1000字范文 > 浑水灌溉 irrigation with water of high silt content英语短句 例句大全

浑水灌溉 irrigation with water of high silt content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-08 09:04:31


浑水灌溉 irrigation with water of high silt content英语短句 例句大全

浑水灌溉,irrigation with water of high silt content

1)irrigation with water of high silt content浑水灌溉


1.The formula is superior to existing formulae, and it can be used in the research of muddy irrigation, rainfall runoff and erosion processes in watershed.这一成果对流域降雨产汇流、壤侵蚀机理研究及浑水灌溉研究与应用具有一定的价值。

2.The cement bridge passed by, and the muddy waters of the irrigation ditch from the days when the gringos diverted the river to bring it to the plantations.火车驶过水泥桥和浑浊的灌溉渠,那是当年外国佬开凿,用来引水灌溉种植园的。

3.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理

4.A Study on Simulating Approach for Water Requirement of Grass and on Irrigation Schedule of Grass Planted by Man in the Otinday Sandy Area;浑善达克沙地牧草需水量的模拟计算方法及人工牧草灌溉制度研究

5.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟

6.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

7.irrigate with water from a sluice.利用开闸放水来灌溉。

8.head gate structure [irrigation]渠首闸门,总水闸门[灌溉]

9.water resources development computation forirrigation projects灌溉工程的水利计算

10.Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房

11.The water in the irrigating ditch was well up.灌溉渠里涨满了水。

12.They deflected water into an irrigation canal他们把水引入灌溉渠。

13.Analysis on Water Use Demand for Irrigation and the Development of Water-Saving Irrigation;灌溉用水需求分析与节水灌溉发展研究

14.Research on the Relationship between Irrigation Water Price and Irrigation Water in Drought Oases干旱绿洲区灌溉水价与灌溉用水量关系研究

15.Study on Water-saving Irrigation Schedule and Optimum Irrigation Index of Flue-cured Tobacco;烤烟节水灌溉制度与优化灌溉指标研究

16.Analysis of scaling variation of irrigation water use efficiency under typical irrigation regimes典型灌溉模式下灌溉水利用效率尺度变化模拟

17.Analysis of Substitute Relation Between Farmland Irrigation Water and Irrigation Investment in China农业灌溉投资与灌溉用水的替代弹性分析

18.Border check irrigation; strip irrigation : Flood irrigation in which land is divided into Border strips and water is delivered into each strip from a head or field ditch at its upper end.畦面灌溉;条灌:把地块分成畦沟,使灌溉用水从水头或灌渠较高一端流到另一端的灌溉方法。


irrigation and drainage灌溉排水

1.Considering the current status ofirrigation and drainage systems in China,the W.结合我国灌溉排水系统的实际情况对该系统进行了改造,并在广西桂林开展了试验研究。

3)reclaimed water irrigation中水灌溉

1.Elementary reflection is that the effect of the well water irrigation andreclaimed water irrigation to the heavy metals accumulation in plant is lest.通过对邯郸市5种水质灌区的作物中重金属含量测定,结果发现:中水灌溉和井水灌溉对重金属在作物中积累影响最小,无论何种水质灌溉,4种重金属在作物中积累趋势为Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd,分布趋势基本为根大于茎和籽粒,作物体内铅和镉含量超标。

2.Based on the experiment studies,the study on water and solute transport in sandy soil underreclaimed water irrigation was made,The result can give some reference for the effect on soil solute transport and soil environment under micro-contaminated water irrigation.以宁夏回族自治区大武口市森林公园的含砾砂土为研究对象,通过室内试验,对中水灌溉条件下砂砾质土壤在不同灌水量、多次连续灌水、降雨淋洗等不同来水条件下水分、污染物运移的规律进行了初步的研究,为微污染水用于绿化灌溉对砂砾质土壤中污染物运移及累积的研究提供科学依据。

4)effluent irrigation污水灌溉

1.Effects ofeffluent irrigation on the variation of chemical element concentrations of soil extractions under field conditions;污水灌溉对土壤浸提液元素浓度变化影响的田间试验研究

2.This paper analysed heavy metal content in soil samples of different depth from the eastern,analyzed the relation between the concentration change of heavy metals in soil,provided the scientific evidences foreffluent irrigation,solving the problems of water ineffluent irrigation areas and environmental impact assessment.通过对某污灌区土壤中重金属的测试,分析了不同土层剖面深度土壤样品中重金属Cr、Cu、Cd、Pb元素含量,揭示了重金属在垂直方向上的浓度梯度变化趋势与土壤性质的内在联系,为指导污水灌溉,解决污灌区缺水的现状,以及开展环境影响评价工作提供了科学依据。

