1000字范文 > 感官延伸 the extension of sense organ英语短句 例句大全

感官延伸 the extension of sense organ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-20 18:27:58


感官延伸 the extension of sense organ英语短句 例句大全

感官延伸,the extension of sense organ

1)the extension of sense organ感官延伸

1.This article began with viscerogenic desires of human beings andthe extension of sense organ.本文从对人类的本能欲望和感官延伸理论的探讨出发,通过研究媒体的本质揭示了虚拟数字空间盛行的根源,以及两者统一于人的欲望的内在联系。

2)extended sense伸展的感官


1.AcceleratingExtension of Chemical Industry Products with Circulation Economy Theory;利用循环经济理念促进化工产品链延伸

2.Design and implementation of vertical shaft clearance and extension construction;立井井筒清理延伸施工的设计与安装

3.On the extension and expansion of chemical theory in medicine;医学化学理论教学的延伸和拓展


1.running at full stretch; by no stretch of the imagination; beyond any stretch of his understanding.在全部延伸下奔跑;没有想象的延伸;超越他理解的延伸。

2.the point or degree to which something extends.某物的延伸点或程度。

3.The forest reaches for many kilometres.这森林延伸好几公里。

4.Land masses extrude into the sea.大片陆地延伸到海里。

5.Run the wire behind the cabinet.延伸电线到橱柜后面。

6.Then the railroad building era really began.铁轨也在慢慢向北延伸。

7.This road extends into the woods这条路延伸到树林里。

8.The fence extended to the meadow栅栏一直延伸到牧草地。

9.rail roads thrusting into hilly regions向山区延伸的铁路线

10.The road runs along the river bank.这条公路沿河岸延伸。

11.The valley goes from east to west.这个峡谷从东向西延伸。

12.From the shore-line out to a distance which may be anywhere,从海岸线向大海延伸,

13.extensibility-testing machine for industrial materials工业材料延伸性测试机

14.full dimension extensible conveyor system全面延伸式运输机系统

15.Along the margin of a bay:延伸成无穷无尽的一行;

16.extensible wheat面筋延伸性好的小麦

17.To extend in a bushy growth.丛生象灌木丛一样延伸

18.torpedo warhead extension鱼雷战斗部的延伸部分


extended sense伸展的感官


1.AcceleratingExtension of Chemical Industry Products with Circulation Economy Theory;利用循环经济理念促进化工产品链延伸

2.Design and implementation of vertical shaft clearance and extension construction;立井井筒清理延伸施工的设计与安装

3.On the extension and expansion of chemical theory in medicine;医学化学理论教学的延伸和拓展


1.The results show that theelongation and impact properties of the 16MnR vessel plate were bad due to MnS inclusion, martensite and bainite in it.结果表明 ,材料中的条状MnS夹杂物和少量的马氏体、贝氏体组织是导致钢板延伸、冲击性能不合格的主要原因。


1.As the application of value engineering graduallyextends to the management domain,the property of the new objects and the operation rules need enriching and consummating,so as to construct a theory and method system is adapt to the demand of application domain.随着价值工程应用领域逐渐向管理领域的延伸,传统的价值工程理论体系、工作程序和方法手段尽管仍是有效的,但是需要根据新的对象的性质与运作规律加以充实和完善,以构建适应在管理领域应用需要的价值管理理论方法体系,并以三电贝洱公司为例,作了实证研究。

2.This paper introduces one way ofextending the subscriber line through IP network, the use of which makes possible any direct examination of the communication process in the monitoring center.介绍了一种通过 IP网络将交换机用户线延伸的技术 ,使在监控中心也能直接检测电话系统的通话情况。

3.KELON company use the strategic appliance of brandextends to fight for its market.目前家电行业是市场化程度最高的行业,为在激烈的市场竞争中独占鳌头各家电厂商使出了浑身解数,科龙公司在品牌的发展上狠下功夫,实施了科龙品牌延伸战略。



