1000字范文 > 书画关系 the relationship between calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

书画关系 the relationship between calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 09:59:31


书画关系 the relationship between calligraphy and painting英语短句 例句大全

书画关系,the relationship between calligraphy and painting

1)the relationship between calligraphy and painting书画关系


1.The Significance to Contemporary Chinese Painting Drew from the Relationship between Calligraphy and Painting;浅论古代书画关系暨书法对当代中国画的实践意义

2.Connection of Picture Story Books with Serial Pictures, Comic Strips and Illustrations;图画故事书与插图、漫画、连环画之关系

3.A Research on the Relationship between the Illustrations and the Portraits in the Ming Dynasty明代书籍插图与人物肖像画关系研究

4.Trial Analysis on the Traits of Modelling Language of Painter Calligraphy--In Addition to Discuss the Relation between Calligraphy and Painting;试析画家书法造型语言的特色——兼谈“书与画”的关系

5.Release to Read "the Calligraphy and Painting is a Source Together";释读“书画同源”——对汉字与绘画在起源上的关系的一点看法

6.The Paper Being Soft and the Ink Being Fragrant--the Correlation of Collection of Books and Family Engraving with the Writing of Painting History of Yutai by a Woman Writer纸润墨香——藏书、家刻与女性著述《玉台画史》之成书关系

7.When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book.这对夫妇关系破裂后,均声称自己是唐老鸭漫画书的合法主人。

8.1.Calligraphy is one of the traditional East arts, it has organic associations with poem and painting, and is still so even in modern time.1.东方传统艺术——书法与诗、画有着有机的关系,发展到今日依然如此。

9.A Study on the Relationship between the Current Situation of High School Students Reading Cartoon Books and Their Parenting Style in Chongqing;重庆市中学生阅读漫画书的现状与父母教养方式的关系研究

10.Relationship Between Nothingness and Essence and Aesthetical Features of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Arts;实处俱灵 断处俱续——浅析中国书画艺术中的虚实关系和美学特征

11.Painting--Moral Character--Rediscussion of Relationship Between Moral Character and Painting Quality;画即是人——人品画品关系的再探讨

12."A big scheme that concerns me?"“同我有关系的大计画么?

13.SOGAT (Society of Graphical and Allied Trades)书画刻印及有关行业协会

14.On Arnold Lobel s I Can Read Picture Book;论阿诺德·洛贝尔的“我会读”系列图画书

15.Abstract : Constitution of the painting is also known as the various combination of the image.中文摘要:绘画中的构成,即画面各种关系的组合。

16.The scheme or interrelation of the tones in a painting.(绘画的)色调油画中明暗色彩的安排或相互关系

17.Wen Yiduo: the Combination of Poetry,Painting and Music--On Wen Yiduo and the Beauty of Paintings inside His New Poems;闻一多:诗画歌吟——闻一多与新诗绘画美关系述略

18.The Interaction of Japanese Animation Magazine and the Animation Production;论日本动画资讯杂志与动画产业的互动关系


The Relationship of Calligraphy and Painting in Shi Tao"s Art石涛书画关系研究

3)Poem and picture诗画关系

4)bibliographic relationship书目关系

1.The comprehensive study ofbibliographic relationship become more important due to the development of cooperative cataloging, online catalog and Internet.介绍书目关系产生的历史背景及目录功能的发展过程;分析书目关系的类型及其在AACR2、MARC21中的应用;阐述FRBR书目关系的新思路、新方法,通过对作品与书目间各种关系的总结,找出作品间连接的最佳模式,进而提升目录各项功能的效率,达到实现书目质量控制、满足用户需求之最佳目的。

5)the relationship between calligraphy and Tao书-道关系

1.Based on the explanation ofthe relationship between calligraphy and Tao by Fu Shan in the Ming and Qing Dynasty, this paper has thoroughly interpreted and analyzed his aesthetic concept of “the ugly” and the advocating of the study of tablets.在对明清时期“尚丑”的表现主义书艺思潮研究现状作辨正的基础上,阐释傅山对书-道关系的理解,并以此对他提出的“丑”的审美理念以及对碑学的倡导进行了贯通和剖析,从而从时代精神的高度整体地动态地把握傅山的书法审美理念。

6)Relation between poem诗画禅关系


