1000字范文 > 虚实关系 the relationship between true and false英语短句 例句大全

虚实关系 the relationship between true and false英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 10:54:00


虚实关系 the relationship between true and false英语短句 例句大全

虚实关系,the relationship between true and false

1)the relationship between true and false虚实关系

1.In this thesis the author select four angles as follows:the relationship between true and false, the relationship between emotion and scenery, the relationship between figure and ground, and the relationship between rapidness and protraction.“情景”关系构成虚实关系的一个方面,是“虚实”关系在情景处理上的具体化。


1.Reality-described and Unreality-emphasized--On Treatment of the Unreal and Real Relationship in JIA Ping-wa’s Works;写实与务虚——论析贾平凹小说创作虚实关系的处理

2.Chinese traditional philosophy in shallow analyse and the truth or falsity relation of the China painting;浅析中国传统哲学与中国画的虚实关系

3.Design and Realization of Multi-relationship Virtual Reality Systems多关联性虚拟现实系统的设计与实现

4.Study on the Internal Relations between Fictitious Economy and Real Economy;虚拟经济与实体经济的内在关系研究

5.The Relationship between Development of Concept of Xushi and Creation of Literature in Tang and Song Dynasty;唐宋“虚实”观的发展与文学创作关系

6.Research of Rehabilitation System with Anklebone Based on Virtual Reality;基于虚拟现实踝关节康复系统的研究

7.The Dialectical Relation between " Falseness" and "Trueness" in the Poetical Artistic Conception;诗歌意境“虚”与“实”的辩证关系

8.On the Historical Truth and Artistic Fiction in the Play of Taohuashan《桃花扇》中历史真实与艺术虚构的关系

9.Study on Key Technology of Virtual Laboratory Navigation System虚拟实验室导览系统的关键技术研究

10.On Relation between Virtual Economy and Real Economy;关于虚拟经济与实体经济关系问题的思考

11.Research on Seamless Fusion of Real and Virtual Scenes in Augmented Reality System;增强现实系统虚实无缝融合相关问题研究

12.A Theoretical and Positive Study on the Relationship between Fictitious Economy and Real Economy;虚拟经济与实体经济关系的理论与实证研究

13.probing the philosophy of the Relation Between Subject and Object in Cyberspace论虚拟实践──对赛博空间主客体关系的哲学探析

14.The Clinical and the Experimental Studies Of the Relationships between Deficiency Of kidney and Sensorineural Deafness;肾虚与感音神经性聋关系的临床与实验研究

15.Application of Active Database Technology in Virtual Reality;主动数据库关键技术在虚拟现实系统中的应用

16.Research on the Key Techniques of Distributed VR Artillery Trainning Systems;分布式炮兵虚拟现实训练系统关键技术研究

17.Studies on Development of Subjectivity and Objectivity during the Wei-Jin and Six Dynasty Periods, and Its Interactive Relation with Literature Creation;论“虚实”在魏晋六朝的发展及与文学创作的关系

18.On the Value of Human Subjectivity in the Contradictory Relationship Between Virtuality and Reality;论虚拟与现实矛盾关系中人的主体性价值


virtual relation虚拟关系

1.One is the relation between human and nature and the relation between human and culture; the other is the realistic relation and thevirtual relation of human.从关系的角度把握人的生存方式可以从两方面入手:一是人与自然的关系和人与文化的关系;二是人的现实关系和虚拟关系。

2.From the perspective of human relationship,we divide the virtual community into two types: based onvirtual relation and based on physical relation.从人际关系的角度,我们把虚拟社区分为基于虚拟关系和基于现实关系两种类型。

3)Xu-Shi correlation syndrome虚实关联证

1.Taken the gastric dysplasia characterized with the Zheng-Xie combination and theXu-Shi correlation syndrome as example,construct the differentiation system of the dysplasia Xu-Shi correlation structure using database method,investigate the polymorphism of .以具有正邪相兼、虚实关联证候特征的胃黏膜异型增生(Dys)为范例,用数据库方法构建起Dys虚实关联证候结构辨识系统,探讨本病虚实关联证候结构的多态性特征及证候演变的动态性规律,从而从证候的虚实关联结构层次阐释辨证论治的机理。

4)relations of imaginary displacement虚位移关系


6)entity relation实体关系

1.Binaryentity relationship tuples can be applied in many fields such as knowledge base construction,data mining and pattern extraction and so on.二元实体关系元组可以应用到知识库构建,数据挖掘,模式抽取等多个领域。

2.Identifyingentity relation of sentence is important technology of information extraction.识别句子中实体关系是信息抽取的重要技术。


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
