1000字范文 > 古典建筑 classical architecture英语短句 例句大全

古典建筑 classical architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-24 05:43:38


古典建筑 classical architecture英语短句 例句大全

古典建筑,classical architecture

1)classical architecture古典建筑

1.The style and structure of Chinese and foreignorders inclassical architecture;中外古典建筑柱式的造型与结构

2.We must understand the basic features of Chineseclassical architecture and those of modern architecture so that we can design the modern architecture with the Chinese characteristics.随着现代建筑的进一步发展,现代建筑的本土化是当今的潮流,而要使得现代建筑真正地具有中国特点,就必须对中国古典建筑以及现代主义建筑有着深刻的理解。

3.Order, whose course of evolution runs through a history ofclassical architecture, is an important idea in this field.“柱式”是西方古典建筑领域内的一项重要内容,柱式的演进历程贯穿了古典建筑史。


1.I am keen on classical architectures .我对古典建筑很感兴趣。

2.Which attracts you more, may I ask, modern architecture or classical architecture?请问现代建筑和古典建筑中您更喜欢哪一个? ?

parison between the Facade Feagures of Chinese Classical Architecture and Those of Architecture “de Stijl” of Holland;中国古典建筑与荷兰“风格派”建筑的立面之比较

4.The topmost molding of a classical cornice.波纹线脚古典建筑的顶部线脚

5.I must admit I do not take great interest in classical architecture.我得承认我对古典建筑不很感兴趣。

6.I must say I have a strong preference for classical architecture.我得说我对古典建筑有强烈的偏爱。

7.A Comparison of Space Consciousness between Chinese and Western Classical Architecture;中西古典建筑艺术中空间意识的比较

8.Knowledge of Classical architecture came from the ruins of ancient Buildings and the writings of Vitruvius.古典建筑的知识来自古建筑的废墟以及维特鲁威的著作。

9.Ethics Thinking of Chinese Classical Architecture Design and Modern Architecture Design;中国古典建筑设计对于现代城市建筑设计伦理的启示

10."In Classical styles, the capital is the architectural member that most readily identifies the order."在古典建筑中,各种柱式的区别以柱头最为明显。

11.Curved roofs are the most peculiar feature of ancient Chinese architecture.翘起的屋顶是中国古典建筑最独特的地方。

12.I"m much more interested in ancient architecture because it stands closer to nature.我对古典建筑更感兴趣,因为这更贴近于自然。

13.A rebirth of classicism in architecture.建筑中古典主义的复兴

14.(architecture) an order of classical Greek architecture.(建筑学)古典希腊建筑的一种式样。

15.(architecture) most ornate of the three orders of classical Greek architecture.(建筑学)古典希腊建筑三种式样中最华丽的一种。

16.The five classical orders of architecture建筑学上的五种古典柱式

17.juxtapose the classical style of architecture with the modern将古典的与现代的建筑风格并列对照.

18.The Parthenon is a classical building.巴台农神庙是古典式建筑。


classic architecture古典建筑

1.The changes of aesthetic concept fromclassic architecture to modern architecture are analyzed.分析了从古典建筑到当代建筑的审美观念的变化,探讨了中国传统建筑文化的精粹与局限性,介绍了传统建筑与现代建筑之间的关系,论述了二者间艺术和审美意识锲合的创作之路,并指出了几种倾向,促成传统与现代的交汇。

2.This paper expounds importance of protection of theclassic architecture and necessity of development of the modem architecture as well as coordination and unity of the both.阐述了古典建筑保护的重要性,新型建筑发展的必要性,以及二者之间的协调统一性。

3)classical architectural complex古典建筑群

4)neoantique architecture新古典建筑

5)classical architectural古典主义建筑

6)Chinese classical architecture中国古典建筑

1.Such rational characters exist inChinese classical architecture as structure,decoration,nature and numerical image.中国古典建筑具有结构、装饰、自然和数象等理性特征。


