1000字范文 > 污染概况 Situation of pollution英语短句 例句大全

污染概况 Situation of pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 17:49:21


污染概况 Situation of pollution英语短句 例句大全

污染概况,Situation of pollution

1)Situation of pollution污染概况

2)pollution status污染状况

1.Nutrient distribution andpollution status in Changjiang Estuary adjacent area in spring;春季长江口邻近海域营养盐分布特征及污染状况研究

2.This paper introduces thepollution status of environment air in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany from 1960, analyzes the reasons of making pollution and the protection measures adopted.介绍了德国北威州1960年以来环境空气污染状况,分析了造成污染的原因以及所采取的防治措施。

3.By using monitoring results of PM_(10) the relation of mainpollution status of PM_(10) and meteorological conditions,such as wind speeds,humidity and temperature was analyzed.重量法测定了11月15—25日焦作市区PM10(可吸入颗粒物)的质量浓度,同时对相应的气象条件进行了连续监测,并利用监测结果深入分析了焦作市区PM10的污染状况、主要污染物PM10与风速、湿度及温度等相关气象条件的变化规律。


1.Food Contamination Status of Nanjing City in --南京市食品污染物污染状况分析

2.A Study on Valuation of Water Pollution Situation in the Towns of the South of Jiangsu Province & Pollution Control Counter Plan;苏南小城镇水污染状况评价及污染控制对策

3.Study on Pollution Situation and Non-point Source Pollution of Typical Reservoirs in Liaoning Province;辽宁省典型水库污染状况及非点源污染研究

4.Study on pollution characteristics of contaminated sites with chrome and discussion on common remediation technologies铬渣污染场地污染状况研究与修复技术分析

5.Determination of Formaldehyde in Indoor Air and Analysis of the Contamination Status室内空气污染物甲醛的检测及污染状况分析

6.Survey on sources of the persistent organic pollutants in Jinzhong city晋中市持久性有机污染物污染状况调查

7.Analysis of Pollution Condition of Datong City by Air Pollutants during ~大同市至大气污染物污染状况的分析

8.Study on Pollution Situation at Typical Chrome Residue Contaminated Sites and Corresponding Integrated Remediation Plan典型铬渣污染场地的污染状况与综合整治对策


10.Investigation of Air Pollution Condition of newly decorated residences in Wuhu City芜湖市新装修居室空气污染状况调查

11.The Analyse with the Air Pollutants in Zhengzhou City in 2001-;郑州市2001-大气污染状况分析

12.Present Situation and Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soils of Nanning City;南宁市城区土壤重金属污染状况研究

13.Determination and Studies on the Harmful Substance in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中药中有害物质污染状况与检测研究

14.The Study of Pollution State of Vehicle and Partake Rate of Changchun;长春市机动车污染状况与分担率研究

15.Analysis of Air Pollution Status in Urban Area of Qinzhou City and Countermeasures against Air Pollution;钦州市区大气污染状况及其控制对策

16.On the Problem and its Solutions to the Underground Water Pollution in China s Cities;我国城市地下水污染状况与治理对策

17.The Situation and Preventive Measures of Pollution of the Solid Waster Materials in Guangdong;广东省固体废物污染状况及防治对策

18.Study on Liquid Milk Polluted by Enterobacter Sakazakii液态奶中阪崎肠杆菌污染状况的研究


pollution status污染状况

1.Nutrient distribution andpollution status in Changjiang Estuary adjacent area in spring;春季长江口邻近海域营养盐分布特征及污染状况研究

2.This paper introduces thepollution status of environment air in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany from 1960, analyzes the reasons of making pollution and the protection measures adopted.介绍了德国北威州1960年以来环境空气污染状况,分析了造成污染的原因以及所采取的防治措施。

3.By using monitoring results of PM_(10) the relation of mainpollution status of PM_(10) and meteorological conditions,such as wind speeds,humidity and temperature was analyzed.重量法测定了11月15—25日焦作市区PM10(可吸入颗粒物)的质量浓度,同时对相应的气象条件进行了连续监测,并利用监测结果深入分析了焦作市区PM10的污染状况、主要污染物PM10与风速、湿度及温度等相关气象条件的变化规律。


1.Investigation funguscontamination of the grains in Tianjin supermarket;天津主要市售谷物的真菌污染状况调查

2.In light of POPs applications in China in several decades, the status of typical POPscontamination in many media e.从近几十年来中国POPs的使用情况出发 ,系统分析了典型POPs物质在农产品、土壤、母乳、水体和沉积物等介质中的污染状况。

3.Contamination of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Its Progress in Treatment Technology in China;介绍了持久性有机污染物的定义、特性及其危害,分析了典型持久性有机污染物在中国土壤、水体、大气、农产品等介质中的污染状况,阐述了对被持久性有机污染物污染的介质进行生物修复、焚烧、物理和化学处理技术及进展,并对中国在此领域发展方向进行了展望。


1.Analysis of bottom waterpollution in cage-cultured region of Western Xiamen Harbour;厦门西港网箱养殖区底层水体污染状况分析

2.This paper analyses the situation of the starch industry in Guyuan, and gives a detailed survey of starch production scales, the discharging and the ingredient of waste water and environmentalpollution caused by it.分析了固原市淀粉产业的状况,对近几年各淀粉企业的生产规模、淀粉加工废水排放情况、废水成分及废水所造成的环境污染状况进行了调查,重点分析了废水中有机污染物CODCr和BOD5 的含量,并提出将淀粉加工废水经初步处理变为水资源,与清水混合用于农田灌溉的处理办法。

3.The chemical composition,mainpollution sources and toxicity of dioxin, itspollution situation aboard and relative standards in Japan, USA, Germany etc are described.文章论述了二的化学成分及主要来源 ;二的毒性 ;日本、美国、德国等国二恶英污染状况及各国制定的标

5)pollution situation污染状况

6)contamination status污染状况

1.A survey and analysis of thecontamination status of the equipments of oxygen therapy in community elders;社区老年人氧气辅助装置污染状况调查与分析


