1000字范文 > 赣方言 Gan dialect英语短句 例句大全

赣方言 Gan dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-27 20:01:10


赣方言 Gan dialect英语短句 例句大全

赣方言,Gan dialect

1)Gan dialect赣方言

1.Gan dialect and exegesis of "da"(达),"shang"(伤) and "ling"(凌);赣方言与“达”、“伤”、“凌”的训诂

2.On the negative transfer ofGan dialect on English pronunciation刍议赣方言在英语语音习得中的负迁移现象


1.Gan dialect and exegesis of "da"(达),"shang"(伤) and "ling"(凌);赣方言与“达”、“伤”、“凌”的训诂

2.Wu dialect, Min dialect, Cantonese, Xiang dialect, Gan dialect, Hui dialect, Jin dialect, Pinghua dialect.吴方言、闽方言、粤方言、湘方言、赣方言、徽方言、津方言、平话。

3.Grammatical Phenomena of Hakka & Gan Dialects in Local Operas in Jiangxi;江西地方戏曲中的客赣方言语法现象

parative Research into Tone in Gan-Dialect of Dongkou County,Hunan Province;湖南省洞口县赣方言声调的比较研究

5.A Phonetic Analysis of the Hakka and Gan Dialects;客赣方言舌齿音声母按等分立的格局

6.On the Same Pronunciation of 辫 and 边鞭 in the Hakka and Gan Dialects;客赣方言“辫”读如“边鞭”的性质

7.The Gan Dialect s Elements in the Jiujiang Xunyang Dialect;九江市浔阳区方言中的赣方言成分研究

8.Study on the Case of Personal Pronoun Singular Form of Gan Dialect in Jiangxi江西境内赣方言人称代词单数的"格"之考察

9.Survey of the Phenomenon of Laimu ("来母") Reading "t-、t~h-、d-"in Kan Dialect江西赣方言来母细音今读舌尖塞音现象的考察

10.On the Phenomenon that the Structure of "Nouns+Morphemes Marking Male or Female" not Showing Male or Female in Gan and Hakka Dialects;客赣方言“名词+雌/雄语素”结构不表雌雄现象探析

11.An Observation of the Feature and the Function of the Words Showing the Sex of Animals from Gan Dialect;从赣方言看表示动物雌雄语素的词性及其功能

12.On the negative transfer of Gan dialect on English pronunciation刍议赣方言在英语语音习得中的负迁移现象

13.Characteristics of Gan(赣) Dialect in Ming(明) Dynasty Reflected by the Rhymes of Medical Songs in Gong Ting-xian’s (龚廷贤) Medical Works;从龚廷贤医籍歌括用韵看明代赣方言的若干特点

14.On the Origin of Hakka Dialectal Groups;从赣客方言的类似性看客家方言群的源流

15.Self-adjusting Function of Language System in Terms of Historical Development of Hakka in Northern Part of Jiangxi Province;赣北方言的历史演变与语言系统的自我调节

16.A Tentative Analysis of the ABB-style Ideophones in Niuti Gan Dialect;牛蹄赣语方言中ABB式状貌词的特点初探

17.Phonological Survey of Gan Dialect in Hunan from the Material of Report of Hunan Dialect Survey;从《湖南方言调查报告》看湖南赣语的语音概貌

18.Three Noun Suffixes of Xinyu Dialect in Jiangxi Province;赣语新余方言的小称词缀“的”及其他相关词缀


Gan dialects赣方言

1.The Source & Course of Hakka Dialects and Its Relationship with Gan Dialects;客家方言的源流及与赣方言的关系

2.The Relatives of Hakka Dialects and Gan Dialects and the Relations between Hakka Dialects and Gan Dialects;客赣方言关系词与客赣方言的关系

3.This paper proposes several sorts of development patterns concerning the modern pronunciation of the ancient voiced initials inGan dialects, based on the field surveys and studies.通过对江西赣方言古全浊声母的今读情况的考察发现,江西赣方言古全浊声母今读有多种发展模式,这种状态的形成是江西早期土著方言与北方移民语言相互作用以及后来赣方言自身发展的结果。

3)Ganyu dialect赣榆方言

1.Reflections on Further Researches on Ganyu Dialects;赣榆方言深入研究的几点思考

2.Ganyu dialect is very special in modern Chinese mandarin dialects,which attracts constant attention domestically and abroad.赣榆方言在官话方言中非常有特色,一直为国内外语言学界所关注。

4)Gan dialect islands赣方言岛

1.SomeGan dialect islands are scattered in the mountain areas of Shangluo and Ankang in eastern Shaanxi province.陕南东部商洛、安康山区散布着若干个赣方言岛,它以全浊声母送气,咸山一二等区别等特征有别于陕南的江淮官话,其方言特征与皖西南赣语怀岳片和鄂东南赣语大通片极为相似。


1.This paper investigates the evolution ofRu-tone in the Gan and Ke groups of Chinese dialects, which are spoken in the north and central west areas of Jiangxi province, as well as in the east of Hunan province.本文考察古入声字的声调和韵母在十七个赣、客方言中的演变。

6)Hakka and Gan dialects客赣方言

1.This paper compares with the pronunciation of 辫 inHakka and Gan dialects, and drew a conclusion that the above pronunciations were not originally from 薄泫切, but actually from 卑连切 or 布玄切.本文考察“辫”在各地客赣方言里的读音,认为上述读法并非来自“薄泫切” 的例外,而是来自“卑连切”或“布玄切”的例内,其本字为“编”。

2.Observed from the aspect of the language contact,Chenzhou dialect was once influenced byHakka and Gan dialects and has the feature of devocalization.今郴州方言古全浊声母已清化,从语言接触历史来看,郴州方言曾受客赣方言影响,具有客赣方言浊音清化的倾向,到明末又在通语官话音的强势影响下,全浊声母清化具有官话的特点。


