1000字范文 > 新文人画家 New Scholar Drawing英语短句 例句大全

新文人画家 New Scholar Drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-24 01:11:57


新文人画家 New Scholar Drawing英语短句 例句大全

新文人画家,New Scholar Drawing

1)New Scholar Drawing新文人画家

2)Literati painters文人画家

1.Literati painters are the elites of the traditional literati in China who have the air of literati and officialdom,retreat to the deep mountains and have great taste in fine art.文人画家是有士大夫气息,高蹈于山林、胸中有气味的中国传统文人精英。


1.On the Moral Quality Spirit of the Chinese Literati Painters from the Perspective of the Painting Poem;由题画诗透视中国文人画家的人格精神

2.Qi Baishi had gone through dramatic changes to become a learned painter.齐白石从民间画工转变为文人画家,经过了"变法"。

3.The Double Impact of the Professionalization of the Schola--painters in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Upon the Painting Value;明清文人画家职业化对绘画比德观的双重影响

4.Friendship of Literators and Painters in the Southern Yangtze River Area in the Ming Dynasty;明代江南文人画家的交谊及对绘画艺术的影响

5.His suggestion that paintings should be done and viewed for enjoyment was appreciated by the literati.他主张绘画不过"逸笔草草,不求形似","聊以自娱",多为文人画家所称道。

6.Impaction of market economy on creation of calligraphy and painting--about Chinese modern literati painter;书画艺术创作与市场经济的碰撞——当代中国文人画家解读

7.Two Consciousnesses Awakening and their Significance of Literati Painters in Yuan Dynasty Flower and Bird Paintings从元代花鸟画中看文人画家两种意识的觉醒及其意义

8.Influence of Literati Painters and Opera Amateur Performers on the Traditional Chinese Aesthetics;论文人画家与戏剧票友对传统中国美学的影响

9.Dancing with Shackles--Interpretation of the psychological characteristics of the literary artists in Yuan dynasty;戴着镣铐跳舞——解构元代文人画家的心理特点

10.Large-sized and Small-sized Paintings, Famous and Ordinary Painters;大画小画和大画家小画家——与刘文西先生商榷

11.(1828-1882) English poet and painter who was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelites.(1828-1882)作为文艺复兴的领导的英国诗人和画家。

12.a flattering portrait [painter]画得比本人 [实物] 好看的画像 [画家]

13.One who paints, either as an artist or a worker.画家,油漆工画画的人,作为艺术家或是作为工人

14.New Scholar s Painting: Modern Transformation of Traditional Scholar s Painting;新文人画:传统文人画的现代性转换

15.On the new Literator s painting from the connotation of it;从“新文人画”的内涵评“新文人画”

16.Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty.杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。

17.Renaissance painters.文艺复兴时期的画家。

18.The emperor held splendid banquet and convened scholars and painters to write poetic prose and draw pictures to record and narrate this great occasion,"The History of Yuan Dynasty" recorded it.顺帝在朝中举行盛会,令文人学士和画家著诗文、作画来记述这一盛事,《元史》亦有记载。


Literati painters文人画家

1.Literati painters are the elites of the traditional literati in China who have the air of literati and officialdom,retreat to the deep mountains and have great taste in fine art.文人画家是有士大夫气息,高蹈于山林、胸中有气味的中国传统文人精英。

3)literati painter文人画家

1.Impaction of market economy on creation of calligraphy and painting——about Chinese modernliterati painter;书画艺术创作与市场经济的碰撞——当代中国文人画家解读

2.However, accompanying with the trend of going diverse in world culture and the impact of market economy, contemporary Chineseliterati painters are suffering from confusions that never happened before and are facing a miserable decision.然而,在当今世界文化多元化并相互交融,以及市场经济浪潮的冲击下,当代中国的文人画家们正面临着前所未有的困惑和痛苦的抉择。

4)new literators painting新文人画

1.Appearance of "thenew literators painting" is a refutation for national nihility and wholesale westernization,but it escapes reality passively and looks forward to living in sechusion,while inheriting traditional Chinese culture and artistic spirit,making the works feminine enough.“新文人画”的出现是对民族虚无和全盘西化思想的一个反驳 ,但其在继承中国传统文化和艺术精神的同时却消极逃避现实 ,向往归隐 ,使作品阴柔性太盛 ,缺乏强烈的艺术感染力 ,缺乏社会责任感。

5)new literati painting style新文人画风

6)New Literati Paintings新论文人画


新文1.新近撰写的文章。 2.体式新颖别致的文章。 3.指诡异而趋时的文体﹑文风。 4.新花样。 5.犹新闻。
