1000字范文 > 专才教育 specialty education英语短句 例句大全

专才教育 specialty education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-09 21:49:02


专才教育 specialty education英语短句 例句大全

专才教育,specialty education

1)specialty education专才教育

1.Based on China s educational reality,the normal universities should adopt the talent-training model,which combines liberal education andspecialty education with liberal education as its basis.根据我国的教育实际,高师院校宜采取以通才教育为基础、通才教育与专才教育相结合的专业教育培养模式,并通过提升教师素质、优化课程结构、革新教学方法等措施加以落实。


1.The Argument on The General Education and Special Education in Social Work Field of China;社会工作“通才教育”与“专才教育”刍议

2.Dialectical Thinking on General Education and Special Education--On Changing Special Education to General Education;专才教育与通才教育的辩证思考——关于“从专才教育转向通才教育”的讨论

3.Higer Education of China in the 20th Century:Tension Between General Education and Specialist Education;20世纪中国的高等教育:通才教育与专才教育的张力

4.The Development of "Generalist" and "Professionals" in Public Security Higher Education公安教育要“通才”与“专才”教育并重

5.The Gifted and the Talented:Concept Discrimination of Elite Education“天才”与“专才”:英才教育基本概念辨析

6.The Studies Suggest about the Education Field of Cultivating Physical Education Professionals体育教育专业人才培养教育场的研究

7.Research on the Training of the P.E. Innovative Personnel In Universities and colleges In the New Situation;高校体育教育专业创新人才培养研究

8.A Study of the Training Objectives for P.E. Teachers in Colleges;高等专科体育教育专业人才培养目标的研究

parison and Reflections on Talent Cultivation Mode between Undergraduate and Tertiary Education;本科教育与专科教育人才培养模式的比较

10.The balance of citizen education and specialized talent training education in college;我国大学公民教育与专门人才教育的平衡

11.The Cultivation of Educational Technology Professionals Visual Literacy;教育技术学专业人才视觉素养的培养

12.On the Operation Mechanism of the Lifelong Education Model for Professionals in Engineering Management;工程管理专业人才终身教育模式研究

13.The Curriculum Design and Its Goal of Talent Cultivation of Major in Science Education;科学教育专业设置及人才培养的研究

14.An Analysis of the Standards of Education for Ideology and Politics Education Major;思想政治教育专业人才培养规格探析

15.Discussion on Talents Training Pattern of "Order-oriented Education" in Vocational and Technical Colleges;试论高职高专“订单教育”人才培养模式

16.Some Thoughts to the Talent Training Model of Higher Vocational and Professional Education;对高职高专教育人才培养模式的思考


18.A Comparative Study on the Contemparary Model of Cultivating Pedagogy Brains当代教育专业人才培养模式比较研究


special education专才教育

1.Many people advocate changingspecial education to general education.专才教育与通才教育是两种基本的教育模式。

2.The relationship between the versatile education and thespecial education is stated here, too.结合我国高等教育的特点 ,提出高校中通才教育的必要性、通才教育的现状、实施途径及通才教育与专才教育的关

3.The four general relations that must be faced and handled in the legal education of every country are between Academic education and vocational training, betweenspecial education and liberal education, between educational organizations and professional organizations and between academy autonomy and public governance.任何国家的法律教育都必须面对和处理四大具有普遍意义的关系:学术教育与职业教育,专才教育与通才教育,教育机构与职业机构,院校自治与公共管理。

3)specialized talent training education专门人才教育

1.The balance of citizen education andspecialized talent training education in college;我国大学公民教育与专门人才教育的平衡

4)gifted and talented education英才教育专业

1.Attaching importance togifted and talented education has much strategetic and realistic significance for a country.美国高校教育学院通过提供英才教育专业的硕士研究生培养计划,为美国中小学校输送了一大批专门从事英才教育的教师、管理者和研究者。

5)specialist social work education社会工作专才教育

6)educational technology professionals教育技术专业人才

1.As receivers and developers of visual information,educational technology professionals\" visual literacy shall be interpreted from a different perspective from others.教育技术专业人才作为视觉信息的接受者和教育资源的开发者,其视觉素养的内涵与要求不同于其他群体。


