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写作 Writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 03:32:40


写作 Writing英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of thematic progressions in narrative texts and its application in the teaching of writing;记叙文语篇的主位推进模式分析及其在大学英语写作教学中的应用

2.UniversitiesWriting Courses and Teaching of Critical Thinking;作为培养批判思维的大学写作课


1.To work as a ghostwriter.代写作为代笔人而写

2.To write or compose with or as if with a pen.写作用或好像用笔写或撰写

3.WRITING WISDOM AND WISE WRITING--Researches on Strategies of Contemporary Practical Writing;写作智慧与智慧写作——现代应用文写作策略初探

4.Financial Applied Writing Should Follow the Way ofComprehensive and Innovative Writing;财经应用写作教学应走大写作和新写作之路

5.College English Writing Combined Traditional Chinese Writing with Process of English Writing;大学英语写作:融传统汉语写作于英语过程写作

6.On the Proposal Writing s Writing Thought Theories and Operates;试论申论写作的写作思维理论及操作

7.Writing as a Peasant--Comments on the View of Zhao Shuli s Writing;作为农民写作——试论赵树理的写作立场

8.They are going to eat hamburgers and French friesⅩ. Writing. (短文写作。)

9.They are going at 7:00 Saturday morning.Ⅸ. Writing. (短文写作。)

10.have facility in speaking [writing]有口才 [写作才能]

11."O"Neill wanted to continue but could not.“奥尼尔想继续写作,但他不能写作了。

12.The Effect of the "Recitation-imitation" Method on College English Major Learners English Writing Ability;背诵—仿写法在英语写作教学中的作用

13.An Investigation into L1 and EFL Writing Process of Higher Vocational College English Learners in China;母语写作过程同外语写作过程的比较

14.The Effects of Second Language Writing Apprehension on L2 Writing Performance;二语写作焦虑对二语写作过程的影响

15.The Teaching Strategy and Writing Skill of English Applicant Composition;英语应用文写作教学策略与写作技巧

16.Writing by Imitating Poems and Practical Teaching in Modern Writing;“仿诗写作”与现代写作实践教学探析

17.Stressing the Cultivation of the Trainees Quality in Writing Instruction;写作教学应注重写作主体素质的培养

18.Improve Writing Skills by Reading--on the promoting effect of reading to writing;以读促写——阅读对英语写作的促进作用



1.On thecomposition of the foreign literature;略说外国文学论文的写作

2.The methodological principles, of Englishcomposition are discussedbased on the text features :coherence and cohesion,The case study indicatesthat disordered utteranees can be organized into a text according to the textfeatures,and that gists of texts change with the variat ion in ways of com.根据语篇的连贯和衔接特征,讨论了英语写作的原则和方法。


1.Author must masterwrite method, and editor must improve treatment ability.阐述了高校学报论文摘要写作中存在的5种问题,作者应高度重视摘要的四要素和掌握其撰写方法,编辑要加强对摘要的加工能力,以提高论文摘要的信息功能。

2.Writing views are systematic thoughtful ideas about writing process based on awriter s practical social life.写作观是作者在社会实践生活的基础上对写作过程的系统的理性认识。


1.Featurea new type ofwritting,has appeared in daily newspapers since 1990s.文章对特稿的发展历程及存在问题作一些探讨,对提高特稿写作水平提出建议。

5)English writing写作

1.This paper adopts quantitative research to investigate the relationship between the English major achievement at Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics and their study strategies,aimed at exploring the application and characteristics of learning strategies inEnglish writing of English majors.本文运用定量分析的研究方法对新疆财经大学英语专业的大学生比较熟悉的几种写作学习策略进行了问卷调查与分析,旨在发现英语专业的大学生在写作中学习策略的使用情况和特点。

2.English writing can effectively facilitate the internalization of learners knowledge and master the sentence structures and the usage of the English language.英语写作能有效地促进英语知识的内化,有助于学习者检验英语的句法结构和词语的使用,从而有效地 促进二语习得。

3.Not only canEnglish writing reflect students capability of using words,phrases,sentence structures and grammar ther have karned,but also it can show the teaching effect to some extent.英语写作能综合反映学生对学过的词、词组、句型及语法的应用能力 ,也能在一定程度上体现外语教学过程中的教学效果 ,达到综合检测英语教与学两个方面的目的。



写作1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。
