1000字范文 > 浑水试验 Silt-laden water test英语短句 例句大全

浑水试验 Silt-laden water test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-20 08:17:05


浑水试验 Silt-laden water test英语短句 例句大全

浑水试验,Silt-laden water test

1)Silt-laden water test浑水试验

2)muddy water浑水

1.Distribution characteristics and influence factors of deposits after the infiltration ofmuddy water;浑水入渗的滞留物分布特征及影响因素分析

2.Water-saving mechanism and the effects ofmuddy water surge-flow irrigation;浑水波涌灌溉的节水机理与效果


1.Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters.当心那些浑水摸鱼的人。

2.The result shows that the reason of muddy water infiltration differing from rinsing is the clay in muddy water.根据浑水入渗试验资料,建立了浑水入渗经验公式。

3.Investigation of Clear Water Field of a Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment by Physical Model“浑水水力分离清水装置”清水流场试验研究

4.Clear Water Flow Field Numerical Simulation of "Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment";“浑水水力分离清水装置”的清水流场数值模拟

5.Experiment Research on the Water & Sediment Separation Flow in the "Turbid Water Hydraulic Power";“浑水水力分离清水装置”水沙分离试验研究

6.sow discord and create confusion so as to fish in troubled waters挑拨离间, 制造混乱, 以便浑水摸鱼

7.During the time of disorder some people fished in trouble waters在混乱时期,有些人浑水摸鱼。

8.Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sunk my boat.浑水像小河般流溢,把我的船冲没了。

9.The Instructure Optimization Experiment Research of a "Turbid Water Hydraulic Power Separation Equipment";“浑水水力分离清水装置”结构优化试验研究

10.If the source of the stream is muddy, the whole course will be muddy.源头水浑,整河水浊。

11.the turbid floodwaters of the river泛滥的浑浊的河水.

12.Their bodies streamed with sweat.他们浑身流淌着汗水。

13.On the Aesthetic Style of Landscape Poems of Xu Hun s and His Thousands of Humid Poems;论许浑山水诗的审美视角及“许浑千首湿”

14.The dog went in the water and now it"s wet all over.狗刚才跳到水里了,所以现在浑身是水。

15.Using water power and having all the functions of the armillary sphere, it was the first astronomical clock in the world.以水为动力,集浑仪、浑象、报时装置于一体,是世界上最早的天文钟。

16.He stands shivering on the brink, wait to dive in.他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖。

17.He hung up the phone, his body drenched in sweat.他挂断电话,浑身浸透了汗水。

18.That evening, I relaxed in a spa-pool.夜幕降临,我躺在矿泉水池中,浑身放松。


muddy water浑水

1.Distribution characteristics and influence factors of deposits after the infiltration ofmuddy water;浑水入渗的滞留物分布特征及影响因素分析

2.Water-saving mechanism and the effects ofmuddy water surge-flow irrigation;浑水波涌灌溉的节水机理与效果

3)turbid water浑水

1.Most of the oil pipelines in our country lie inturbid water part of the continental shelves.我国海域辽阔,油气资源丰富,水下石油管线大部分在大陆架浑水区。

4)turbid water reservoir浑水水库

1.The blending process of the density current and the forming process of theturbid water reservoir are observed through building the reservoir before dam, and the vertical distribution of sediment before the dam is obtained in the experiment.试验通过修建局部坝前水库,观察了异重流在水库模型中的掺混过程及浑水水库的形成过程,并定性地得到了坝前含沙量垂线分布。

5)Hydraulic test水压试验

1.Practical experience of the main primary system hydraulic tests for Qinshan NPP Phase Ⅱ;秦山第二核电厂一回路主系统水压试验实践经验

2.FEM calculation and hydraulic test of NF-6 wind tunnel;NF-6风洞洞体有限元计算与水压试验

3.The hydraulic test unit for large-diameter gate valves;大口径平板闸阀的水压试验装置

6)dewatering test放水试验

1.In thedewatering test of Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine,there were abnormal phenomena,such as groundwater level and yield changed abnormally in the third layers,filters were broken.兴隆庄煤矿三含放水试验中出现了水位、流量异常变化及滤管被错断的现象,本文对这些现象的形成机理进行了分析。

2.This paper deals with the water quality change duringdewatering test in Xingtai Coal Mine.论述了邢台煤矿放水试验中的水质变化特征,并根据地球化学原理,利用指标组合、水质图像分析方法,把试验区水质分为典型奥灰水和大青水,大青水又分为三种情形,而且计算出各混合水中奥灰水的比例,从而得出该矿三个水文地质单元的富水地段及其补给源和补给强度。


浑水灌溉浑水灌溉irrigation with water of high silt contenthunshui guan,gai浑水灌溉(irrigation with water ofhigh silt eontent)利用多沙河流汛期浑水进行灌概。它具有提高水资源利用率,防早保墒,增加地力,改良土壤,保持水土,分散水势,减轻水患的作用。浑水灌溉的技术要求①掌握取水含沙界限:据陕西省径、洛、渭三大灌区实践,玉米棉花生育期内可引用含沙量在35%(重量比)以下的浑水进行灌溉,而在玉米苗期,棉花蕾期,含沙界限应控制在25%以下。②控制淤泥厚度:旱作实行浑水灌溉,高杆作物淤层宜厚,矮杆作物宜薄。从径、洛、渭三大灌区资料分析。对于玉米,淤泥厚度可为5一7厘米,对于棉花,淤泥厚度可为3一6厘米。水稻实行浑灌,拔节后淤泥厚度可为8一12厘米。③提高落淤质量:影响落淤质量的主要因素是单宽流量、田面比降、淤区面积,在田面比降相同的条件下,为了提高落淤质量应适当加大单宽流量,以避免出现淤厚不均和分选顺粒的情况。④节约用水:径惠渠试验,沟灌通气性较畦灌良好,有利于作物生长发育。小畦沟灌水流集中,流速较快,输沙能力增强,泥沙落淤均匀.既有利于改土,又能节约用水。沟灌规格一般和清水灌溉要求一样。浑水渠系规划设计的特点①清、浑兼引渠道既要适应清水冲刷的特点,又要考虑浑水落淤的可能。要防冲也要防淤。允许渠道有冲有淤,在一定的时期内冲淤平衡。②要结合地形条件,尽可能将渠道布置在较高地带或布置在具有较大坡度的地面上,以便增大比降,控制较多的自流灌溉面积,使水流具有较大的流速。③适应高含沙洪水历时短、来量大的特点,引水口应有利于引用较多浑水,尽量减少渠道级数,增大设计流量,全灌区干支渠同时放水,斗渠全开,使水流尽快进入田间。浑水灌溉的水源一是汛期河水,二是水库排出的浑水。水库排浑主要是汛前水库为腾空迎汛而排出的浑水.以及汛期泄洪而排出的浑水.洪峰经水库调立长,滞,泄量变得小而均匀,沙峰经水库调滞,时间灌溉,因此水库下游的灌区可于较长时间内进行浑水和基有的水库还采用水力吸泥,高渠拉沙,泄空冲届行浑流冲刷等方式将库内滩槽淤积排出库外,也可遥卜)水灌溉。(张:
