1000字范文 > 词义衍生 sense extension英语短句 例句大全

词义衍生 sense extension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-30 05:47:35


词义衍生 sense extension英语短句 例句大全

词义衍生,sense extension

1)sense extension词义衍生


1.Sense Extension of “开 X”-Type Verbs of Commencement and its Analogical Formation;“开X”类开始义动词的词义衍生与类推造词

2.On Derivational Change and Semantic Construction of "A-Ling" in Chinese;“A领”词族的衍生变异与语义构造

3.The organic integration of context and variability of semantic factors of bring up the evolvemental mechanism of the speech meaning of word.语境与词义的内在可变性有机结合,则形成了言语义的衍生机制。

4.This paper attempts to discuss the primary changes in its vocabulary in terms of the created words, changes of meaning and loan words.本文从新词、词衍生新义和借词三个层次探讨了现代英语词汇的主要变化。

5.A Primary Study on the Derivation of the Sememe of Chinese Frequently Used Words Which Mutual Glossing in Shuo Wen Jie Zi from Pre-Qin to the Former and Latter Han Dynasties;先秦两汉《说文解字》互训常用词义位的衍生性演变

6.An Analysis of the Derivation and Equivalent Translation of Chinese Neologism--A Case Study of Chinese xiagang浅议汉语旧有词语的新义衍生与等效翻译——以“下岗”的日译为例

7.The Cultural Meaning of the Noun Polity and the Words Derived from It;名词“政”及其衍生词语的文化意蕴

8.To make(a word)by derivation or composition.衍生用派生法或复合法构(词)

9.The Evolution and Lexicalization of Chinese "Kushi"“哭湿”类动结式的衍生过程及其词汇化

10.Lexicalization of Verb-object Compounds;动宾式合成词的词汇化衍生方式研究述评

11.The Subjectivity and Subjectification of Deadjectival Intensifiers形容词衍生之强化词的主观性与主观化

12.Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.规则变化的符合词尾变化、衍生词及构词正常规则的

13.give the derivations of words指出词语的派生词形和词义.

14.Polysemous Words: How Chinese EFL Students Make Sense of Their Core and Figurative Meanings;中国大学生英语多义词词义习得研究

15.A New Way to the Derivative of Word Sense--Inoculation and Extension;词义派生的新途径——词义的嫁接引申

16.An Analysis of Semantic Extension of Polysemous Adjectives in Russian;俄语多义形容词的词义派生现象初探

17.The Derivative Regulation and Formation Reason of Words as the Extraordinary front Attributive;色彩词超常前置定语的衍生规律及形成原因

18.A Case Study of Translation Chinese Word xiagang;汉语新词的衍生与等效翻译——以“下岗”的英译为例


Meanings Derivative词义的衍生

3)Changes of Meaning旧词衍生新义

4)derivational morpheme衍生词素

5)meanings for new words生词词义

1.This article mainly discusses the methods of how to figure outmeanings for new words without using the dictionary.本文主要从五方面论述如何在阅读中猜测生词词

6)extention of the meanings of the words语义衍生


词义1.文辞﹑言词的义理。 2.文词和义理。 3.语言学术语。指词的语音形式所表达的意义﹐包括词的词汇意义和语法意义。
