1000字范文 > 土话 dialect英语短句 例句大全

土话 dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-06 01:50:10


土话 dialect英语短句 例句大全



1.Types of Xingningdialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed, their grammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed.描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。

2.This essay studies three influential Victorian writers with the purpose to study the ways of their representation ofdialects.本文从小说语言学的角度 ,对维多利亚时代作家的土话表现手法作了分析。


1.The Relation among Pinghua , South Hunan Dialect and North Guangdong Dialect as Viewed from the Distinguishing Vocabulary;从特色词看平话、湘南土话和粤北土话的关系

2.Study on the Syllabled Vowels of Xianghua in Yuanling and Tuhua in South Hunan;沅陵乡话、湘南几个土话的韵母研究

3.Regional speech or dialect.方言,土语某个地区的地方语言或土话

4.On the Loss of Nasal Coda in Ping Dialect, Southern Hunan Dialect and Northern Guangdong Dialect;平话、湘南土话和粤北土话鼻音韵尾脱落现象考察

5.A Discussion about the Formation of the Ping Dialect in Northern Guangxi,the Vernacular in Southern Hunan and the Vernacular in Northern Guangdong in the Perspective of Rhyme and Rhythm;从音韵现象看桂北平话和湘南、粤北土话的形成

6.The Inquisition about Noun Overlapping of PingHua and the Related Local Dialect in the North of Guangxi广西桂北平话及相关土话的名词重叠探究

7.an accent not far removed from Cockney与伦敦土话差不多的口音

8.The vernaculars of these African tribes have never been written down.这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来。

9.Can"t you learn to cut out the slang?你能费点儿心思,把土话扔掉吗?

10.The vernacular of these african tribe have never is write down这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来

11.The Phonetic Study of Qingshitan(Yanshan) Dialect in Lingchuan County;灵川县青狮潭(岩山)土话语音研究

12.The Overlapping Pattern of "Classifiers+ 哒 Da+Classifiers" in Shiqi Dialect of Hunan;湘南石期土话的量词重叠式“量+哒+量”

13.The Appellation of the Relatives and Its Features in the Dialect ofNanxiang Town, Xintian County, Hunan Province;湖南新田南乡土话亲属称谓及其特点

14.The Ditributional Conditions and Features of Tuhua In Ningyuan County;湘南宁远县“土话”分布状况及特点

15.Studies on the Tuhua in Southern Hu nan recorded in Report of Hunan Dialect Survey;《湖南方言调查报告》中的“湘南土话”

16.Review on International Symposium of Local Dialect in the North of Guangdong and Its Peripheral Dialect;粤北土话及周边方言国际研讨会述评

17.On the Origins of Special Sounds:"t" and "th" In South Hunan Dialects湘南土话中t、th特殊音读的来源

18.On the Variation of Noun Suffix "嘀、哩、咯(得)" in Shaoguan Aboriginal Dialects韶关土话名词后缀“嘀、哩、咯(得)”的变异


local dialect土话

1.Taking the Quanzhoulocal dialect,which is most typical in Huangshahe(a town of the Quanzhou region with a common boundary of the northern part of Guangxi province and the southern part of Hunan province),as an sample,this paper analyses the phonology from its voice,tune and pitch of the dialect.描写了桂北湘南交界之地以黄沙河镇为代表的全州土话音系,分析了其声、韵、调方面的特点。


1.The Ditributional Conditions and Features ofTuhua In Ningyuan County;湘南宁远县“土话”分布状况及特点

2.This paper takes the bidialect, which is composed by Xintian mandarin and XintianTuhua in Hunan province, as the object.本文以湖南新田县境内的官话-土话双方言为研究对象,介绍了新田县官话和土话的语音现状、主要的语音特点,比较了双方言语音的异同,探究双方言语音相互影响的程度,并据此对湖南新田双方言的发展趋势作出预测。

4)a vernacular language本国话; 土话

5)Tudi local dialect土地乡土话

6)Local discourse本土话语


