1000字范文 > 西南水电 hydroelectric power in the southwest of china英语短句 例句大全

西南水电 hydroelectric power in the southwest of china英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-30 11:04:47


西南水电 hydroelectric power in the southwest of china英语短句 例句大全

西南水电,hydroelectric power in the southwest of china

1)hydroelectric power in the southwest of china西南水电


1.Ethnic Groups Relocation Issues and Solutions in Hydro-electric Power Development in Southwestern China;西南水电资源开发中少数民族移民问题与对策

2.Study on the classification of unloading zones of Emeishan basalt hydroelectric project sites in southwestern China西南水电工程坝址峨眉山玄武岩卸荷分带研究

3.To Speed up the Hydroelectric Resoures Exploitation of Southwest China and Promote the Economic Sustainable Development in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River加速西南水电开发 促进长江上游沿岸经济持续发展

4.System Stability Control Strategy for Multi-Send & Multi-Infeed HVDC Project from Southwest Hydropower Stations to East China Power Grid西南水电送华东多送出多馈入直流系统稳定控制策略

5.South West Africa Water and Electricity Corp.西南非洲供水和电力公司(西南非水电公司)

6.Hydropower Development Brought by State Electric Power System Reform in Southwest China and Upper Reaches of Yangtze River;国电体制改革与西南、长江上游水电开发

7.Research on Evaluation of Green Hydropower in Southwest Area of China;我国西南地区中小规模水电站绿色水电评价研究

8.Research of City Image Remodel of the Hydropower Migrant Town in Southwest Mountainous Area;西南山区水电移民新城城市意象重塑研究

9.Analysis of formation mechanism and stability of the deformable body in a hydroelectric power station in southwest China西南某水电站变形体成因机制及稳定性分析

10.Study on the Safety of the Construction of Hydropower Station in the Southwest Area with High Geological Disasters西南地质灾害高发区水电站建设安全性研究

11.Impact Analysis of Western Line Project of South-to-North Water Transfer on Dadu River Hydropower南水北调西线工程对大渡河水电开发的影响分析

12.Research on Loss Compensation Theory and Methods with Hydropower Right Transfer of the Western of South-to-North Water Project;南水北调西线工程的水力发电权转让及损益补偿理论与方法研究

13.Study on How Sediment Deposition of Xinjin Reservoir on the Yujiang River Affects Water Intake of Nanning Power Plant郁江西津水库泥沙淤积对南宁电厂取水口的影响研究

14.The important role of Xiaowan Hydropower Station in the power transmission from west to east and the development of economy in Yunnan Province;小湾水电站在云南“西电东送”和经济发展中的作用

15.Exploration on the Plan to be Successful and Propitious to the Both Sides in the West Line of Water Transfer from the South to the North--Gather News from Mr. WANG Zunxiang, a Senior Expert and the Former Director of the Southwest Electricity Administration Bureau;探索南水北调西线工程两利双赢方案——原西南电管局局长、资深专家王尊相访谈录

16.Research on the Risk Evaluation of the Geological Disaster of Hydropower Station Land for Construction in South-west Mountain;西南山区水电站建设用地地质灾害危险性评估方法研究

17.The security of land resources demand for relocated land-losing farmers in Western China s hydroelectric development:a case study in Yunnan province;我国西部水电移民安置的土地资源需求与保障研究——以云南省为例

18.Study on hydropower project resettlement impact on the population in southwest ethnic areas. A case of Nujiang西南少数民族地区大型水电工程移民人口影响研究—以怒江为例


a large hydro-power station in southwest of China西南某水电站

3)power station of southwest mountain西南山区水电站

4)South water to West南水西调

1.Basis on the overall viewpoints of high efficient use and reasonable deployment of water resource in our country, the primary ideas of deployingSouth water to West are put forward in this paper.本文从我国水资源高效利用和合理调配的全局观点出发,提出“南水西调”的初步设想,其每立方米调用水的效益并不亚于南水北调中线方案,是一个很值得深入研究的宏伟设想。

5)hydroelectric development in southwest area西南地区水电开发

6)West Nancha Reservoir西南岔水库

1.Disposal of Downstream Dam Sloughing ofWest Nancha Reservoir in Hulin;虎林市西南岔水库坝后脱坡的处理


《西南部诸文化的心理学类型》《西南部诸文化的心理学类型》Psychological types of cultures in the Southwest《西南部诸文化的心理学类型》(Psy-e人0 logieal tyPes of euirures止n玄heSouthwest)美国文化人类学家本尼迪克特(Benediet,RF.,1887一1948)在1 928年所发表的一篇论文。这篇论文被西方学者认为“具有划时代的意义”。它具有下列三个特点:(1)她注意到西南部的贝勃落族虽然被周围平原中的占优势的印第安文化包围着像处于孤岛一般,却完好地保持着本民族的文化,是由于他们有自己独特的文化的“民族精神”。文化的“民族精神”这种提法是在这篇论文中首次使用的。(2)她注意到各种不同的文化中都有一个“主旋律”,它从内部决定文化的全部性格,使本民族与其他民族不仅在个别习俗方面有差异,而且在生活的总体倾向上互不相同。她首次用阿波罗型和狄奥尼索斯型这两种类型来区分不同的民族文化。她把贝勃落文化归属于阿波罗型,这种类型的特点是威而不猛、善于控制情感、生活中讲究适度:她把印第安文化归属于狄奥尼索斯型,其特点是追求兴奋、爱走极端,好幻想,竞争心极强,以比他人优越为荣,宁可失败也要争强好胜。这篇论文和1932年发表的《北美文化的统一形态》孕育了她在1943年出版的《文化模式论》的基本思想,对她创立人类学中的文化模式论学派起奠基作用。(3)她运用心理学方法向民族学渗透。而且,她还认为,文化是个性的扩大,与个性是同心圆关系。各种文化只是分别突出了不同个性的某个侧面,每一文化都仅仅突出了无限的人类潜在能力的某一部分。(胡才份砚撰张世害审)
