1000字范文 > 高职旅游 Tourism specialty in higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职旅游 Tourism specialty in higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-01 09:48:54


高职旅游 Tourism specialty in higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职旅游,Tourism specialty in higher vocational education

1)Tourism specialty in higher vocational education高职旅游

1.Guided by the theory of scientific development to boost the teaching reform ofTourism specialty in higher vocational education以科学发展观为指导推进高职旅游专业教学改革


1.Tourism Education in Hunan Higher Vocational Colleges under Tourism Development Strategies;旅游支柱产业下的湖南高职旅游教育发展战略

2.The construction of the training bases for HVE tourism major plays a important role in talents development.高职旅游类专业实训基地在高职旅游人才培养中有重要作用。

3."Original Ecology" Culture and Tourism English Teaching in Higher Vocational Schools;“原生态”文化与高职旅游英语教学

4.An Analysis of Teaching Method of the Traveling Service Etiquette Class in Vocational Colleges;高职旅游服务礼仪课程教学方法探析

5.On the Development of Hunan Tourist Vocational College Education Based on Hunan Characteristics;立足湖湘特色,发展湖南高职旅游教育

6.Probe Into the Tourism Talents Training Model in Vocational Technical College in Shanxi Province;山西高职旅游专业人才培养模式探讨

7.A Probe into the Course of Internship in Tourism Enterprises;高职旅游企业顶岗实习课程教学初探

8.On Knowledge Economy and the Development of Tourism Education in Vocational Technology College in Western China;知识经济与西部高职旅游教育的发展

9.A Research into the Reform of Curriculum for the Major ofTourism Management in Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程设置改革初探

10.The Elementary Discussion on the Teaching Methods of the Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程教学方法初探

11.Discussions on Experiential Teaching Method for Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges高职旅游管理专业体验式教学法探讨

12.Reform of the teaching of tourism English majors in higher vocational colleges高职旅游英语专业实践教学改革探索

13.Meeting the Need of Modern Tourism and Developing Tourism Higher Vocational Education;适应现代旅游需要 发展旅游高职教育

14.On the Cultivation of Tourism Talents and Vocational Development of Tourism Education;旅游人才培养与高等旅游教育的职业化发展

15.On the New Mode of Education and Training in Tourism Technological Institute;旅游管理高职高专人才培养模式改革

16.On the Development of Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职高专旅游管理专业发展思路

17.On Teaching Practice for Tourism English Majors in Vocational Colleges;高职院校旅游英语专业教学实践初探

18.Bilingual Teaching of Tourism Management in Polytechnic;关于旅游高职双语教学的实践与体会


tourism in vocational college旅游高职

3)higher tourism vocational education旅游高职教育

1.The major-establishment and curriculum-setting-up reflects directly the social function ofhigher tourism vocational education,determines the current scope of learning and future career of the students.旅游高职教育的专业设置和课程建设直接反映了旅游高职教育的社会功能 ,决定了学生当前的学习范围和今后的工作领域 ,是学校教学工作主动、灵活地适应社会需求的关键环节。

2.With China s entry into WTO,thehigher tourism vocational education will also undergo a new period.随着我国加入WTO ,我国旅游高职教育也需要与时俱进 ,深化改革 ,根据其存在的问题和现状 ,应进一步明晰培养目标 ,并围绕培养目标进行相应的改革。

3.This paper expatiates on bilingual teaching and its significance,it analyzes the problems inhigher tourism vocational education in our country,and puts forward countermeasures.通过双语教学及其重要作用,分析目前我国旅游高职教育中存在的问题,重点探讨开展双语教学的对策。

4)Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education高职旅游管理

1.Constructing Performance evaluation system of Major Practice forTourism Management of Higher Vocational Education is one difficult problem of practice teaching.构建高职旅游管理专业实习绩效评价体系,是高职旅游管理专业实践教学的一个难题。

5)tourism education in vocational college高职旅游教育

1.Under the strategic backgroud and viewpoint of building up the province in tourism,Hunantourism education in vocational college should play its part,but at present it hardly adjust to the situation of making a province powerful in tourism;region characteristics is the inside and support of tourism and Hunan characteristics is its brand of tourism.湖南省委、省政府决心把旅游资源大省建设成为旅游产业大省,在此战略背景和战略视野下,湖南高职旅游教育应该有所作为,但当前的湖南高职旅游教育还难以适应这一战略要求。

6)tourism talents in vocational technical college高职旅游人才




