1000字范文 > 产出状态 Output state英语短句 例句大全

产出状态 Output state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-21 00:41:13


产出状态 Output state英语短句 例句大全

产出状态,Output state

1)Output state产出状态


1.An Exanination of Economic Growth and Balance Between Urban and Rural Income Under Meta-potential-production Circumstance;远离潜在产出状态下的经济增长与城乡收入均衡

2.the birth of a living fetus.胎儿全身产出后具有生命活动的分娩状态。

3.There thus arises, in the shepherd state, inequality of possessions;这样—来在游牧状态下就出 现了财产的不平等。

4.a skin condition marked by an overgrowth of layers of horny skin.出现角状皮肤的状态。

5.The Worldwide Relative Changes in China s Steady State of Per Capita Output(1960~2000);中国人均产出稳定状态在世界范围内的相对变化

6.relating to the breathing out phase of respiration.关于呼吸的呼出状态的。

7.free from slavery or servitude.从奴隶状态中解放出来。

8.Inspection and test status of products产品检查和测试状态

9.a condition in which no mucus in produced.不能产生粘液的状态。

10.Production be at a standstill .生产处于停滞状态。

11.The act of ejecting or the condition of being ejected.喷出喷出的动作或被喷出的状态

12.International Dynamic Input-Output Model国际投入-产出动态模型

13.assume a drooping posture or carriage.呈现出一种下垂的状态或姿态。

14.Appears in the middle of the status bar, next to the status bar text出现在状态栏的中部,状态栏文本的旁边

15.The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out.流出,放出流出、通过或放出的行为或状态

e forth or begin from a state of latency.出现或者从隐伏的状态中显露出来。

17.Three EPQ models For Deteriorating Items Under Stochastic Production State随机生产状态下易变质产品的EPQ模型

18.There would be a set of equations relating supply and demand for each product to incomes and prices.在使每项产品的供求和收入及价格相适应方面就会出现一系列的平衡状态。


modes of occurrence of Au_mineral particles金产出状态

3)mould unloading出模状态

4)departure condition出港状态

5)discharging state放出状态

6)overflow status溢出状态