3.We analyzed and evaluated contents of several heavy metals(Cr,,Cu,Cd,Pb)in soil samples at different depths collected from eastern Inner Mongolia receivingeffluent irrigation.结果表明,随着土层加深重金属含量减少,经过十几年的污水灌溉,当地的地下水目前没有受到污染,这说明重金属在土壤中的迁移具有随着土层厚度增加而减弱的趋势。

5)wastewater irrigation污水灌溉

1.Nitrogenwastewater irrigation study and its contamination risk analysis;含氮污水灌溉实验研究及污染风险分析

2.Diary effluent is typically rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, andwastewater irrigation can reduce fertilizing costs and slacken contamination.合理的灌溉指标和方法,是污水灌溉安全高效进行的主要保证。

3.Abstract The impact of wastewater in Shawan Wastewater Pool in the refinery of Dushanzi Petrochemical Company on surrounding environment and the impact ofwastewater irrigation on soil,environment and vegeta- tion are analyzed,which provides important information on the re-utilization of treated wastewater from petro- chemical plants.针对独山子石化分公司炼油厂沙湾污水库储水对周围环境及利用污水库污水灌溉对土壤环境和植被影响进行分析。

6)sewage irrigation污水灌溉

1.Research progress on heavy metal pollution insewage irrigation;污水灌溉重金属污染研究进展

2.Impact of depth of groundwater table on nitrogen dynamics in soil undersewage irrigation;变饱和带条件下污水灌溉对土壤氮素运移和冬小麦生长的影响

3.Effects ofsewage irrigation on winter wheat quality and Yield;污水灌溉对冬小麦产量及其品质的影响


浑水灌溉浑水灌溉irrigation with water of high silt contenthunshui guan,gai浑水灌溉(irrigation with water ofhigh silt eontent)利用多沙河流汛期浑水进行灌概。它具有提高水资源利用率,防早保墒,增加地力,改良土壤,保持水土,分散水势,减轻水患的作用。浑水灌溉的技术要求①掌握取水含沙界限:据陕西省径、洛、渭三大灌区实践,玉米棉花生育期内可引用含沙量在35%(重量比)以下的浑水进行灌溉,而在玉米苗期,棉花蕾期,含沙界限应控制在25%以下。②控制淤泥厚度:旱作实行浑水灌溉,高杆作物淤层宜厚,矮杆作物宜薄。从径、洛、渭三大灌区资料分析。对于玉米,淤泥厚度可为5一7厘米,对于棉花,淤泥厚度可为3一6厘米。水稻实行浑灌,拔节后淤泥厚度可为8一12厘米。③提高落淤质量:影响落淤质量的主要因素是单宽流量、田面比降、淤区面积,在田面比降相同的条件下,为了提高落淤质量应适当加大单宽流量,以避免出现淤厚不均和分选顺粒的情况。④节约用水:径惠渠试验,沟灌通气性较畦灌良好,有利于作物生长发育。小畦沟灌水流集中,流速较快,输沙能力增强,泥沙落淤均匀.既有利于改土,又能节约用水。沟灌规格一般和清水灌溉要求一样。浑水渠系规划设计的特点①清、浑兼引渠道既要适应清水冲刷的特点,又要考虑浑水落淤的可能。要防冲也要防淤。允许渠道有冲有淤,在一定的时期内冲淤平衡。②要结合地形条件,尽可能将渠道布置在较高地带或布置在具有较大坡度的地面上,以便增大比降,控制较多的自流灌溉面积,使水流具有较大的流速。③适应高含沙洪水历时短、来量大的特点,引水口应有利于引用较多浑水,尽量减少渠道级数,增大设计流量,全灌区干支渠同时放水,斗渠全开,使水流尽快进入田间。浑水灌溉的水源一是汛期河水,二是水库排出的浑水。水库排浑主要是汛前水库为腾空迎汛而排出的浑水.以及汛期泄洪而排出的浑水.洪峰经水库调立长,滞,泄量变得小而均匀,沙峰经水库调滞,时间灌溉,因此水库下游的灌区可于较长时间内进行浑水和基有的水库还采用水力吸泥,高渠拉沙,泄空冲届行浑流冲刷等方式将库内滩槽淤积排出库外,也可遥卜)水灌溉。(张:
