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文人关系 scholars relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-18 01:40:41


文人关系 scholars relationship英语短句 例句大全

文人关系,scholars" relationship

1)scholars" relationship文人关系

2)Humanity-oriented Care System人文关怀体系


1.Construction of Humanistic System in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育中人文关怀体系的构建

2.A Research of Problems about Constructing a Humanities-oriented Care System to Poor Students in College构建高校贫困生人文关怀体系问题研究

3.Humanistic Care and the Building of the Socialist Core Value System;人文关怀与社会主义核心价值体系建设

4.Construct of the Content System of Ideological and Political Education in Human Concern;思想政治教育人文关怀的内容体系建构

5.On Farmhouse Tourism Service System in the Perspective of Embodying the Humanistic Solicitude--A Case Study of Anji County体现人文关怀的农家乐旅游服务体系建设探讨——以安吉县为例

6.The Importance of Human and Cultural Care in Competitive Sports of Our Country浅析我国竞技体育人文关怀的重要性

7.This document embodies the concern of the government for the deformity.这个文件体现了政府对残疾人的关怀。

8.Embodying Humanitarian Care by Making Barrier-free Environment in Park营造公园无障碍环境,体现人文关怀

9.Under Humanities Concern Angle of View Countryside Sport Philosophy人文关怀视角下的农村体育发展对策

10.On Humanistic Concern Service of Department Reference Room of Colleges and Universities;试论高校院系资料室的人文关怀服务

11.Importance of Human Culture in the Design of Public Space Guiding System公共空间导识系统设计中的人文关怀

12.Thinking about Showing Civilize Care in Sports News Reports关于体育新闻报道中体现人文关怀的思考

13.On Humanity and Humanistic Care in Sports Reports;体育新闻报道的人文性及其中蕴涵的人文关怀

14.The Contents and Realization of Medical Humanism:construction of medical humanism from the esthetical perspective;医学人文关怀应关怀什么和怎样关怀——美学视角下的人文关怀建设

15.About Infiltrating the Human Care into Sports News;关于体育传媒报道中渗透人文关怀的思考

16.Discussing about the Humanistic Care in Physical Education关于人文关怀在体育教学中的几点思考

17.On the Relationship Transformation between Intelligentsia and Merchant and the Former Humanistic Concern towards the Latter in the Late-mid Ming Dynasty;论中晚明士商关系的转变及士对商的人文关怀

18.Issues of disabled sports and humanistic care残疾人竞技体育与人文关怀的若干问题探讨


Humanity-oriented Care System人文关怀体系

3)relation between literature and the study of Man文学与人学之关系

4)psychological culture of interpersonal relations人际关系心理文化

5)relationship between science-technology and humanism科技与人文的关系

1.Therelationship between science-technology and humanism is divided into five phases in the course of the development of Chinese history.科技与人文的关系在中国历史的发展过程中大致可以分为五个阶段 ,这种五阶段划分的主要依据是人类社会生产力的发展状况。



文人1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。
