1000字范文 > 名义跃动 nominal bounce英语短句 例句大全

名义跃动 nominal bounce英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-24 14:49:13


名义跃动 nominal bounce英语短句 例句大全

名义跃动,nominal bounce

1)nominal bounce名义跃动

1.Considering the errors of the conventional back seeking method regarding the manufacturing error,application error and test error,resulting in the inconsistency of the data between the primal data and the back seeked data,it is pointed out that analysis of the motion law of the cam profile can be done with nominal speed,nominal acceleration andnominal bounce.针对传统反求方法中存在制造误差、使用误差及测量误差,导致所反求的数据与原始凸轮精度有出入的问题,提出了以名义速度、名义加速度及名义跃动来分析凸轮轮廓线的运动规律,并给出了其数学求解依据,绘制了数据处理流程图,并通过凸轮轮廓高精度反求实例验证了论文方法的可行性,应用效果的显著性。

2)nominal motion名义运动

1.The concept "torsional vibration in the neighborhood ofnominal motion of belt drive pulley systems" is presented.在带传动系统中,由于传动带弹性因素的客观存在,使得带传动系统的实际运动是在其名义运动的基础上迭加某种形式的扭转振动。


1.Research on the Torsional Vibration in the Neighborhood of Nominal Motion of Belt Drive Pulley Systems带传动系统在其名义运动邻域的扭振研究

2.The Meaning Motion of Noun Attributes: The Retaining or Deleting of "Genus";名词定语的意义运动:“属”的保留或删除

3.At year-end, 752 organisations and 265000 individuals had registered with the movement.年底时,共有752家机构和265000名义工登记参加义工运动。

4.Semantic Relations of Idioms in “Verb Plus Gerund;“动名动名”式成语的语义关系考辨

5.And lose the name of action.并丧失去行动的名义。

6.(name of player) warning for misconduct"(运动员姓名)行为不端。

7.I want to be a basketball player.我想当一名篮球运动员。

8.He is a high jumper.他是一名跳高运动员。

9.Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground.运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。

10.I"ve got lots of famous footballers" autographs.我有许多着名足球运动员的亲笔签名.

11.I"ve got olor=# cc0066>lots of famous footballers" autographs.我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名.

12.I have got lots of famous footballers’ autographs.我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名。

13."Westernization Movement"as Translation of Yangwu Yundong:An Anatomy为历史正名:“洋务运动”英译名剖析

14.Interaction between feminism movement and Olympic Games;女权主义运动与奥林匹克运动的互动

15.Technique Analysis of Men and Women 20 km Race Walkers at Top 5 in the 10~(th) National Games of the People s Republic of China;十运会男、女20km竞走前5名运动员运动技术分析

16.Happy to Dash Forward:"Olympics" under the Name of the Game《快乐向前冲》:“奥运”名义下的游戏

17.Research on Gymnastics Elements Named by Overseas and Chinese Gymnasts;以中外体操运动员人名命名的体操动作研究

18.One woman on the Iraqi track team described her outlook this way: Someone who represents only herself has accomplished nothing; I want to represent my country.伊拉克田径队的一名女运动员说:一个仅仅代表自己的人取得成绩毫无意义;我要代表我的国家。


nominal motion名义运动

1.The concept "torsional vibration in the neighborhood ofnominal motion of belt drive pulley systems" is presented.在带传动系统中,由于传动带弹性因素的客观存在,使得带传动系统的实际运动是在其名义运动的基础上迭加某种形式的扭转振动。

3)nominal escalation rate名义浮动率

4)Spring into fame一跃成名

5)verbs using non-nouns as objectives only狭义非名宾动词

6)verbs using non-nouns as well as nouns as objectives广义非名宾动词

1.These verbs using non-nouns as objectives can be classified according to their functions, among which the verbs using non-nouns as objectives should be classified into four categories, whereas theverbs using non-nouns as well as nouns as objectives should be divided into nine categories.论文根据对大约六百个动词的考察,认为现代汉语中有44个狭义非名宾动词、五百多个广义非名宾动词。


