1000字范文 > 西南夷列传 Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China英语短句 例句大全

西南夷列传 Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-10 13:48:13


西南夷列传 Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China英语短句 例句大全

西南夷列传,Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China

1)Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China西南夷列传

1.The Combination of Advanced Historical Perspectives on Nationality and the Superb Art of Narrative:OnBiography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China in Records of the Historian进步民族史观与高超叙事艺术的整合——评《史记·西南夷列传》


1.The Dian Kingdom in the Han Dynasty viewed from The Biogra phies in Xinanyi Area and archaeological studies;从《西南夷列传》和考古资料看两汉时期的滇国社会

2.The Combination of Advanced Historical Perspectives on Nationality and the Superb Art of Narrative:On Biography of the Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China in Records of the Historian进步民族史观与高超叙事艺术的整合——评《史记·西南夷列传》

3.The Philology Values of the Biography of Xi nanyi in History of Eastern Han;《后汉书·西南夷传》的文献学价值

4.The Xi(巂) as An Ethnic Group in the Southwest Yis(西南夷):Also Discussing the Migration of the Shu(蜀) People toward the South and the Fusion of the Shu and Southwest Yis by Shi Jinbo汉代西南夷中“巂”之族群内涵——兼论蜀人南迁以及与西南夷的融合

5.The Principles of Justice and Immortality in Biography of Bo Yi;《伯夷列传》中的公正理念和永恒理念

6.On the Policy to Be in Amity with Various Rong Tribes in the West and Pacify the Yi and Yue Tribes in the South论蜀汉“西和诸戎,南抚夷越”之策

7.Textual Criticism on Lost Record of the Several Historical Facts of Southwest Ethnic Minorities in "the Historical Records" and "the Book of Han Dynasty;《史记》、《汉书》失载西南夷若干史实考辨

8.Analysis of the Sequence Evolution of mtDNA Gene and Population Geneitc Structure in South West Horse Breeds;中国西南马mtDNA序列进化与群体遗传结构分析

9.Emperor Yao s Abdication in Favour of Emperor Shun And the Seizure of Power by Violence;从尧舜禅让到“以暴易暴”—读《史记·伯夷列传》

10.a group of coral islands in Micronesia southwest of Hawaii.夏威夷以东南的密克罗尼西亚中的一组岛屿。

11.Later, Qin attacked the Xiongnu in the north and the Yue to the south of Mountain Nanlin.后来,秦朝北击匈奴、南攻南越和西南通西南夷后开拓的疆域无法包括。

12.Study on Three Types of Sword Including North System Bronze Culture in Xinanyi Area;西南夷地区三种含北方系青铜文化因素短剑的研究

13.The Polynesian language of Hawaii.夏威夷土语夏威夷波利尼西亚语

14.an island of south-central Hawaii.夏威夷中南的一个岛屿。

15.I had so long been troubled by official hat and robe That I am glad to be an exile here in this wild southland.久为簪组累, 幸此南夷谪。

16.A Discussion on Nanyi and Nanyi Culture--Part Three of Yelang Cultural Studies;浅论南夷与南夷文化——夜郎文化研究之三

17.The west zone of volcanic rock petrographic province in late Mesozoic in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and guangdong province can be divided into Jiangnan, Wuyi and Nanling tectonomagmatic activity regions.将闽浙赣粤中生代晚期火山岩西区带分为江南区、夷区和南岭区三个构造—岩浆活动区。

18.Geographic Experiences and the Change of Geographic and Cultural Ideas about Minority Regions in the Tang and Song Dynasties--A Case Study of Southwest and Ling Nan Minority Regions;地理体验与唐宋“蛮夷”文化观念的转变——以西南与岭南民族地区为考察中心



1.The Dian Kingdom in the Han Dynasty viewed from The Biogra phies inXinanyi Area and archaeological studies;从《西南夷列传》和考古资料看两汉时期的滇国社会

2.Study on Three Types of Sword Including North System Bronze Culture inXinanyi Area;西南夷地区三种含北方系青铜文化因素短剑的研究

3)Biography of Bo Yi《伯夷列传》

1.The Principles of Justice and Immortality inBiography of Bo Yi;《伯夷列传》中的公正理念和永恒理念

4)southwest minorities西南夷地区


1.As a matte r of fact,names such as "Nanyi","Nanhuaiyi" common in the bronze inscripti ons in the mid and late Zhou dynasty are actually synonyms of "Huaiyi".而西周中、晚期金文中习见的“南夷”、“南淮夷”之称与“淮夷”其实是名异实同,都是同一部族的不同名称而已。

