1000字范文 > 北京松山 Songshan Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

北京松山 Songshan Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-27 20:49:33


北京松山 Songshan Nature Reserve英语短句 例句大全

北京松山,Songshan Nature Reserve

1)Songshan Nature Reserve北京松山

1.Structure and Spatial Distribution of Pinus tabulaeformis Population in theSongshan Nature Reserve,Beijing,China北京松山油松种群结构及空间分布格局


1.Structure and Spatial Distribution of Pinus tabulaeformis Population in the Songshan Nature Reserve,Beijing,China北京松山油松种群结构及空间分布格局

2.Report of Investigation on Amphibia and Reptilia of Beijing Songshan Natural Conservancy北京松山自然保护区两栖爬行动物调查报告

3.Health Assessment of Forest Community Structure in Beijing SongShan Nature Reserve;北京松山自然保护区森林群落结构健康评价

4.Spatial structure of Quercus mongolica forest in Beijing Songshan Mountain Nature Reserve北京松山自然保护区蒙古栎林的空间结构特征

5.Insect Fauna of Lepidoptera in Songshan National Nature Reserve of Beijing北京松山国家自然保护区鳞翅目昆虫区系分析

6.Analysis on the Model of Ecotourism Management and Local Community Participation of Beijing Songshan Mountain Nature Reserve;北京松山自然保护区生态旅游管理与当地社区参与

7.Countermeasure and Target of the Eco-tourism of Beijing Songshan Mountain Natural Reserve;北京松山自然保护区的经营目标与生态旅游对策

8.A Study of the Structure of Ecotourist Market ofSongshan Nature Reserve in Beijing;北京松山自然保护区生态旅游客源结构调查研究

9.Research on the Relationship between Tourism Development and Ecological Protection in Songshan Nature Reserve北京松山自然保护区旅游开发与生态保护关系的探讨

10.Wild Ornamental Plant Resources in Beijing Songshan Nature Reserve and their Application in Garden北京松山自然保护区野生观赏植物资源及在园林中的应用

11.Analysis the Pinus Tabulaeformis Natural Forest Spatial Structure北京山区油松天然林的空间结构分析

12.Study on Quantitative Simulation of Growth Process for Chinese Pine Stand in Mountain Areas of Beijing;北京山地油松林分生长过程数量化模拟研究

13.Effect of Tending on Chinese Pine and Oriental Arborvitae Non-commercial Forest in Mountain Areas of Beijing;北京山区油松侧柏生态公益林抚育效果研究

14.Research on Structure and Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis Stand Simulation in Beijing北京山区油松人工林林分结构与生长模拟研究

15.Stand Density of Planted Scenic Forest Pinus Tabulaeformis and Platycladus Orientalis in Beijing Mountain Area北京山区油松侧柏人工风景林林分密度确定

16.Light environment and canopy structure of a Pinus tabulaeformis community in the mountainous area of Beijing北京山区油松林光辐射特征及冠层结构参数

17.The Quality Control Technology of Chinese Pine and Oriental Arborvitae Forests in Mountain Areas of Beijing北京山区油松、侧柏林质量调控理论与技术的研究

18.Effects of Thinning on the Undergrowth of Platycladus Orientalis and Pinus Tabulaeformis Plantation in Beijing Mountainous Areas;抚育间伐对北京山区侧柏、油松人工林林下植物的影响


Beijing mountain area北京山区

1.A Preliminary Discussion on theUrbanization in Beijing Mountain Areas;北京山区城镇化道路初探

2.Changes of land use structure inBeijing mountain area based on spatial Lorrenze curves;基于空间洛伦茨曲线的北京山区土地利用结构变化

3.A study on sap flow of Juglans mandshurica of growth season in deciduous broad leaf forest Beijing Mountain area;北京山区落叶阔叶林中核桃楸在生长中期的树干液流研究

3)Xishan Beijing北京西山

1.Theory and Technology of Scenic and Recreational Forest Tending inXishan Beijing;北京西山风景游憩林抚育理论与技术研究

4)Western Hills of Beijing北京西山

1.Late Mesozoic thrust tectonics framework in the western part of the Yanshan orogenic belt and theWestern Hills of Beijing:characteristics and significance.;燕山西段及北京西山晚中生代逆冲构造格局及其地质意义

2.Geochemical Features and Origin of Volcanic Rocks of TiaojishanFormation inWestern Hills of Beijing;北京西山髫髻山组火山岩的地球化学特征与岩浆起源

3.Mineral Chemistry and Genetic Significance of Clinopyroxenesfrom the Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks inWestern Hills of Beijing;北京西山中生代火山岩中单斜辉石矿物化学及成因意义

5)Beijing mountainous area北京山区

1.The spatial differentiation of construction land expansion inBeijing mountainous area;北京山区建设用地扩展空间分异分析

2.Situation and countermeasures of debris flow disaster in Beijing Mountainous area;北京山区泥石流灾害现状及防治对策

3.Analysis of the driving forces of change of rural residential areas inBeijing mountainous areas based on Logistic regression model;基于Logistic回归模型的北京山区农村居民点变化的驱动力分析

6)Beijing mountain北京山区

1.Charactors of Deposits in Xibailian Watershed and Discussing on the Preventment of Debris Flows in Beijing Mountain;西白莲峪堆积物特征和北京山区泥石流防治探讨


