1000字范文 > 近代中国市场 the market of modern China英语短句 例句大全

近代中国市场 the market of modern China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 03:12:08


近代中国市场 the market of modern China英语短句 例句大全

近代中国市场,the market of modern China

1)the market of modern China近代中国市场

2)Chinese modern cities中国近代城市

1.This paper summarizes and emphasizes explanations of the four important aspects that must be concerned about in the field of the history ofChinese modern cities,which is based on the research work of other researchers in recent years.总结并反思了近年来国内外学者的中国近代城市史的研究成果,提出应从四个重要层面进行近代城市史的研究,即区域城镇发展与城镇体系、城市社会结构、城市物质空间形态、城市文化。


1.Historical Study on the Paradigm of the Chinese Early Modern City Planning: 1843~1949;中国近代城市规划范型的历史研究(1843~1949)

2.Some thoughts on the study of culture history of Chinese modern cities;对中国近代城市文化史研究的一点思考

3.Theoretical Study on the Modern City History of China in the Late 20th Century;20世纪后期中国近代城市史研究的理论探索

4.Concessions and Early Modernization of China s Municipal Administration;租界与近代中国城市市政早期现代化

5.Movie and the Changes of People s Life in Modern Chinese Cities;电影与近代中国城市市民生活的变化

6.Urbanization and Popularization:the Emergence of Mass Culture in Modern China;城市化与大众化:近代中国城市大众文化的兴起

7.People s Education Museum in Modern Times;近代中国(1911—1937)城市民众教育馆述论

8.Trade and The Start of Urbanization in Modern China(1840-1895);商业与近代中国城市化的启动(1840—1895)


10.On Economic Links of Regional Cities in Modern China;略论中国近代区域城市间的经济联系

11.A Summary of the Research about the Declined Cities in Modern China in Recent Ten Years;近十年来关于“近代中国衰落城市”研究综述

12.The Impact of Migrant Workers going to town on Modern Chinese Urban Society;论近代中国农民进城对城市社会的影响

13.A Research on the Social Education and the EarlyUrban Modernization in ModernChina;近代中国社会教育与城市早期现代化研究

14.The Characters and the Influence of Outside Force in the Early Modernization of Modern Chinese City;近代中国城市早期现代化的特点与外力的影响

15.Reason of Development That Have Priority In The ModernRegional Key City Of China;试论中国近代区域中心城市发展的原因

16.Changes of Chinese Urban Intellectuals in Late Imperial China--An Exploration of the Sprout of Modern Chinese Academic Knowledge;中国近世末期城市知识分子的变貌——探求中国近代学术知识的萌芽

17.The Development Background Analysis of the Modern Urban Design in China over the Past 20 Years;近二十年中国现代城市设计发展背景分析

18.On the Economy of Italy City-Countries in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times;论中世纪和近代早期的意大利城市国家经济


Chinese modern cities中国近代城市

1.This paper summarizes and emphasizes explanations of the four important aspects that must be concerned about in the field of the history ofChinese modern cities,which is based on the research work of other researchers in recent years.总结并反思了近年来国内外学者的中国近代城市史的研究成果,提出应从四个重要层面进行近代城市史的研究,即区域城镇发展与城镇体系、城市社会结构、城市物质空间形态、城市文化。

3)Modern Chinese Urban History近代中国城市史

4)Modern market近代市场

1.However the modern market was not continuance or expansion of the traditional one,but the result of many factors coming from abroad,which brought the unbalanced and forced characters of the market in modern China.伴随着中国自然经济的解体,近代中国市场开始发轫,表现为中国近代市场体系的逐渐形成,但是中国的近代市场不是传统市场的延伸和扩大,而是在外来因素的作用下产生和发展的,所以中国近代市场主要表现为不平衡性、被动性等一系列现象。

5)Chinese Early-modern city Planning中国近代城市规划

6)modern China近代中国

1.Aualysis of the Cauzes of the emergence and development of medical missionary enterprise inmodern China;教会医疗事业在近代中国产生、发展的原因探析

2.The characteristics of Modern China publication;近代中国图书出版特征论

3.The Interpretation of the Cultural Traces and Evidence in the Changing Era:A simple reflection on cultural history studies inmodern China;解读变动时代的文化履迹——关于近代中国文化史研究的简单反思


