建构未来教师教育科学修养的主渠道。


1.Research on educational courses and teaching reform in teachers college;高等师范教育类课程与教学改革研究

2.The International Comparison of Pedagogic Curriculum and Its Enlightenment;教师教育类课程的国际比较及其启示

3.On Setting up the Three Educational Concepts of Morden Higher Normal Education Courses试论高师教育类课程教学的三大理念

4.Discussion on Courses Setting for P.E. Major in Four-year P.E. Colleges;体育教育本科专业教育类课程设置的研究

5.PE Course Research on Undergraduation in Physical Education;体育教育专业本科教育类课程设置的研究

6.Reform of Education Courses of Teacher Education in a Comprehensive University;综合性大学教师教育专业通修教育类课程改革

7.Constructing the Curriculum of Mathematics in Pre-service Teacher Education;职前教师教育中数学教育类课程的构建

8.The Research of Innovative Education and the Reform of Teaching of Pedegogy and Psychology in Higher Teacher Education;创新教育与高师教育类课程教学改革研究

9.On the Education Curriculum Designing to the China Teacher Education;教育类课程在我国教师教育中的设置研究

10.Consideration about educational curriculum reforms in PE specialized educational curriculum system of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业课程体系中教育类课程改革的思考

11.Empirical Investigation and Deep Thought on Teacher Team of Educational Courses;教育类课程师资队伍现状调查与思考

12.Exploration of Course System for Education Category in Normal Colleges;高等师范院校教育类课程体系的重构

13.Reforming and Refabrication the Curriculum System of Public Education in Higher Teachers Schools;高师公共教育类课程体系改革与重构

14.Reflections on Pedagogical Courses Reform of Local Teacher s College;地方师范院校教育类课程改革的思考

15.The Educational Philosophical Analysis of the Predicament of Educational Curriculums Reform in Teachers College and University;高师教育类课程改革困境的教育哲学解读

16.Reflections on Establishing the Course of Primary Education for Undergraduate Students;构建本科小学教育专业教育类课程的思考

17.On the Construction of Educational Courses in the Specialty of Mathematics;数学教育专业教育类课程建设分析与思考

18.Introducing the Education of STS in the Economics of Open Education;开放教育经济类课程应引入STS教育


education courses教育类课程

1.Theeducation courses are special courses different from the ones of other educational organs.教育类课程是教师教育机构区别于其他教育机构的特色课程,主要是解决“如何教”的问题。

2.The improperlygiveneducation courses, the negligence of practice in teaching and the backward teaching approaches are the important causes that result in normal students’ weakness in teaching practice.在高师教育类课程改革中,教育类课程设置不合理、忽视教学实践环节和教育类课程教学方法落后是导致师范生教学实践能力薄弱的重要原因。

3.Nowadays,along with the emphasis on teacher professional development and teacher specialization,higher normaleducation courses have a high request for teaching research and reform to highlight the educational function of teacher professional sustainable development.在高度强调教师专业发展和教师专业化的今天,髙师教育类课程面临着凸显教师专业可持续发展教育功能的教学研究与改革要求。

3)educational curriculum教育类课程

1.Consideration abouteducational curriculum reforms in PE specialized educational curriculum system of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业课程体系中教育类课程改革的思考

2.At present,educational curriculums in Chinese teachers colleges and universities are characterized by such deficiencies as insufficient courses,single-structure curriculum provision,inflexible setup and outdated contents.目前,我国高师教育类课程存在着课程门类少,课程结构设置单一、不够灵活,课程内容陈旧落后等问题。

3.The development ofeducational curriculums at higher normal colleges in the Republic of China can be said to be twists and turns and fully proved that there was "pendulum" phenomenon in the field of teacher education.民国时期高等师范院校教育类课程的曲折发展历程充分印证了在教师教育领域中的"钟摆"现象。

4)pedagogical curriculum教育类课程

1.A survey was made on the effective teaching ofpedagogical curriculum from two angles of teaching and curriculum based on the sample of the undergraduate courses for primary education.对高师教育类课程有效性教学的调查主要从课程和教学两个角度,基于小学教育本科专业的样本,通过实证研究,发现师范生对教育类课程兴趣不高,教育类课程内容脱离教育实践,教育类教师的课堂教学方法有待改善。

2.This paper states the effect of the three- subjectpedagogical curriculum on English student-teachers at the normal university.本文阐述三门教育类课程 (教育学、心理学和教学法 )对英语高师生的影响 ,并提供量化英语高师生教育、教学能力的指标体系和评价范例。

5)education curriculum教育类课程

1.The reasons toeducation curriculum caused little effect to the development of teaching knowledge for pre-service mathematics teachers are various,which not only include the reason caused by the aspect ofeducation curriculum,but also cover the reason caused by pre-service mathematics teachers themselves.教育类课程对职前数学教师教学知识的发展作用欠佳的原因是多方面的,既有教育类课程内容方面的原因,也有职前数学教师自身的原因,此外教授职前教育课程的教师的专业能力、教学方法也是不可忽视的原因。

2.In the background that physics teachers in middle schools need more teaching capability in the specialization of teacher s vocation and the reform of curriculum, it is very significative to study the setting ofeducation curriculum, including the actuality, existent problems and ways of refonn.教育类课程是高师院校的师范特色所在,是实现高师培养目标的重要保证。

6)education teachers教育类课程教师

1.By investigating the academic papers in various journals nationwide by 200education teachers in Jiangxi Province,this article reflects the present research situation ofeducation teachers.教育类课程教师的科研是培养未来教师师范性能力的重要手段,提高教师业务水平、学术水平的主要途径,也是提高基础教育教学水平,推进改革基础教育改革、全面提高基础教育质量的主要动力。


