1000字范文 > 牡丹峰 Mudanjiang Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

牡丹峰 Mudanjiang Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-01 06:18:26


牡丹峰 Mudanjiang Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

牡丹峰,Mudanjiang Nature Reserve

1)Mudanjiang Nature Reserve牡丹峰

1.Study on Soil Animals Diversity of Forest Community inMudanjiang Nature Reserve牡丹峰自然保护区森林群落土壤动物多样性研究


1.Assessment and Development Strategies for Tourism Resources of Mudanfeng National Forest Park;牡丹峰国家森林公园旅游资源评价与开发对策

2.Investigation on Bird Community in Mudanfeng Nature Reserve黑龙江牡丹峰自然保护区鸟类多样性分析

3.Study on Soil Animals Diversity of Forest Community in Mudanjiang Nature Reserve牡丹峰自然保护区森林群落土壤动物多样性研究

4.Introduction and Ex-situ Conservation of Paeonia Delavayi、Paeonia Lutea、Paeonia Ludlowii紫牡丹、黄牡丹、大花黄牡丹引种与迁地保护研究

5.A plant of the genus Dicentra, which includes the bleeding heart and Dutchman"s breeches.荷包牡丹一种荷包牡丹属的植物,包括荷包牡丹和兜状荷花牡丹

6.Heze is quite famous for its peony flowers. It is the home of peony.菏泽以牡丹花著名,它是牡丹之乡。

7.The True Feelings of The Peony Pavilion:Appreciative Comments on Tang Xianzus The Peony Pavilion;至情牡丹亭——汤显祖《牡丹亭》赏析

8.Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play.昆曲《牡丹亭》中国戏剧史上的巅峰之作,是最能体现昆曲精致浪漫的一部剧目。

9.Then they went to see the peonies.然后他们去看牡丹。

10."Is this the peony?" "No, it is the tree-peony.""这是芍药吗?" "不,这是牡丹。"

11.Peony casts the other flowers into the shade.牡丹使其他的花逊色。

12.blush like a peony脸红得象一朵牡丹花

13.The peonies are in full bloom now.现在牡丹花正盛开。

14.Their peonies were coming into flower.他们的牡丹开花了。

15.Peony stands out for fragrance.牡丹香烟,醇味盖冠。

16.Dahlias are florescent from July.天竺牡丹七月起开花。

17.The American Peony Society and the peony development in America美国芍药牡丹协会与美国芍药牡丹的发展

18.The perfect marriage in The Peony Pavilion--On the artistic persuit in The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu;伉俪绝唱《牡丹亭》——论汤显祖《牡丹亭》的艺术追求


Mudanfeng nature reserve牡丹峰自然保护区


1.Analysis of the application of the form beauty ofpeony pattern in the folk clothes;牡丹纹样在民间服饰中的形式美

2.Study on method of measuring potassium content inpeony leaf bydistilled water at room tempreture flame spectrometry;水浸提制备待测液火焰光度法测定牡丹叶中钾含量的方法研究

3.Study on Biological Characters of the Pathogens of Root Rot Disease and Its Control from Peony;垫江牡丹根腐病病原菌的生物学特性及其防治

4)Tree Peony牡丹

1.Effects of browning antagonists on antibrowning,growth and multiplication of tissue culture of tree peony;防褐剂对牡丹组培褐化发生、组培苗生长和增殖的作用

2.Phylogenetic relationship of dwarf tree peony cultivars by AFLP analysis.;牡丹矮化品种亲缘关系的AFLP分析

3.Control of tree peony root rot using 6 species of biocontrol fungi and bacteria;6种生防真菌、细菌防治牡丹根腐病的研究


1.AM fungi diversity in the maintree-peony cultivation areas in China;我国洛阳与菏泽牡丹主栽园区AM真菌多样性研究

2.Natural Infection Percentage of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal in Chinese Tree-peony;牡丹AM菌根菌自然侵染率的调查

3.After investigated all the maintree-peony production areas,the authors found many problems on Chinesetree-peony,such as resources protection,breed-ing,variety structure,technologies of cultiva-tion and conservation,etc.我国牡丹在发展过程中存在资源流失、市场混乱、产品结构不合理、栽培管理技术落后、基础和应用研究薄弱等多方面的问题。

6)Paeonia suffruticosa Andr牡丹

parison of Photosynthetic Characteristics Between Potted and FieldPaeonia suffruticosa Andr.;盆栽和地栽牡丹光合特性的比较

2.Influences of Cold-storage Method on the Growth and Development of "Ming Xing"Paeonia suffruticosa Andr;冷藏方式对“明星”牡丹生长发育的影响

3.Anatomical Observation onPaeonia suffruticosa Andr.and Paeonia lactiflora Pall.Based on Phytomorphology of Stem and Leaf;芍药和牡丹部分品种茎叶器官的解剖学观察比较




