1000字范文 > 近代中国教育 the Chinas Education of Modern Times英语短句 例句大全

近代中国教育 the Chinas Education of Modern Times英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-19 13:10:11


近代中国教育 the Chinas Education of Modern Times英语短句 例句大全

近代中国教育,the China"s Education of Modern Times

1)the China"s Education of Modern Times近代中国教育

1.Hattori Unokichi andthe China"s Education of Modern Times服部宇之吉与近代中国教育


1.Educational Societies and the Movement of Regaining Educational Rights近代中国教育团体与收回教育权运动

2.Discoursing the Modern Chinese Overseas Education and the Modernization of the Higher Education in China;中国近代留学教育与中国高等教育近代化

3.The Missionary Preschool Education and the Modernization of China"s Prechool Education教会学前教育与中国学前教育近代化

4.On Chinese Modern Education Periodicals and Education System Transformation;中国近代教育期刊与近代学制嬗变——以上海近代教育期刊为例

5.The Initiation of Modern Chinese Vocational Education and the Course of Chinese Modernization;近代中国职业教育的兴起与中国近代化

6.On the Modern Value of the Experiment of China Rural Education in the Modern Times;论近代中国乡村教育实验的现代价值

7.Law Education in Late Qing Dynasty and Modernization of Legal Institution in Modern China;清末法学教育与近代中国法制现代化

8.On the Shift of Chinese Education before and after China s Reform and Opening-up;中国教育的“近代”性质与“现代”转型

9.The Chinese Science Society and Education of Popular Science in Modern Times (1914-1949);中国科学社与中国近代科普教育(1914-1949)

10.The Study on the Development of Physical Education Ideologies in Modern Times of China;中国近现代体育教育思想演进的研究

11.On the Impact of Baptist University on Chinese Higher Education;教会大学对中国近代高等教育的影响

12.A Study on Education and Teaching of the Chinese Modern History Summary(A New Course);《中国近现代史纲要》教育教学研究

13.Influence of church missionary women school for women education in modern times of China;教会女校对中国近代女子教育的影响

14.The church missionary women school and the production of the women education in modern times in China;教会女校与中国近代女子教育的产生

15.The Historical Evolution of Preschool Teacher Education in Modern China论中国近代幼儿教师教育的历史演变

16.The Exploration of "Man" in Modern Times and Educational Target Modernization;近代中国对“人”的探索与教育目标近代化

17.Chinese Higher Education,Modernization in the View of Three Modern Educational Systems;从近代三部学制看中国高等教育的近代化

18.Influences of religious education upon Chinese infant education论教会幼儿教育对中国幼儿教育近代化的影响


modern education of China中国近代教育

1.On the review of ZHANG Zhidong as the forerunnerofmodern education of China;论中国近代教育的先驱张之洞

2.He reformed the old academies of classical learning,created kinds of new schools,sent students studying abroad,set up the system ofmodern education of China and opened the door ofmodern education of China as the first person.他改造旧式书院、创设各类新式学堂、派遣留学生、构建中国近代教育体制 ,开我国近代教育之先河。

3)modern history of Chinese education中国近代教育史

4)Modern Education in China中国近现代教育

5)China"s education modernization中国教育近代化

6)modern China近代中国警察教育

1.The inclination towards profession in the sphere of police training inmodern China and the reflection;近代中国警察教育的职业化及其反思


