1000字范文 > 产出缺口 Output gap英语短句 例句大全

产出缺口 Output gap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-02 04:09:22


产出缺口 Output gap英语短句 例句大全

产出缺口,Output gap

1)Output gap产出缺口

1.China s Output Gap and Inflation;中国的产出缺口与通货膨胀

2.Estimating Potential Output and the Output Gap in China;中国潜在产出与产出缺口的估算

3.The Output Gap and Monetary Policy Effect in China我国产出缺口与货币政策效应


1.A Compare Research on Estimation Methods of Potential Output and the Output Gap;潜在产出和产出缺口估计方法的比较研究

2.The Definition and Measurement Method of Potential Output and Output Gap;潜在产出与产出缺口的界定与测算方法

3.Studies on the Relationships of Potential Output,Output Gap and Inflation Rate潜在产出、产出缺口与通货膨胀率关系研究

4.The Core Inflation Rate and Output Gap in China:An Empirical Investigation;中国核心通胀率与产出缺口经验分析

5.Estimating Output Gap:A Multivariate Dynamic Model Approach基于多变量动态模型的产出缺口估算

6.The Analysis of the Impact of Output Gap and Currency Gap on China"s Inflation产出缺口和货币缺口对中国通货膨胀的影响分析

7.An analysis of China’s output gap based on Fourier and Wavelet techniques用傅立叶和小波对我国产出缺口的分析

8.Globalization,Global Output Gap and Domestic Inflation全球化、全球产出缺口与国内的通货变动

9.Inflation Pressure Measurement Based on Output Gap Estimates基于产出缺口估计的通货膨胀压力测度研究

10.On the Acceptable Output Gap and the Tendency of Marco-Economy in China论中国可接受的产出缺口区间与宏观经济走势

11.The Research and Analysis about the Estimation Measures of the Potential Output and Output Gap in China;中国潜在产出和产出缺口的估计方法研究及评价

12.The Estimation of Potential Output and Output Gap--The empirical research based on data of Xinjiang from 1978 to ;潜在产出与产出缺口估算——基于新疆1978—的数据的实证研究

13.An Empirical Test of Phillips Curves in China;菲利普斯曲线在中国经济中的实证研究——基于产出缺口的分析

14.Inflation and Output Gap in China--Based on Empirical Investigation between the Years and 中国的通货膨胀与产出缺口——来自-的经验分析

15.Global Output Gap and China"s Inflation:An Empirical Study Based on Augmented Philips Curve全球产出缺口与中国的通胀变动:基于扩展的菲利普斯曲线研究

16.Macroeconomic Trend of China:Based on Analysis of Output Gap and AD-AS Model论中国宏观经济走势:基于产出缺口与AD-AS模型的分析

17.They believe they can estimate phenomena such as the output gap or the rate of inflation to be expected for any specified behaviour of real activity.它们自以为对各种局面胸有成竹,包括任何特定真实活动情形下可以预期的产出缺口或通涨率。

18.The fiver poured its waters through the breach.河水从缺口倾泻而出。


nominal growth gap名义产出缺口

3)Global Output Gap全球产出缺口

1.Global Output Gap and China"s Inflation:An Empirical Study Based on Augmented Philips Curve全球产出缺口与中国的通胀变动:基于扩展的菲利普斯曲线研究

4)acceptable output gap可接受的产出缺口区间

1.This paper establishes a model of Kalman filter to estimate the potential output and the gap in China from 1978-,then analyze the tendency of economy,acceptable output gap and acceptable growth,based on above,proposes relevant suggestions for the tendency of development in .文章构建状态空间模型进行Kalman滤波,估算我国1978—的潜在产出与产出缺口,分析我国经济长期增长趋势、可接受的产出缺口区间与可接受的经济增长区间,据此对经济走势进行预测并提出相应的政策建议。

5)the product needs breach产需缺口

6)defaults and entry缺陷与出口