6)western Yi西夷


西南夷秦汉时代对居住在蜀郡西北、西南,即今四川成都西北、西南,云南、贵州两省及广西西部广大地区诸少数族的总称。主要有夜郎、滇、邛都、巂、昆明、徙、筰都、冉、白马等。其中,夜郎、滇、邛都等皆盘发于顶,耕田,有邑聚;巂、昆明等皆编发为辫,随畜迁移;而徙、筰都、冉等则兼营农牧。西南夷近蜀,双方商贾早就相互往来。西南夷输出筰马、僰僮、旄牛及金、银、铜、象牙等,输入绢、铁、盐、竹、枸酱等。楚顷襄王时,楚将庄曾平定滇池地区,于该处称王。秦灭楚后,曾在西南夷广大地区修筑道路,设官置吏。汉武帝建元六年(前 135),遣唐蒙使夜郎,招抚夜郎侯多同,在其地置犍为郡。接着又命司马相如招抚邛、筰,在其地置一都尉、十余县,属蜀郡。后因欲专力在北方对付匈奴,一度放弃了耗费巨大的对西南夷的经营。元狩元年(前 122),张骞自大夏归国,建议重开西南夷路,以通身毒。武帝派出的使者虽得滇王之助,但均被昆明夷阻留,未能成功。南越反,武帝欲自犍为郡发南夷兵,南夷不从。遂反,杀汉使者及犍为太守。元鼎六年(前111)汉平南夷,在其地置牂柯郡(今贵州大部及云南东部)。夜郎侯迎降 ,武帝封他为夜郎王。于是西南诸夷皆争求内属。武帝以邛都为越巂郡(今四川西昌地区,云南丽江、楚雄北部),以筰都为沈黎郡(今四川汉源一带),以冉为汶山郡(今四川茂汶羌族自治区一带),以白马为武都郡(今甘肃武都一带)。元封二年(前 109),汉又出兵伐滇,滇降,以其地为益州郡(今云南晋宁晋城);同时赐滇王王印,使治其部族。 西汉末,夜郎王兴与町王禹、漏卧侯俞连年攻伐,汉遣使调解,兴等不从。成帝河平二年(前27),牂柯太守陈立杀兴,夜郎国灭。王莽时,益州郡夷栋蚕、若豆等起兵杀郡守,越巂、姑复等地的夷人亦起兵,莽遣将率兵十余万往击,连年不克。东汉光武帝即位后,西南夷地区再次划入汉的版图。明帝永平十年(公元67),又设益州西部属国,管理不韦(今云南施甸)、巂唐(今云南保山)等地的哀牢族和云南(今云南祥云)、楪榆(今云南大理)、比苏(今云南云龙、兰坪)、邪龙(今云南巍山、漾濞)四县的昆明族。十二年,哀牢王柳貌遣子率族人内附,明帝在其地置哀牢(今云南腾冲、龙陵、德宏州)、博南(今云南永平)两县,合益州西部属国所领六县为永昌郡,哀牢的土著君长被封为哀牢王,在太守辖下统领其部落。两汉在西南夷地区设置的郡县称"初郡"或"边郡"。郡县既任命太守、县令、长吏,又封部族土著君长为王、侯、邑长,实行"土"、"流"两重统治。太守、令、长等"流官"赋敛烦苛,又不能与王、侯、邑长等"土官"和睦相处,因而西南夷地区不断发生反抗事件,有时酿成较大规模的战争。如昭帝始元元年(前86)益州郡的廉头、姑缯,牂柯郡的谈指、同并等二十四邑的反抗;王莽时期町、益州和越巂诸部族的反抗;光武建武十八至二十一年(42~45)中,姑复、楪榆、梇栋、连然、滇池、建伶、昆明诸种的反抗;章帝建初元年至二年(76~77)哀牢夷的反抗;安帝元初四至六年(117~119)洱海地区诸部落的反抗;灵帝熹平五年(176)益州诸部落的反抗等等。另一方面,西南夷在汉族的影响下,文化水平和生产力都获得了长足的进步;随着郡县制在西南夷地区的推行,诸部族大小土长被封为王、侯、邑长,使之大小统属,加强了政治上递相隶属的关系,改变了诸部林立,不相统属的局面,有利于中央王朝的管辖和治理,促进了统一的多民族国家的发展。
