1000字范文 > 名义锚 nominal anchor英语短句 例句大全

名义锚 nominal anchor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-09 23:02:02


名义锚 nominal anchor英语短句 例句大全

名义锚,nominal anchor

1)nominal anchor名义锚

1.The vertical Phillips curve and the time-inconsistency problem make it necessary for the central bank to employnominal anchors to solve the issues just specified.汇率锚、货币供应量目标以及通货膨胀目标作为可供选择的名义锚均有其自身的优势和劣势。

2.By observing the actual monetary operations of PBOC in the last decade,this paper concludes that thenominal anchor of Chinese monetary policy is not monetary supply but foreign exchange rate which has constrained all the other monetary tools.本文通过对近年我国货币政策实际操作考察发现,我国货币政策名义锚并非货币供应量而是汇率,其他货币政策工具均受制于此。

3.Anominal anchor is helpful to build credibility of monetary policy,strengthen the ability of controlling the inflation.名义锚有助于货币当局建立货币政策信誉,增强其控制通货膨胀的能力。


1.The Survey of the Study on Nominal Anchor of Monetary Policy;货币政策名义锚理论的发展与实践述评

2.equivocal term多义名词-cacy

3.Application of Anchor-plate Retaining in the Southen Slope of a Dewelling District Named "Yanshan. Shanshui. Mingcheng"喷锚支护在雁山·山水名城南侧边坡的应用

4.Anchored Instruction and English Classroom Instruction;建构主义理论下的抛锚式探析语言学习过程

5.Nomlnal(or money) interest rate名义(或货币)利率

6.To hoist an anchor to(the cathead).起锚将锚提升至(锚架)

7.Helen"s car has just broken down and it"s sitting on the shoulder. Louis, a mechanic, has arrived to help.海伦的车刚抛锚,现在停在路肩。一名叫路易的技工前来帮她修车。

8.Ay, here it is: ″Capt. Kidd"s Anchorage″- just the name my shipmate called it.啊,这儿写着呢,‘基德船长的锚地’——正是我以前的船友说过的地名。

9.Gross national product, nominal名义国民生产总值(或名义gnp)

10.Gross domestic product, nominal(or nominal GDP)名义国内生产总值(或名义gdp)

11.And there were 40 officers, 260 petty officers, 538 soldiers, and 332 students.干部40名,士官260名,义务兵538名,学员332名。

12.Application of Constructivist Anchor-Like Teaching Strategy to Classroom Teaching;建构主义的抛锚式教学策略在课堂教学中的应用

13.Investigation of anchoring protein antibodies CD55/CD59 and RET on the diagnostic significance of anemic patientsGPI锚定蛋白抗体CD55、CD59及RET在贫血诊断中的意义探讨

14.the signature of the name of a firm is equivalent to the signature by the person so signing of the names of all persons liable as partners in that firm.以公司名称签名,相等于签名人以公司全体合伙人名义签名。

15.Bonorum possessio ventris nomine以胎儿名义的遗产占有

16.nominal capital名义资本,额定资本

17.nominal and effective exchange rates for the Hong Kong dollar港元的名义及实际汇率

18.under the name of McDonald brothers.以麦当劳兄弟的名义。


nominal anchor of domestic currency本币名义锚

3)An Analysis of the Choice of Nominal Anchor名义锚的选择分析


1.In order to clarify the relations between New Yuefu and Yue Baishi , it is necessary to define itsname first.为厘清新乐府与元白诗派的成立之间的关系,有必要先对其名义作一界定。

5)nominal strength名义强度

1.The research progeny about corrosion character and deterioration mechanism of mechanical property of the corroded steel bars in concrete are mainly summarized and discussed in this article,which also expounds the deteriorating regularity ofnominal strength and ductility of the corroded steel bars .本文主要总结与讨论了混凝土内锈蚀钢筋的锈蚀特征、力学性能退化机理等方面的研究成果,阐述了钢筋锈蚀后其名义强度与延性的退化规律,为研究和评估锈蚀钢筋的力学性能提供了依据。

6)nominal common difference名义公差

1.Through the dynamics analysis on the relationship between wheel and rail surface,based on the experimental data from scientific research institutes,we find the effective measure to avoid suspension derailment of empty trains that is to reduce the gap between rail and wheel in straight section(nominal common difference).通过对车辆车轮与轨面间的动力学原理分析,结合科研部门的大量试验数据,提出减小直线段轮轨间隙(名义公差)是防止空车悬浮脱轨的有效方法。


